>brb smoke break
>last online: 465 days ago
Brb smoke break
Other urls found in this thread:
Shit man, that's crazy! I've never heard of anything like that happening!
What a cool and unique idea for a thread!
>doorbell rings
>last online: 280 days ago
Everything you have ever seen has been made into a thread before. Prove me wrong.
what about me loving Reisen
>I wish I had never met you. Please just leave me alone.
>Last online: 842 days
>play GTA Online
>in free roam
>some nigger on a microphone is talking usual gangsta shit
>baby crying in the background
>he screams "SHUT THE FUCK UP" from time to time
>says "FUCK IT, THAT'S IT"
>hear a loud thud
>baby stops crying immediately
>nigger comes back and continues talking shit about everyone in the lobby
Give me a steam bf
>I heard loud banging sounds and angry yelling from my front door, oh by the way did I mentioned I'm 200k in debt for mafia, I live next to mental asylum and my house was build on indian burial ground and I live country under the iron fist of a brutal dictator who censors and monitors internet and makes people disappear, fuck that guy
>last online 12 minutes ago
ok post your profile
>Brb my Soylent arrived
>Stays online
>brb communist militia has entered my farm
>last online 40 years ago
Take charge.
>Have a few close friends that I've known for around 9 years
>Been interacting with them less and less over the past 2 years
>In a few years they'll all have a career and a family
>I'll still be a NEET and we'll fully drift apart
Fucking hell
No i don't want faggots to add me.
Sounds like he, smoked himself eh, OP?
>friends list still empty
>signed up 1932 days ago
>"hey i am back from my vacation, we can play [rising storm] now"
>miss the message, answer a few hours late, he is offline
>"yeah man lets play tomorrow"
>doesnt come online for a few days
>found out he hung himself
You have my dad on Steam?
>"ok guys, it was fun playing with ya, but I gotta run, Eagles of Death Metal are playing in my city and I don't wanna be late"
>he never logged in on Steam again
brb smoke break v
Moshpits are dangerous I guess?
I haven't been online on my steam profile in 2 years ama
for real ?
Ooooh... I didn't know who played that concert.
Appropriate music for a massacre.
>brb knock at the door
>Last Online: 1595 days ago
>sorry bro it was just the pizza guy, did you still want to play that game?
Same. What are we going to do?
>hey i gotta do some laundry
>Last Online:861 days ago
It's a big laundry load, user.
We search for a reason to live
literally me
now i am afraid to come back
I have no friends and haven't talked to anyone other than close family since
didn't even leave the house besides going to uncle's house on Christmas
what do?
this has happened over a year ago. pls help
>im sorry. im ending it all tonight
>online next day
i used to be like that but then i joined the usmc now im just gay
I love Reisen!
>it's not him the next day
Goddammit Carlos
i've been thinking about joining the army for years now
but i don't know if they'll let me due to my autismos and bad knees
maybe they'll make a man out of me
U... S... M... C?
>see friend from an old MMO playing a game I want to start playing
>msg him
>he says "yeah man, let's play together"
>I get nervous because I was really bad when I tried it
>say "cool I'll be on tomorrow" and back out
>haven't logged onto steam in a year
>this is user's mom. My son was always talking about you, so I felt you deserved to know. user killed himself last night
>tfw thats his mom and she says that he s gone somewhere.
>Well, at least he had the balls to do what I can't.
>son was always talking about his steam boyfriend
That's gay dude
>It's alright bro, I'm only getting married.
>Beers next week okay?
>That time where an user made a thread asking about if there were any games about cute witches then went afk to answer the door but was never heard of again and later on another user posted a news article of a person that got murdered in their own yard after answering the door.
MOS you crayon eating user
Literally the easiest thing ever
get a job and take control of your own lives you losers. have some discipline, grow a backbone and sort yourselves the fuck out
If it was so easy Sup Forums would be a dead board
Don't mainly because knees. It'll make it so much worse due to hiking, even depending on your MOS. Then again
>bitch army
So you might be good to go. Not recommended though. Try reserves user and get your education.
CIgarettes kill
>play halo 3 all the time
>goes offline
>last online 278 days ago
>comes back online
>msg: where you been at bro!?
>msg returned: this his friend, his mom gave me his xbox
t. wagecuck
>*user is typing a message
>673 days later
>"sorry about that had some family issues still want to play some TF2?"
despite the name, Eagles of Death Metal are not a death metal band. Check em out if you like rock thats fucking sexy
>death metal band
they are now
>Steam friend from sweden who I play and chat with every day
>Not doing well in college
>Tells me he's suicidal
>Last online 203 days ago
>had one friend from connecticut who I always played halo 3 with
>eventually i moved on from consoles to PC along with with a few other friends
>haven't talked or played with him since 2012
I miss you trojanbeast, also i know you browsed Sup Forums you jew.
He deserved to die anyway.
nevar 4get
>online female friend I haven't talked to in months messages me out of the blue
>"Hey this is *friend*'s mom she committed suicide a couple of days ago. We're having a funeral next week can you make it out here?"
