Why doesn't Sup Forums like FFVIII?

Why doesn't Sup Forums like FFVIII?

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I do

It's one of the best FF games, but it got overshadowed by VII and IX.

The draw system is fucked, that's why

>it's an viii is unfairly treated episode

Welp, skipping this one.

I don't really enjoy any of the "realistic" final fantasies. The stories work better with cartoony characters.

Sup Forums can't like or dislike it because 80% of Sup Forums never played a single PSX game in their life.

FFVIII is like DS2, a good game in general but worst of the series.

my ps1 library would like to have a word with your PSX'ing faggot ass

I like the music. Combats meh and the plot goes from good to bonkers, like a true JRPG.

Sup Forums is not one person. I love FF VIII and I think it's one of the best FFs. The only thing FF related almost all Sup Forums seems to agree is that Final Fantasy XIII is a complete garbage and only a retard would think otherwise.

I got this:

Gameplay sucks because I was a dumbass who played through every battle by Drawing 100 of every magic from every enemy and then proceeded beat those enemies by summoning GFs over and over again!
The orphanage scene is the most retarded thing I have ever seen because it definitely comes out of nowhere and definitely isn't foreshadowed at all!
Level scaling sucks because it exposed me being bad at RPGs and I lost my ability to simply grind for levels in order to win instead of paying attention to the junction system!
The junction system sucks because it was too complicated for me as a kid and now that I know shit it is easily broken making the game too easy and the game somehow automatically breaks itself!
The card game is shit because I suck at it!
Ultimecia is the worst villain ever because she comes out of nowehere, isn't foreshadowed by all and doesn't have any background or clear motives for her actions!
Squall sucks because he is an emo and the rest of characters suck because they are retards!

Did I forgot anything important?

shit japanese teenage drama, Irvine, the fourth disc, the non ending, you can pass most of the game just spamming GF because only the final battle actually kills them fast enough to be a threat.
Music is alright tho.

squall is a fundamentally unlikable character, combat is boring and can be easily broken, the only thing that makes the story interesting is that theory about squall being dead, which is saying something because "(character) was dead the whole time!" theories suck ass

Basically VIII is like MGS2, a great game brainlets shit on because they didn't get it the first time they played it.

So Dark souls 2 suffers from this syndrome?


The gameplay sucks because playing cards for 30 minutes and running from every battle means you can go through the game killing every boss in one hit.

Because it's too hard for the to understand, generally, and those that DO understand it realise how fucked the world is

No one hates Triple Triad. Even if 9 is a better game overall, Tetra Master is dogshit.

Also, 9's battle animations are SO fucking long. You have to play with sped up battles.

i can't think of a final fantasy game with a worse story than VIII, it's just so fucking awful and hamfisted it makes no sense

It actually makes perfect sense. It's a time travel story that all links up. You likely just don't get it.

>mfw the entire happy ending is ironic, because they're trapped in a timeloop where the entirety of the planet is decimated

oh i meant it makes no sense why they would hamfist scenes like the orphanage, the forced love scenes, the forced squall change out of literally nowhere

>like the orphanage
as weird as a plot point it is, it's pretty well telegraphed.

>the forced love scenes
Rinoa is a sorceress

>the forced squall change out of literally nowhere
Squall's 17 in the game, isn't he? And he's pretty clearly experiencing puberty

It's one of the best FF games once you disable random encounters (Diablo Enc-None) and junction strong magic to your party.

>no shitty random fights
>only bosses
>cruise through the storyline at whatever pace you like

It fixes THE problem with JRPGs of the era.

I LOVED Final Fantasy VIII. The card game was cool (until I learned how gated the cards were due to story progress) but I mainly loved the Ragnarok airship.

i can tell you love the game so i'll just agree to disagree. i just love most FF games and I had a hard time enjoying this one considering nothing of importance happens the entire first disc which is dumb but hey at least someone enjoys it

hah, yeah, i'm pretty biased about it, but I get your qualms with it. Then again, plenty of stuff happens in disc one. There's the entire buildup to the galbadian war, for one.

It's my third favourite FF

What is the right way to play this game or how are you supposed to play? I don't get junction system.

Spaceship, but it's really fucking cool none the less

>people not liking Triple Triad
>THE best minigame in a FF game till present
>SS tried to mimic it with a shitty clone in IX

Then again, MC didn't go for the teacher so...

Gameshark that bitch

It's a love story. And most of Sup Forums hasn't experienced love so it makes them mad.

I do but it is an incredibly flawed game, I don't think anybody denies this.
The worst offender is without doubt the level scaling. They really did not think that through.

>squall has choices to show no love to rinoa for still being in love with seifer and being a slut
>randomly after one scene he literally says "I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU! IM GOING TO DO EVERYTHING I CAN!!"
at least in FVII they did it right with the dating at the carnival and it wasn't forced upon you

>doesn't understand the simplest and most intuitive equipment system in any JRPG ever

Maybe this game isn't for you.

I think the level scaling is one of the best features of FFVIII. The best way to experience the game is to set the levels to 60 or whatever the max achievable level for monsters is though, but the adaptive mechanics is still pretty innovative in itself. You have to actually git gud with the junction system and game mechanics because grinding doesn't help you.

