ITT: Autistic things you do while playing games.
ITT: Autistic things you do while playing games
Play the game.
pay attention to lore
I put on normal clothes/remove helmet when I'm entering a town
Talk while playing as if I’m streaming or playing with a friend
I get salty.
I try not too but when the loss is too embarrassing it is impossible to avoid.
Roll my mouse or press random buttons when nothing happens. Sometimes by pretending something is happening and that the useless thing I'm doing is actually part of the game.
I do that too.
Sometimes, before I stop playing Bloodborne, I'll warp back to the Hunter's Dream and use the wave gesture to wave goodbye to the doll.
I pay attention to scenes and dialogue I could screencap so I can use them as memes later, mostly on Sup Forums. It's become such a problem I've refused playing classics because games like Fallout 1/2 don't support the Steam overlay and it's impossible to share images with Steam friends
Ooh! I have a good one.
I have a hard drive filled with game reviews and content from YouTube, old game commercials, and other game related shit that I watch on shuffle while I play vidya. I got some Game Grumps on right now. It's a JonTron episode.
Whenever I die, I crash my fists together and shoot energy beams out of them like Obelisk the Tormentor, then I pretend I’m hit by the beams and am obliterated with flames coming out of my eyes, General Grievous style.
I play as a female so I can stare at her ass all day and then maybe jerk off to it at night while I'm in bed.
I'm lonely.
Glad I'm not alone
i like to roleplay and sometimes make stories in my mind about what happened in certain place and take it as canon (to expand the lore of the game), i used to do this a lot in bioshock and the elder scrolls games
This is just normal Sup Forums
>tfw have some retard level ocd where I must touch all corners of rooms
>it isn't even consistent. I just randomly think oh fuck I have to touch all corners of the room or something bad will happen
>sometimes I have to run down entire hallways like 7 times or around giant rooms just to touch everything
>literally running down empty alleyways to touch the walls
>have to run over certain things like save spots in a way that pleases my inner autismo
>want to stream gameplay but this mega tard behavior being broadcast live doesn't seem like a good idea
>Save game?
>Game saved!
>Feel anxious about the possibility that the game didn't save properly
>Save game?
>Game saved!
I roleplay in RPGs.
If playing some form of open world game, then;
>Make sure my character is somewhere safe and cozy before exiting the game
>Make sure to let them get sleep even if sleep is an unnecessary mechanic
>Same goes for eating
>Run through my characters thought process as I go from one place to another
Whenever I play an different elder scrolls game, I make my characters all blood related and have the share the same family name.
I skip all the cutscenes.
Oh wait, that's the opposite of autism. Never mind.
I talk to all NPCs, sometimes multiple times, to extract all the possible dialogue. Same thing with quests, I pick the options that have the most exposition and reload the save if I miss any.
whenever I do something that really excites me I get up and prance/skip around the house until I calm down
>create a second save slot just in case
I'd watch it for a laugh.
Your wife made a great cameo in the Ghostbusters film.
Every time.
Fucking this.
>playing space game
>fly out in to void of space
>freak out internally that I am going in to infinite nothing
When I play oblivion/fallout 3/new vegas I try to get fitting scenery for when the camera zooms in for a conversation, like if I'm at a blacksmiths I try to get his tools in the background
If I get too into a game I start mouthbreathing super hard and only become aware of it when my mouth is dry
are you all me
I think he's actually remarried already.
>shoot 1 bullet
I don't care about a game's story so I make up my own after beating the game. So it's a different story just with all the same events and momments. So I guess in that sense, it's like power rangers
I know that from personal experiences, it's called Asperger, user. ;_;
I do this but with water. Open water scares the shit out of me for no reason. At least Xenoblade X has some occasional fuck faces in the middle of nowhere to make my fear feel justified.
Always walk in open world games, and try to drive at the same speed as npcs
I like Sonic the Hedgehog games.
Even the 3D ones.
Do I win the thread?
I have a pull up bar in my bathroom door frame just for this, I get hyped and start doing them
I am actually up to 10 when I could barely do 1 when I started
>bullet counter after reloading is an odd number
>shoot until the number ends in a 0 before reloading again
>do this every time i get into a gunfight and spend the majority of my ammunition making the counter even instead of killing enemies
Related to that image, I'll crouch or setscale in games that let me do so and I'll follow NPCs around so I'm eye level with their asses.
I've got a similar problem. I feel you man.
Huh, pretty neat. I have a YouTube playlist of background noise tier enjoyable videos I have on in the background (obviously) for while I play, it's comfy as fuck.
Halo Wedding.
I always do regular saves/loads, never quicksave/quickload
I do shit like this in real life too. I'm just really good at hiding it and appear to be a normally functioning adult. Sometimes this shit really hinders me though. At work I'll be walking somewhere and have to double back because I didn't step on something the right way.
I jump/roll while going from one point to another in pretty much every game.
Finish them
Any recommendations? All I watch on youtube is pseudo intellectual shit these days
I have a list of every game I've played, and as soon as I finish one I rank it against the others
When I'm playing Red Orchestra 2, I usually shoot down both friendly and enemy recon planes. Valuable practice, now I've shot down dozens of planes from both sides.
Find shelter in a cave/under a cliff/in an inn whenever there's an in-game rain storm.
press play, PLAAAAAY
Comfy as fuck
Wow. That's autistic.
I sometimes move the camera slowly like those e3 demos
It's all mostly video game related videos, some of it you may think is pleb tier like Dunkey's first 15 Mario 64 videos before he got popular, but fuck me if they're not comfy to me personally , and other random shit like Scottish Cod Players which is still amusing to me somehow.