>say that sucks but I can't make it out there on such short notice
>"Just as I thought, you don't even care about me anymore"
>immediately blocks me
Not sure what the play was here. Did she expect me to fly out there and be ok with the fact she lied to me?
>look at clan roster from the good ol days
>last online: 412 days ago
>last online: 349 days ago
>last online: 378 days ago
>last online: 195 days ago
>last online: 255 days ago
>last online: 19 hours ago
>user: online now
so what a routine is good, means im more productive and thats how ive met the people im friends with and have money to buy nice things
also without the feeling on my shoulders of being a parasite leach neet
>friend tried to kill himself after highschool because of parents divorcing and gf of 2 years cheating on him with someone else he knew
>smokes all the time now despite doing ok for himself now
I don't have the heart to tell him to stop because I'm just thankful he's here still
>hears gunshots
>goes outside to investigate
Why didn't he just call the cops and stay locked inside?
gayest blogpost so far
Sounds like fucking castrato shit m8.
>relates to op post
>whole thread has nothing to do with vidya
You're so fucking SEETHING right now it's hilarious
>played Destiny with a tight knit group of absolute lads
>we all quit in the 2500-3000 hour mark
>one guy kept going with 5000+ hours and is playing Destiny 2 as I make this reply
>nignog talking shit in freeroam
>literally every other player forms a truce to kick his shit in until he leaves
>"aye fuck yall niggas, yall trash anyway"
gayest blogpost so far
he ded
I wish I had even a fifth of that kind of fortitude, I'm so much more interested in just trying different vidya these days. i know i can't play everything and don't expect to, but, I honestly haven't just dumped hours like that into a game in a LONG time, especially multiplayer, I rarely play any multiplayer stuff anymore
I played ASSFAGGOTS with friends but literally only with them for the socializing
>Make an online friend from Sup Forums
>We get along great, talk about our issues
>One day he reveals that he is gay and wants to date me
>Instablock and mute
>This has happened countless times
WHY? Why it's it so hard to make friends online?
>same thing happens but nignog is mantling a deity and slips our spines through our butts while making fun of us
stop fucking posting this, no one cares, here's your (you)
I never got these threads. They went for a smoke, got lung cancer and died, wtf did you expect?
gayest blogpost so far
Not even a blog lad
This is like those posts that call namefags tripfags and lose their minds over it.
I played Little Big Planet and autistically RP'd with a guy for a while
Some time passed and he stopped coming online
Then he started coming online again and he just plays SMITE
I just can't bring myself to message him, and he hasn't tried other than asking me for a SMITE key
I'm not American. We don't have a separet branch of naval fusiliers here, they're part of the Navy branch.
I want to join either the Air-force or the Special Forces (the only ones that get some action in my country)
In the Air-force i want to study Aeronautical engineering and become a pilot, but you have to be very smart for that.
Even thought, I, by tests havea very high IQ, always appeared dumb and incapable next to others in school.
About my knees i have the genu-valgum condition, it's not extreme like the ones in google and i think if i lost weight it will get better
but i don't know how much this will affect me in physical exercises, training and soldier life.
Because he was a redblooded American patriot hero and not some pansy like yourself
user, if you can get some part of you better with a bit of effort, you should at least try.
I hope you achieve your dreams.
>by tests havea very high IQ, always appeared dumb and incapable next to others in school.
Doesn't matter, either autistic or simply fucked by your parents and surrounding
>I want to join either the Air-force or the Special Forces
>the only ones that get some action in my country
Really, don't.
>play vidya in friend group circa 2011
>stop playing for maybe a year because life got busy but still friends with group
>come back a year or so later
>some new annoying gay guy is there
>go to dinner with friends and he's there too
>get back home and play vidya online and he's constantly making failed attempts to flirt with me or pay me compliments until I tell him to stop
>eventually starts a bunch of drama and leaves
>comes back despite literally no one here liking him anymore even though he says hes turned a new leaf
>mostly just quiet and plays vidya sometimes when we are playing
He said some pretty fucked up shit to people I'm close to in the group when I wasn't around, I've honestly just been waiting for a point to go off on him but he hasn't delivered thus far
This always fucking happens
Some autist keeps pulling shit but when I finally grow the balls to kick him out he suddenly becomes a saint
FUCK this shit
because retarded americans think guns don't kill people
gayest blogpost ever
Literally everything this kid said is wrong and he should feel bad.
Thank you. I will try to do my best
Well if it's not that I have no fucking idea on what to do
This post was a quote to this post
>I...Im just waiting for him to go o...Off
Pathetic blogpost
Its not a matter of growing balls so much as the shit he did all happened when I just happened not to be there and I KNOW he's the type of person that would do everything in his power to twist me lashing out at him first against me, even if it was in reason, just because he's a shitty person. his time will come if it's meant to. I partially think h'es afraid of me or has some weird "thing" for me still so he almost avoids all contact with me like that, don't really care personally, as long as he keeps quiet
Here's your (You) autismo