post your age and the one game you STILL haven't played
that way we can share each others shame and guilt
post your age and the one game you STILL haven't played
that way we can share each others shame and guilt
>Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Jakd and daxter
>one game
I'll do one series. Zelda.
Half Life 2
Not exactly ashamed though.
I'm 30 and never played most of the "classics" from 5th and 6th gen. I was thinking about playing OoT earlier today though, probably gonna emulate the GC version
I can relate. I'll do the same.
>Super Mario 64
I don't regret growing up a sonybro though
>Any castlevania, Half Life 1/2
Chrono Trigger
I was excited to finally play it by modding it onto my SNES Classic but my computer shitted out on me before I could and I'm too broke to fix it.
Atleast completely I emulated it lke a decade ago but it broke at the arena in that casino.
Any MGS game.
>is probably toxic and an alcoholic
I'm in no way your meme term "toxic" but I am an alcoholic
>tfw you're not the only oldfag on v.
29, I never played any of the witches games and have no interest in ever doing so.
>Never beat Mario 64 and never played a console game after the N64
Am I missing out?
all zelda and final fantasy games
what am I missing?
Any dark souls games
Never played any of those isometric dad RPGs. I did finish Krynn and Daggerfall though.
Bro it was only a matter of time until we all got to be this age. How many of us do you think actually left?
Absolutely nothing.
Not much.
You should play at least one FF and Zelda though. All of them more or less follow the same formula.
>Any VN
Symphony of the Night. And I've played almost every other classic- and metroid-vania.
Starcraft, pretty much any mmo or assfaggots game
So sick of RLM faggots constantly shilling their garbage here
>TFW you want to get into that Fate/Night shit just to get the myriad of memes but can't stomache VNs
every zelda game
>Anything from the N64
Can't think of anything that would bother me that I haven't played it.
Thaaaaats right mike
Exactly this.
>I was interested in Fate.
>Started "playing" it.
>after 3 hours reading I unlock the main menu and the game starts
>wtf is this shit
I have no problem reading a book but can't stomach that slow piece of shit. And I was interested in Clannad and some others. But can't get into them because of that.
Fuck off shill
Me too, and every Zelda after lttp. I'm 26
Also every Grand Theft Auto
Never played Doom
The fuck is RLM
Never played any Devil May Cry, Zelda or Metroid games.
>There are people on this board, posting RIGHT NOW that have NOT played staple franchises.
>Despite being well old enough to have played them in their youth.
I feel persona is more excusable than Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Mario. Far more niche.
Now that is surprising. Those shareware disks were everywhere.
FFVI (only played a bit of VII and XV)
Fallout 1 and 2
>This thread reminded me that I still haven’t beaten a Castlevania game
Which one should I play?
Chrono Trigger
Aria of Sorrow, SotN, and IV (in that order)
>system shock 2 and deus ex
Valve multiplayer games I guess
A faggot youtube channel and website that constantly spams shit on Sup Forums and Sup Forums so they can get Google pennies for their shit youtube videos.
>Thief, SotN
I started playing both the first game and Ocarina of Time, but to be honest the first one is fucking old (and unlike RPGs, old =/= usually better), and the second one I find boring as hell.
Have not played any Elder Scrolls game. Not once.
>he never missed the damn train
>he never performed drivebys on balla bustas with his homies
>he never stopped the yayo from going to san fierro
>he never cruised through the city, running over peds, blasting Guerillas in the mist
you missed out
I rec SOTN or Super 4
>almost 23
>any FF game
What's the connection with this thread? Like is that the guy in the pic? I bet half the people in the thread wouldn't even have known anything if you hadn't sperged out.
Yes. I´m mostly a PC player nowadays, but console had some really good exclusives over the years.
I´d pick up some cheap consoles and games if I were you.
>silent hill
But i play a bunch of other survival horror games that lets me off the hook right?