To be fair it's pretty realistic for a 17 year old to experience that which is why it's so irritating

>What is the right way to play this game

Grinding in the garden and leaving for Dollet with a level 99 Squall

It's like Seifer and Edea isn't it? Just think about it for a second.

One drugs please

when i was 17 i did not go from "fuck this cunt" to "i will die for this girl" in the space of one hour

Every sorceress has their white knight, m8.

You're lucky.

Yeah but you come here. Normal 17 year olds probably do act like that.

Most 17 year olds do, it's why they're fucking morons

I am constantly amused that more people like FFVIII these days than Noah Antwiler.

>tfw no GF™

that sadly came when i was like 20 so i was just a few years late to the obsession party

FFVIII is one giant idiot plot. And playing cards to power up your characters is silly. It doesn't replace grinding, it just applies an offset to it.

I think you would have had to become good with the junction system regardless if there was level scaling in place or not, because that's the basis of the powerup system in the game. If you don't utilize junctions and spam GF summons, you will struggle whether the levels are scaled or not.
The problem is that in the current state, it is actually counter.productive to level up because it will make you weaker if you know how to junction. I'm pretty sure that goes against everything RPGs stand for, counter intuitive as fuck, and I doubt that's what the developers had in mind when they designed the game mechanics.

It may have been innovative, but terribly implemented.

That's fine. Some people never grow out of it, and it only gets more cringeworthy with time..

>one giant idiot plot

>He doesn't understand it!

>And playing cards to power up your characters is silly.

completely optional, also.

Unironically this, it makes the game more challenging and enjoyable. I remember another user sharing a story about FFVIII in which one of his friends told him he will use his "secret JRPG technique" to get through the game. But his friend can't get past some boss and he finds out that the secret technique is just old school grind.

>Why doesn't Sup Forums like FFVIII?

FFVIII is a great game to see if someone is a brainlet.

FFVIII is where the transition happened. FFVIII is basically "Japanese High School Anime Cliches for PlayStation." And since then character motivations and personalities have been patterned after this stuff. Only a couple games since have escaped the heavy anime influences (FFIX, FFXII).


The one thing that does get super annoying is how after disc 2 the plot freakin revolves around Rinoa. If you tried to make a TV show out of this, it would turn into a god awful soap opera

It's a great card game with some sort of RPG in between the matches.
But yeah, it has some flaws. Junction system kind of overwhelmed me as a kid. I was too used to weapon, armor and accessories slots.
Draw system was strange since it made me not want to use all my spells since they were junctioned to my stats.
And level scaling is fucking retarded in a Final Fantasy game.
But I still liked it as a kid and i liked it replaying it recently. It doesn't deserve as much hate as it gets.

The entire game development was basically this:



Your image is actually a big problem in FFVIII. It doesn't know how to prioritize it's information before making it super relevant. It peppers in throwaway dialogue in hour 3 only to then make a huge deal out of it in hour 25. Without enough narrative emphasis on these moments, the player has little reason to notice or even remember that there was any foreshadowing at all. It also doesn't help that the thing that's being foreshadowed only exists for the sake of patching up what would otherwise be a glaring plot hole.

No, that's Xenogears.

I love it. It's one of the best in the series.

I love IX as much as the next guy, but VIII sold much better than it. I rank VIII higher, because it has a better combat and upgrade system.

When I played the game for the first time I was 13 and I didn't speak english at all. I discovered the junction system one step after another but I didn't know about cards being so strong. I also grinded a bit here and there because I didn't know shit about level scaling. The game was challenging but in a good way, a very fun experience. Webm related my face when I first junctioned double and then triple into speed slot. Also took me a while at 13 to find out that Zell is the most powerful character if you keep spamming only the two very basic attacks of his limit break.

>excuse me while I talk around the fact I never noticed something by blaming the game for not leading me by the nose

Just admit you didn't notice this. I didn't, my first time through.

Are you fucking retarded

All of that info he shows is from multiple points through the game, and Nida isn't the only one talking about GF memory loss. Selphie's website mentions it too, alongside a bunch of NPCs.

Look, if you're gonna talk about the game, how about actually playing it first, aight?

>ywn see a game where Laguna, Kiros and Ward fuck around in the world of FFVIII, getting drunk, banging singers and ignoring their orders

This. A collection of meme opinions killed the legacy of 8. Everyone loved it back in the day, it was the shit. I loved it.

That's a goddamn stupid reasoning if I have ever seen one.
Foreshadowing isn't about shoving it in your face, and it shouldn't be. It's actually a nice detail to notice on subsequent playthroughs.
You claim it only exists to patch up plot holes, when in truth there weren't any plot holes to begin with. You thought there were because you didn't notice the forshadowed information, but that's your fault. The information was always there. I would understand if these stuff were revealed in side material made after the game, but these were in the game to begin with.

That kinda sorta almost existed, but with Seifer

That's... Creepy as fuck, actually. I figured it was always a result of Squall just being an introverted loner (I'm the same and I don't recognize people either).

