Welcome to Sup Forums - Video Games.
How pretentious contrarian hipster faggot are ya?
Welcome to Sup Forums - Video Games.
How pretentious contrarian hipster faggot are ya?
I actually play videogames AND like them
Everyone that likes games I don't like are effeminate soibois whilst I am Chad Thundercock who regularly puts my penis in actual vaginas
Sorry, I think you'd be more comfortable over at this board
I will never play dark souls, overwatch, or pubg simply because of how popular they are
Final Fantasy 8 is objectively the best Final Fantasy game.
i unironically enjoy playing sonic 2006
Dark Souls 2 is the best Souls game. Pepe belongs more to this board than anime or video games.
this but even more unironically
I am the dark souls of hipsters.
Valve and Blizzard have never made a good game.
Quake 3/Quake Live was always an over hyped 7/10 shooter with terrible maps, bad spawns, underpowered weapons, a mediocre soundtrack save for 1 or 2 songs, a joke of an expansion, lacking games modes, and retarded speed mechanics
I only play Nintendo games, I LOOOOOOOVE mario, and I think anyone who enjoys story in games needs to go read a book instead (I swear I read books, guys, look how smart I am! hahaha)
Sunshine is my favorite Mario game. Overwatch and PUBG are shallow pieces of garbage. Overwatch tried to be the next TF2 and failed miserably, and PUBG is only alive until someone makes a better game and PLAYERUNKNOWN knows it. Labyrinth Zone is my favorite classic Sonic zone, Oil Ocean is a good zone. MOBAs are the worst games in existence. Undertale is a good game. Old School Runescape and ESO are the best MMOs on the market right now. I like Duke Nukem 3D more than Doom.
That's all I can think of right now.
I laughed. Fuck you
If someone recommends a game unsolicited, I'll go out of my way to avoid it
I use a Game.com to browse the Internet and it’s my preferred platform for Resident Evil 2 since it’s portable.
Zelda was definitely GOTYAY the media is 100%, totally spot on and correct, everyone knows normies love video games and they don't just hype up crappy nintendo shit!
>The only good game in the entirety of the 2D Mario series is Super Mario Bros 2 (USA).
>3D Mario is mediocre at best, but the best of those titles is 3D Land.
>Ocarina of Time aged like spoiled milk, and despite touts of innovation during its release, Link's Crossbow Training actually did more to push the series forward as a whole.
>Sonic is underrated, and is superior to many platformers, including Mario.
>Sonic in 2D peaked with Sonic Rush.
>The Advneture games still hold up well, but are outclassed by Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 and shadow the Hedgehog, which are the best in the 3D lineup, followed closely by Sonic Unleashed (The Werehog stages were the best).
>Final Fantasy has gotten less innovative with time, and the only good games in the series are the spin-offs.
>Megaman 6 and 9 are the only games that are actually enjoyable, and even then the best Mega Man games are actually the spin-off games, specifically Battle Network Red sun and Blue Moon.
>Tetris and Pac-Man both originally sucked, but Puyo X Tetris and the newest 2D Pacman are sleeper hits (Pac Man will NEVER work in 3D).
>Star Fox got worse with every iteration up until Zero, which is actually the best of the series.
>The Virtual Boy is the best console, followed only by the Sega Saturn and the Wii U.
>Portables do not belong in gaming. Period.
>PC Gaming is the best way to experience games, yet has the worst optimization and community in all of gaming.
>Dark Souls was never that hard, and is just the poor-mans, half-baked, watered down, more formulaic Monster Hunter.
>Stories is the only Monster Hunter game that still holds up.
>Bayonetta sucks and is outshined by ANY DMC title.
>Wonderful 101 is the only modern game deserving of a Sequel.
>Persona peaked at 2 and has only plagued the community since, despite great sales numbers.
>Jet Set Radio is a poor-man's Pro-Skater.
>TWEWY mobile port is superior in every way to the DS one.
>Pixel art never looked good, stop using it.
>Sup Forums is Reditt
Half Life 2 and Secret of Mana are both shit.
>The Virtual Boy is the best console, followed only by the Sega Saturn and the Wii U.
There is a difference between being pretentious contrarian faggot and being objectively wrong
The only video game I've ever played was PONG, everything after that was fucking garbage. I still come to Sup Forums everyday to shit on any and all video games for not being as good as pong, even if I have never played them.
Good tastes, user. You're not a faggot. Sorry to disappoint you
I post on Sup Forums... without any shitposting.
He said subjectively. ;^)
Pokemon GSC is basically the Devil May Cry 2 of the series, but since GSC is caked in nostalgia, its beloved and overrated instead of seen for what it actually is.
I own a Jaguar and Club Drive is one of my favorite games ever.
I genuinely bought BoTW day one for switch and after several hours discovered that I don't like it.
Same here bro.
Im not, im a patrician taste lad.
Catz is the best game of all time and you cannot prove me wrong.
It has
>tens of cat breeds
>colectables for days
>tons of accesories
>constant incentive to explore
>fishing minigames that are ballin
>comfiest ost possible
>is cute as fuck
But can you do this?
>dark souls
>anywhere near as popular as those other 2
Better, you can BE the cat, even have a loving father and supporting mother unlike most of this place and you can even become pals with a edgelord wolf that turns out to be a cool dude.
Even get fish for a aquarium and dress up as a stylish as fuck taby, though siamese looks better.
So you can't do that? not good enough for me lad.
I like all the Dark souls game except for 2
EVE online is complete garbage yet I have devoted 6 years of my life to playing it.
I think all the souls games have trash PvP.
I am a Nintendofan
You can do that in catz 2 user, its available for pc so you can probably torent it.
Well that's ok then.
I got killed in Call of Duty and I only cried for 20 minutes!
Sup Forums is a hardcore pro-Nintendo board. That's not really contrarian, now is it, Sweetie?
well, the other half of the board is hardcore pro-sony
which kinda neutralize everything then
You mean hardcore pro-PC
I didn't liked Mirai Nikki before it was ported to Steam
Souls combat is horrible
It should be punishable by death to update a game to change content rather than fix bugs