>replaying a souls game, or some other game with scattered pickups
>make an effort to get every single pickup even though I know I don't need them
I literally can't help myself
I invent my own stories and make them up as I progress
Sounds nice. I can't think of games where it rains a lot though
If I can I roll and jump everywhere instead of walking. I do this in real life too.
I logged 500 hours in FNV and never modded it once. I played about the same amount of time on Skyrim, also never modded that game either.
whenever I get to a new town in a RPG I wrap my blanket around me and listen to the music for a while and pretend I'm one of the NPCs just sitting around
>RPG where all characters vain XP even if they weren't used unless they died
>One party member dies
>Spend all my time autistically getting them as close to the exact XP as everyone else
>Once I get it close enough someone else inevitably dies
I hold my breath while my character is underwater
In some games, it's necessary since your character moves too slowly like Ocarina of Time.
Whenever I play Splatoon I'll stop painting a pathway just to blot a few parts where there's just a small difference in color
>Play RPG
>Go to shop
>Stock up on potions, but always buy quantities divisible by 10
>Buy equal quantities of every status curing consumable item "just in case"
>Feel like shit when I run out of money and I don't have the right amounts on all items
>Feel even worse when I can buy the armor and weapons I need because the game won't let me leave town and grind for money until the story continues
I'm not gonna tell you because last time when I did nobody replied and I spent like 6 minutes typing it out.
Fuck you
I get afraid to play games that have management mechanics because i'm scared I'll make one mistake that will haunt me later on
I can't help but brainstorm ways I'd improve the game by fixing design flaws or implementing new systems, and this sometimes leads to me typing up premises for entire games in notepad or something.
It kind of sucks because designing games is actually way more fun than playing them.
I sometimes make the camera constantly move around the character during a fight because I think it looks cooler that way.
When playing Super Mario Bros., I time my jumps so that I never step on the cracks/spaces between each brick.
oh shit! Me too!
I hoard items/weapons I'll probably never use "just in case I need them" to the point where I'll max out my inventory constantly because I'm carrying so much shit I don't need. I rarely use relatively common items as well because I'm afraid to run out when I really need them, which will probably be never because I don't ever use them
I do this in elder scrolls but my charachter now lives in universes amongst all games.
Even sports games.
When I play Project Highrise I imagine I'm really the landlord for this skyscraper and go through autismal fake conversations in my head with residents. For example, last game I evicted like 5 apartments to make room for offices and they were all mad at me for ruining their lives, putting them out on the streets etc. My landlord character had to make a strong drink after the day ended. I didn't want it to be like this. I just wanted to make a skyscraper.
>Buy a shit ton of basic potions at the beginning of the game
>Too afraid to use them
>Now they heal me about 10% of my health
That's the reason I didnt get to play Papers Please. I feel like, one mistake with the passports, and the fuck up is going to haunt me for the rest of the game.
I know someone exactly like you. We played Original Sin 2 and he did the same thing. I'd be talking to npcs while he'd collect every item from every box in the area
What's your most current game idea user? Mine was a third person robot action game where you fight for the glory of an anti-human robot faction who makes you their spearhead against the earth, and you can customize your robot based on which robot mentor you get close to. You can pick between a guy who fights similarly to the protag of Wonderful 101 (where he summons a bunch of guys to act as one guy), you can choose a guy with ranged weapons, you can choose a guy who uses flamethrower, etc. They all offer advantages to being tutored by them. It's maximum autism, I know, but it's something I always enjoy thinking about.
Talk as if im streaming, go on rants about things that happen in games, talking to myself
If the games soundtrack sucks I play a soundtrack from another game over it that feels better
Play as if im doing an e3 demonstration, slow pans with camera, moving slowly, using as many mechanics of the game I can in a small timeframe, that sorta thing
If the game has character customization but also has a 'canon' appearance on the box or promotional art then I feel I must play that way
Make up my own stories in games once ive finished a game and I can do missions out of sequence
Im fucking weird now that I see what I typed
I do this except literally for ever game I play, I just treat different games as different timelines
Sometimes, in shooters without recoil, I jerk the mouse up when I fire to simulate recoil
Equivalent to holding a toy gun in your hand and jerking your hand back while pretending to fire
I often don't realize I'm doing it...
Neglect all my responsobilities.
In oblivion i treated any item from a quest as a token, and keep it in the shack on the shore.
Mostly keys, and rings
Yeah, I know that feel, like the more effort you use the less likely to get you’s, it feels wrong but it is what it is.
FFT-style turn-based strategy game. I like getting into the details designing classes and stats and stuff.
Final Fantasy IX catered to this autism in a fantastic way, there's a shitton of items and because old items can be used to craft new, better ones and there's a point in the game, in some dungeon, where the stats of your weapons reverse, and the first weapons are the strongest weapons while you're inside that dungeon.
I crouch down to see characters panties
Never use the fucking currency because I always think that temptative weapon/armor/consumable in the store will be common loot later in the game
>Character gets to low health
>Say in real life something to the effect of "I'm not done yet" or "time to get serious"
>Start panting exhausted in real life until the character is healed
Fucking Mega Man X4, you did this to me...
>Not getting immersed in the game.
You're the reason why The Order: 1886 bombed.
Depending on the game I like to replay the initial levels a lot until I get the basic controllers/mechanics down until the point I feel really comfortable with them.
Or if its a RPG kind of game I like to test every single class first, deleting the save files and trying again until I feel comfortable with progressing.
Maybe a lot of people do this, but that's all I could think of.