And I know it's not a coincidence because VIII has some of the most well-hidden plot points in the history of video games. Like the Seifer/Laguna thing.

I definitely didn't notice it. And you know why that's a bad thing? Because foreshadowing is supposed to be memorable. When an Agatha Christie twist comes you're supposed to be able to go "OH! So that's what that meant!" FFVIII doesn't have any of that. Random NPC dialogue is not the place for that kind of thing.

>You never noticed that your near silent self insert character didnt remember a throwaway generic npc you the player couldn't remember either

The issue with the memory less isn't that it wasn't foreshadowed, the issue with the memory loss is it was fucking retarded.
The orphanage scene literally had no point, "btw you all grew up together and we raised you"

Or even better there was no payoff to GF memory loss, its a fucking M Night Twist where there is no point to it other than
>What a twist!

How is X japanese high school anime cliches?

>Game doesn't make sense until second playthrough.
>Muh guud game!

>Random NPC dialogue.

It's brought up from the very beginning as a common problem, though.


Personally I think that this game's battle animations are unsurpassed to this day. They're so well-paced.

Nice strawman, did you actually comprehend and are you going to address the real content of the post? If not, fuck off.

>he's proven that it's adequately foreshadowed, so now i'll just call it shit

Okay, you didn't like it. You're one person, though.

Wait XV has heavy anime influences?

Now we are moving goalposts too.

Also every FF's story is batshit insane and generally takes multiple playthroughs to understand. Especially VII's.

>Ultimecia is the worst villain ever because she comes out of nowehere, isn't foreshadowed by all and doesn't have any background or clear motives for her actions!
This is 100% true though.

> I figured it was always a result of Squall just being an introverted loner
Exactly. And the story doesn't call back to it. You're just expected to remember what some random assholes said 10+ gameplay hours ago. All that NPC dialogue was probably added after the fact to excuse the awkwardness. These guys are acting like this was some careful planning but chances are the writers backed themselves into a corner and then added a couple of lines of NPC dialogue to cover their asses. And I'm not even saying this is exclusively an FFVIII problem. Square had no idea how to set up a plot twist. FFVII is arguably worse with Tifa just letting Cloud lie to everyone's face for half the game.

Nigger Im not even the person who you were responding to.

Yes it was foreshadowed by the dumb optional information terminal at the start of the game.
But the point it the twist was worthless since the cast just goes
>Oh whatever then
>BTW I knew all along but didn't want to say anything guys

You're missing the point of Ultimecia. She's represents a theme, not a character.

She's the ultimate witch, in a story about witch hunters. She's what happens when you hunt witches.

She's the most powerful sorceress in the world, subject of an aeons-old witch hunt, who decides to collapse time, taking the power of the great Hyne into herself and rule a moment in time forever.

It's all explained, goddamn..


>Several times characters refer to Edea not knowing about SeeD's true purpose, which was odd since she started it
>Heavily implied that Edea isn't herself, but someone else acting as Edea
>Disc 3, Edea reveals she was taken over by Ultimecia

You're talking to two separate people dumbass.

>The orphanage scene is the most retarded thing I have ever seen because it definitely comes out of nowhere and definitely isn't foreshadowed at all!

The orphanage scene is not foreshadowed. People losing memories due to using GF is said but you had to seek those out. Plus if the orphanage scene was replaced by a different scene for each party member showing different events nothing would change.

>goes beyond mission area to prevent enemy from completing their main objective
>busts out of prison because he knows zell will fuck up
>zell fucks up
>gets brainwashed
>kills odin
>goes fishing with his bros when freed from mind control
seifer did nothing wrong

Actually, it rewards attentive people and casuals won't notice. I don't see a problem, nothing worse than a story talking down to you.

As in, you don't need to remember all that shit about memory loss to enjoy the game, but if you do you feel good about yourself for picking up on it.

>Nigger Im not even the person who you were responding to.

Who cares? You're saying the same shit.

It was foreshadowed plenty, the image in this thread shows that main characters talk about it, and it's in Selfie's journals, too.

Stop getting mad, just because you didn't get it.

>The orphanage scene is not foreshadowed. People losing memories due to using GF is said but you had to seek those out.

Yes you had to seek those out, but that doesn't make it not foreshadowing though. I don't understand how this is even an argument.

But it's not shown to be a common problem. A few people just make offhanded comments ABOUT the problem but you never actually see it happening during the game. You could play hours of the central plot and not have it ever come up. "Foreshadowing" doesn't mean "insert any cryptic comment anywhere in the first few hours of a game that is dozens of hours long."

i hated it until recently when i started watching a playthrough of it (no commentating thank fuck) and i love the setting. Still hate the combat though and wouldn't buy it unless it gets a remake.

And Irvine not taking the shot. You know something is fucked when the cool gunslinger trained assassin won't stop shaking.

>tfw from Irvine's perspective he was ordered to kill his mother and he fucking went through with it because he's a child soldier

Yea man you catch that GFs cause memory loss because the game flat out tells you so you can pick up the important plot event that never was relevant and never gets brought up again.