Sup Forums is too stupid to understand this

Sup Forums is too stupid to understand this

Other urls found in this thread:

>comparing x86-64 processors with ultra low voltage arm shit

>what is optimization

see, too stupid


Good question. Explain it in detail.

>muh java


Maybe in the past not so much anymore

Good thing spec wise, PCs are 10-20 times more powerful than consoles.

He's not wrong. Cell phone makers use clock speeds and multi-core processors to fool people into thinking they have a PC in their pocket.

lowering resolution, removing particles, taking out dynamic smoke/cloth/grass is optimisation

The fact that there are millions of combinations of PC has not mattered for decades now as software is no longer dependant on clock speeds.

>2014 was 14 years ago

And it's still not enough to properly rung games

>paper spec
Computer engineer here. Nebulous terms are not easy to understand. Enlighten me what a paper spec is, you elitist fucking faggot,

the fact that its listed as an ARM processor means that the paper specs are different, carmack doesnt sound like a very clear communicator

750ti is more powerful than ps4 GPU, not same specs

Cell phone makers don't make the CPUs.


>software is no longer dependant on clock speeds.
only on Sup Forums would someone post this stupid

same specs on paper

he's talking about driver and os overhead

Not him but 750ti is actually closer to xbone tflops around 1.3-1.4. The ps4's gpu is better at 1.84 tflops

Spec on paper as published by manufacturer. You CompEng 'tards are glorified IT, I fucking swear.

>trying to flex over john fucking carmack by writing down that you are a "computer engineer" during work hours in the united states on Sup Forums


Numbers on paper as opposed to performance in the real world.

IPC (which takes into account other idiosyncrasies such pipeline length) is just as important. Number of cores also, of course, but not everyone can into multithreading.

>2008 was 20 years ago.

lol neckbeards on Sup Forums will argue with john carmack


But they advertise the specs of the CPUs they use to promote sales.

Not him, but background processes on a computer or mobile phone that make you be able to use them as such and allow interfacing with the hardware for video hanging it other rendering makes the paper spec really mean less on those platforms, while a console, which has dedicated hardware for only one or two tasks, actually use more if the hardware.

Basically, because a phone already has to interface with a network to be a phone first, those programs and processes, written deep into every bit of its OS, prevent developers to use the entire ram and CPU available.

A good illustration of this is that when running nothing, Windows 10 take 1.5gb of ram and Android 7.1 used 2.5gb of ram, both using total system ram while something like the PS4 and xbone use dedicated ram while leaving ram almost entirely untouched.

Honestly though, I'm not professional, that's just what I understand.

Both the PS4 and the Xbox One have AMD GPUs. AMD GPUs always do more FLOPS compared with the Nvidia GPUs that perform similarly in games. The R7 250X does almost 1.3 GFLOPs, yet it sucks the 750 Ti's balls.


Consoles are more optimized. Those 1.8 TFLOPS ARE actually 3.6 tflops as carmack is saying so it should be delivering twice the perf of a pc

Oh, yeah. It's become pretty popular lately to have half of your CPU cores to have a lower clock so that when you're not doing anything CPU-intensive the high-clock cores can turn off. Yet somehow phones featuring that CPU end up being advertised as having an octa-core CPU clocked at whatever frequency the performance cores are clocked at.

That's demonstrably false for this generation of consoles.

exactly you retard
consoles don't need to run nearly as much on the backend compared to PCs, while mobile system have to run significantly more

I hate being the devil's advocate, but the PS4 has 8 gigs of RAM, usable both as general-purpose and video memory. The PS2 has 32MB of RAM and 4MB of VRAM.

Except for the fact that consoles use a CPU from 2012 and you can't even find the same paper spec on PC.
Even a 50$ intel Pentium wipes the floor with the shitty Jaguar core.

>Jaguar CPUs
>many cores
>low clock speed and IPC
Consoles are phones confirmed.

Okay pc master race fags. It is literally time to step up to the plate. If I buy a console for 599 dollars, spec wise a PC for the same amount will cost a lot more. Unless you can prove me wrong. Please remember that the cost Windows has to be included. We're talking normies here. Literally unbeatable.

>Consoles are phones confirmed.
you're not wrong tbqh, if you watch 33c3 presentation about reverse engineering PS4, it's basically half of a PC spliced with SoC - half of a phone, communicating over PCIe.

It's a thought experiment you moron

He's not saying you should go out and buy the exact same hardware as a console and turn it into a pc

How many months of online play should we be counting?

things were much better in the retro days, more interesting hardware

0 because we're comparing usage of playing sp games.

Horizon Zero Dawn and Uncharted 4 are great examples of what Carmack is saying. By rights neither of those games should look as outstanding as they do while running that well on a junk ass ps4.

What the tweet fails to mention is it still comes down to devs giving a shit/having talent. Look at Breath of the Wild. That runs like ass on the switch and Wii U, doesn't even look that good visually. On the PC meanwhile, it looks amazing and runs at 60fps even on low end PCs. An example of devs not forcing what they can out of a system, another example being Bloodborne on the ps4.

Good posts on an otherwise shit thread

>Console has 2ghz processor
>PC has 2ghz processor
>Console will get twice the performance
That's what he's saying but in reality it meaning nothing because the PS4/Xbone both use 5 year old AMD jaguar architecture that barely cracks 2ghz clock speeds on the PS4 Pro/Xbone X with pathetic IPC. They get shit on even by a 4 thread i3, the massive CPU bottleneck present on console are one of the main reasons console mostly stick to 30FPS caps.