Half Life 1
Deus Ex 1
Baldurs Gate
Doom 1&2
Gothic 1&2
>all of the Valve games
>all Crash, Banjo Kazooie, Sonic, Spyro, Donkey Kong (besides the original arcade one) and Kirby games
>Every single Zelda game except for Breath of the Wild which I haven't bothered to complete the final Ganon fight
>never bothered to beat SM64
>currently playing through the Halo games because the only ones I've played were 3 and half of ODST
Super Metroid
>I try but I get bored really fast
Banjo Kazooie
>Any Final Fantasy
>i have literally never played a single Mario game
I'm pretty sure alot if not most people here know them, otherwise there wouldn't be such a shit ton of reaction images of them. With a 50% chance of atleast one of them showing up in every single thread.
I got as far as the "noob bridge" and just quit.
Deus Ex
Baldur's Gate 1 & 2
Fallout 1 & 2
Fallout NV
Planescape Torment
Final Fantasy XII
Half-Life 1
I've started all of them in various points of life, but haven't had the interest to continue further. I lost my saves of Deus Ex once, haven't bothered to start from the beginning again.
22 and I've never played an MGS game before
>none of the FF games
either it's just people lying in the interwebs or there's actually old gentlemen here. well at least i'm not alone still on/off browsing this board.
It's like getting mad and saying I'm shilling James Franco now. No doubt the pic originated from him or his fans, but it's 100% possible that people just like the image and are reusing it without knowing or caring about the origin.
35, I don't think there's any noteworthy vidya I haven't played. Plenty I haven't completed though.
There's just nowhere else to go, man.
>not liking RLM
it's definitely worth a play-through but it's nowhere near as good as people seem to think it is
This exactly. Did you have an N64 too?
i'd try a 2d and a 3d zelda and one final fantasy from 6-9.
>Yume Penguin Monogatari
>all the final fantasys
Getting a gf is the Dark Souls of real life.
>saints row, uncharted, zenoblade, billy hatcher
> 28
> Half Life 2
> in the same thread as a wizard
put me in the screnecap!
>Mario 64
>Ocarina of Time
>Link to the Past
>Donkey Kong series
>Final Fantasy series
>Metroid series
>San Andreas
I'm pretty sure I'm missing a lot more essentials but these are the first ones that come to my mind.
they're very good the first three are all very good in their own way. Haven't played 4.
>Chrono Trigger
>Any Final Fantasy game
>Any MGS game
>Any LoZ before BoTW
>Any TES game
>Any Fallout game
Elder Scrolls series,
All of Metal Gear Solid outside of GZ and a japanese demo of MGS
Half life 1
I have also never completed a Castlevania, though I have played a few.
These aren't all of them, but they're the ones that do come to mind. I'll be trying Morrowind for the first time soon at the least.
You could list a large majority of "classics" that I haven't played. I'm not into FPS, RPGs, Survival Horror or stuff like Zelda. The only Sup Forums-core games I've played are God Hand and DMC3, although I'm going to be playing Wario Land 4 soon.
donkey kong country 1-3 are all very good as well as a good majority of kirby games
Theres plenty of oldfags here. Also social media destroyed most ways of being able to discuss vidya online. Its either this place or reddit and not much else.
haven't played a single FF game
only zelda games i've played are ALBW and BotW
i've started playing dark souls at least half a dozen times before getting bored and dropping it after the gargoyle bosses
no castlevania games
only GTA games I've played are IV (+ expansion packs) and V
never played the original DOOM/Wolfenstein/Quake games
no persona games
I've never played any of the original isometric fallout games, only the later first person games
haven't played deus ex
still haven't gotten around to playing morrowind
dropped zero mission just a little bit into the game, haven't touched any other metroid game
no baldur's gate
i'd like to try mario kart 64 one day, considering how much I've played the later titles
massive fan of DKCR and DKC:TF despite never trying the original trilogy
I have several platinum games in my steam library, the only one I've played is MGR:R
There's probably a bunch of other things I'm forgetting, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head. I'm making (some) progress, though. I'm currently emulating the Ace Attorney trilogy, just finished the first case of JFA.
i guess not. it's just weird that no one in this thread is underaged. oh well who cares. let the platform war threads reign because those are really interesting
metroid prime is very good if you prefer fps