How do we get Marxist shit out of our games?
How do we get Marxist shit out of our games?
how do we get literally who twitter posts out of our Sup Forums?
what is marxism
Japanese and Eastern European games only. Haven't bought westernshit since 2013.
why would you want that?
We need the bible
the only real way to get rid of marxists is to physically remove them
it's unlikely that Sup Forums or any other gaming community would actually go ahead and start removing these political zealots from infesting the industry but it's the only effective way
report all threads
for some reason le industry faggots try to use v as their social justice soap box because they know if they ever try to speak out loud publicly and in person they will be black listed or disappeared
How exactly does Marxism encourage and incentivize an industry where innovation is key?
Back in 2012 and 2013 anons would tell angry feminists that in order to fight mysoginy in vidya they would need to make their own games.
Now newfags like OP need to come in and act the same way as the feminists. It just never ends.
it is the ideology of evil, it creates starvation and genocide
kill leftists wherever you find them
This, don't buy them, lightly bust your friends balls when they talk about them without going even half Sup Forums.
Flamethrowers. That's all you need.
That is pretty much any ideology that humans create to be quite honest with you F A M.
>conflating Marxism with Marxist-Leninism
Marxism is such a right wing nutty conspiracy, almost nothing about it is real.
Lets start with sending you back to Sup Forums
graphic design is a joke
no wonder teenagers following youtube videos do designs for like 5 bucks while the designers with a degree flip burgers at mcdonalds
but they're not making their own games
they're taking over game developer conferences and doing speaking panels about game devs should be ashamed to have white men as protagonists and all female representation in video games is sexism and misogyny
it's stil the same subversion and infilatration tactics just on a larger scale than 5 years ago
Politics is a disease that constantly mutates and adapts, but it's a disease regardless.
by nuking urbanites
It creates super powers and world war victories :))))))))))
>just downloaded a game made by some guy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
>Sup Forums hasn't made vidya since katawa shoujo and the Donner Doom wad.
Pretty sad a literal African in the jungle can make vidya and Sup Forums can't
no it isn't
Jesus said that a rich man has like 0 chance to get into heaven tho
And you back to neofaggot or leftypol.
>nuking every important city in the US
no, not at all. it's just that the not evil, shitty methods of organization are easily ruined by the people who would otherwise organize in an evil fashion
welfare is shit because it's taken advantage of. healthcare is shit because people get fat and diabetic and let the state take care of them. they're good ideas in concept but they're ruined by people looking to
why are they important?
the US would be better off for it
If that's happening then it's a result of conference heads and higher ups at big companies allowing it. And if we follow the big chain of logic most of whom who are pushing for marxist ideologies are huge companies, AKA actual capitalists.
Don't buy their games, make your own if it triggers you so much.
Politics have been in vidya for the longest time now, it's just that now companies are putting more emphasis on politics rather than games themselves, for whatever reason.
And he flipped over a bunch of bankers' shit and kicked them out of the temple.
Stay mad, faggot
Just wait until commi west fall. Not to much time left.
>Don't buy their games,
that's what I've been doing for 10 years
mainly because their games are shit
secondly because I don't like the people who made them
thirdly and least importantly the underlying political agendas associated with the games
That image isn't all that controversial, desu
>Marxism takes a deterministic approach to history
>Before Socialism there must be Capitalism
What he means is that if you're designing a history-based game it's useful in the sense of perceiving history and wide societal changes as a linear progression of events where one society will eventually change into another. Like how a primitive, hunter gatherer society will eventually evolve into a slave-based one. Marx was most famous for framing the development of societies as this based off of Hegel's writings
Then again there's no source or context for this convenient screencap so who knows.
>upset he was called out
Leftypol's owner.
By physically removing leftists from your country.
But instead you're just sitting on your fat lazy ass doing nothing productive.
no he said the meek will inherit the earth
as in they will be left behind while the rich go to heaven during the rapture
Not that user, but do you niggers ever stop to think for a second?
I read SMBC too
Do not buy their games.
Or rather, since that won't work,
Kill all the normies.
>Thanks for reporting me. I am actually founder of the studio, so I'm not sure it will help.
Makes me smile every time.
>why are the major population centers with most of the work force, money, capital, technological and manufacturing capabilities important?
I wonder
I guess that's why Idaho is an economic and cultural powerhouse. Oh wait, no, fucking Disney makes more in a year than the entire state.
For every the_dipshit there are 100,000 anti-trump leftist redditors that flood this board. It isn't a balance at all.
You're pathetic desu
Do you ever wonder if food is important?
>The ship is sinking
>Damn! Our ship is sinking because these people keep saying our ship is sinking. We need to throw them out!
kill yourself, grandma
>dude (((disney))) makes way more cash bro lol
we can live without disney
we can live without (((banksters)))
we can live without LGBTQIAAOPLMNBBQ+ rights
we cant live without food or natural resource, which is what the Trump voting areas have
nuking urban zones will be a net benefit to the USA and the entire road. vote for me.
