How important for the P5 lore will Purse Owner Dancin' be?

I was really pissed off when I realized the P3/4 OST DLC only worked in the dungeons

solid 7/10 unless akechi is added, then 10/10

0 lore.

I'm more excited for Rivers. But not for the game, not a fan of rhythm games.

aren't P5D and P3D confirmed to have no story mode?
that'd be for the best anyway

It will have story just not canon.

The twins better fuse into Lavenza or I'm gonna be upset.

>twins dance together
>"you rapping COOL"
>they fuse and the song goes into overdrive


/ourguy/ Mishima better be in this.


>social links being relevant beyond the game they're in

his lineup is better

It better have battle for everyone's souls

persona spinoffs are ALWAYS canon

why is there another difficulty?

they learnt their lesson apparently
too bad the main team can't come up with good stories either

I think you have to unlock the "all night" difficulty? I don't remember how it was in P4 Dancing.

because persona 5 is for casuals

There's exactly as many as there were in P4D, but you had to unlock All Night difficulty whereas in P4D only the first three were available at the start.

Is this just a demo? Where are we getting these screens? have these been ripped yet?
Where the fuck is Banvox

it does

famitsu screens
already in P4DAN

Okay cool, you can bring back people for another game. Where's banvox.

someone post the full lineups of both

>P4 DAN gets a port but P4G doesn't

this is more important


Get ready for it. Full retail price, with none of the story content of Persona 4: Dancing All Night. 0.00% reason to buy the game.

>wiping all out
FeMC confirmed?

Actually the game's being bundled with P3 dancing as well as a digital code for P4 DAN.



If only these games weren't fucking total garbage and the shitty knockoff version of Superbeat Xonic.

That song was literally custom tailored for the FeMC, it would make zero sense if the other sluts like Yukari, Aigis, and Mitsuru (a corporate princess) are dancing to it.

If the story mode isn't canon, they really should go all out and just have fun with it. I'm still pissed about not getting Dojima/Nanako as a fighting team for a story that really wasn't important.

I bought P4A and P4DAN because I like fighting games and rhythm games desu. I don't need a shitty MOTW-tier story mode that fucks up all the characterization.

Repeat after me


This. Really didn't give a fuck about the plot outside of P4G and treated those games as non-canon anyway.

>Hideki Naganuma Remix

>the best protagonist in persona history is non canon
>random idol slut from the dancing game and a delivery girl who only appeared in the p4 anime are canon

Who the fuck thinks that any of this makes sense? This is almost as stupid as Square Enix declaring that Ariana Grande is a canon Final Fantasy character.

There's literally nothing in 2018 I'm looking forward to right now except these games.

m-maybe it just means they're getting the assets ready for a full P4 remake on PS4

Hiimdaisy's stupid Fsteak meme is also canon.

delivery girl was one of the few good things about the anime

Why no life will change reeeeeeee


>>the best protagonist in persona history

it's there

Will Lotus Juice do any songs for the P5 one? I think he had some for the P3 one if I recall from the trailer.

check here

>Soul Phrase
>Wiping All Out
Excited desu.


Both are going to be GOTY