You're a filthy fucking leftist scum. This board was shitting on SJWs in games back in 2011. Fuck off back to /r/gaming.
but he's right
And that's all that matters.
On top of all that, I just also hope that the market will crash soon enough.
Where do you get this statistic from? Because not everyone is taking partisan stances on burger politics? And some anons just want to discuss vidya without constantly bringing up burger problems like how maybe this user did?
Czechs and Poles are central Europe
Oh look, it's a screencap of a single slide without context reposted by a scared little boy who doesn't know anything about Marxism except it sounds dangerous. Clearly a massive existential threat worth caring about.
Um, sweetie, most farms are in California and New York, and the ones that rent aren't are usually run by people who live in either state.
You first cunt.
Lol no, nuking all of those places would be disastrous for the US. It would fuck over the economy, leave millions of people without jobs, and cut the US from numerous other resources, from technology to agriculture. If you unironically think this you are mentally retarded.
>t.Czech or Pole
>bringing geography into this
They were Warsaw Pact so they're just as bad as the "real" Eastern Europe and always will be
>Bushel of corn
>One share of Disney stock
Really makes you think
no, all of those urbanite "people" would be ash. rural True Americans would proceed to rebuild over the ash what America should really be.
The fact that there are far more leftist redditors than right wingers fron t_d. The fact that people from /r/Sup Forums are very leftist and flood this site more than any t_d retard.
>You're a filthy fucking leftist scum
it sure didn't take long for your drumpletts to go full retard defensive mode, it's only been a year and you've give so many reasons to hate you mongoloids
[citation needed]
Meanwhile, the biggest fucking surge of users conveniently came around #gamerate up to the 2016 election.
Yeah, nah. You're not getting hired as a white male in any cushy field that already has white males on the team.
You could always go full soy, but no thanks.
And back in 2006 this board didn't give a shit.
by fucking off back to
because SJWs hadnt come in and tried to destroy everything Sup Forums loves, you retarded mongoloid kike
>absolutely zero arguments
Again, shitting on leftists who bring their dumbshit ideology inti their games happened on here before Sup Forums was created. Fuck off back to leftypol or neofaggot you cretin.
I'd like see this Sup Forums where left-wingers outnumber right-wingers. Where is it?
If only those wealthy coastal cities could exchange the goods and services they produce for food and resources. If only.
Or you could stop calling oldfags Sup Forums and go back to neogaf.
It's like the anonymous names are a blessing and curse at the same time. Sure, It allows free speech and is the alternative to upvotes and shit. But now SJWs and Viral Marketers can spam their shit here.
>unorinically fighting le culture war on 4chin
You really are pathetic
Why not go outside and try to make a change?
>The fact
Do you have a single fact to back that up? I'd like to see it.
That seems like a problem with your burger companies (which are capitalist by the way) which happen to choose who they want to hire or not.
No, you were just still in diapers so you didn't know or care about what was going on in the world around you.
>The other 99% of Reddit is rapid libs
Nice try, but nah. Even the title of that post is a dead giveaway falseflag.
You're not an oldfag, lmao. The majority of you retards were exposed to this site from 4+Sup Forums's reddit colony r/Kotaku_in_Action or from Sup Forums's reddit colony r/the_d.
coastal cities dont produce anything, faggot
nice projection soyboy
This is why democracy it's a disease
It lets ignorants like these believe their opinion matter
Go back to the farm Cletus, check if the swines are ok
They tried and the leftists kicked their asses. The whole alt-right went back into their basements after Charlottesville.
This board where people get upset when you shit on SJWs and leftists in the industry when it was perfectly acceptable to do so four years ago.
>low IQ fluoridated urbanite dreck tries to mumble a refutation at 180+ IQ "Cletus"
you know the literal smartest man in the world dislikes urban zones, right?
Stop projecting, you revisionist newfaggot. You aren't even aware of the fappening, apparently. Most of that rise was backlash from butthurt neolibs come to "fix the toxic board culture." I watched it happen. Been here 12 years.
Just cut the bullshit and go back.
Marxism is the belief that all prejudices are based on class, even racism and sexism, so the only way for equality to occur is for everyone to become a communist so everyone is equally poor and miserable.
Except basic human biology will still create class systems in such a state, mostly the physically stronger will steal, kill, and rape from the weaker.
>actually listening to a fat trusty kike like marx who never worked a day in his life and leeched off his rich friends and family
And ten years ago there were no politics here at all.
No, it's an authoritarian racist quota called affirmative action that shits on meritocracy, you hopeless tard.
Nice false flag retard
I guess all those Boeing airliners popping out of the factory are imaginary
Yes, because rural America it's well known for being ambitious enough to build themselves out of their shit stain
>we don't education! Bring back our choal mines trump!
>Most of that rise was backlash from butthurt neolibs come to "fix the toxic board culture"
You have no clue what a neoliberal even is, you blubbering retard. The influx of redditors came because of your shitty reddit colonies, r/Kotaku_In_Action and r/the_D.
>1st world america vs 3rd world america.png