Monster Hunter World Gets Near Perfect Review from Famitsu (39/40)




Happy to see it's a good game. Console war shitposting aside, I would have like to see it on Switch (because portable HD monsters / we didn't get XX in the states), but since I own both PS4 and it I'll be happy to support the franchise. Also I'm pissed Zamtrios isn't in, I love my fat shark goddamn it

please anons, am I a fag for picking Dual Blades?

No you're a God.

>Near Perfect Review from Famitsu
I knew the game would be shit.

>video game reviews


>how do I green text like cool guys?

Friendly reminder to boot Aloyfags immediately. RoboPalico skins are okay I guess.

Famitsu gave Final Fantasy XIII-2 a 40/40.

When you make the game easier and pander to casuals of course you'll get the better score.


their opinions are about Sup Forums tier and just as worthless.

ITT: ass shattered Nintendicksuckers in 3...oh never mind, they are already here

I mean, Monster Hunter Tri got a 40/40

>Everyone that hates MHW is a nintenbro!!!
>No one on other platforms cannot dislike the game

I promise you I'd >famitsu even if it were my favorite game. Famitsu is a confirmed paid review publication.

buttblasted sony niggers in 3... 2...

>obvious bait gets posted
>replies instantly

So, did we come here for actual discussion or is everyone just gonna shitpost?

What's everyone's favorite monster? Favorite weapon?

I'm hyped for the game but if you think their scores mean anything, you're fucking retarded



>omg look at these game/console sales in Japan guise!
>reeee Famitsu reviews doesn't count!
Why is Sup Forums so hypocritical?

they gave FFXIII and nintendogs a 40/40

I'm relatively new to the series with only a dabbling of the originals and one shitty iPhone port.

What do I need to know to get good with the lance and shield? Am I being a shitter for not taking the gun lance instead?

Man I'm so excited. This will tide me over for a long ass while.

I almost sold my Switch for a PS Pro, I kind of regret not doing it.

>only three points above Sonic 06

Both lances are completely different. Also this might be the first game gunlance isn't getting ass fucked by bad weapon design.

>except for Zelda and Mario

All review sources give out shitty reviews every now and then. Dont let "1 bad apple spoils the bunch" define your life, bro.

my nigga

gonna wait for the PC version though

>All review sources give out shitty reviews every now and then
that's the problem. Famitsu has been known for making shit reviews 90% of the time

no shame in choosing easy mode.

Even speaking as someone who is hyped on MHW, reviews mean literally fucking nothing.

Unless the review is for a game you like, right?

>nintenbabies pretending

Nigger you're defending fucking japanese kotaku, fuck off

They gave Sonic Forces a good score too


can you just stop shitposting and go to another thread? make a wojack one for all I care, just get .

isn't the game multiplat?


sure man

>defending to the death a score by japanese kotaku whose review you can't even read
literal retards, but I hope the game is fun for you all.


I was gonna get the PC version, but I have the PS4 and kind of just want to play now with friends. I don't want them spoiling everything for me when I would finally get it. Also Zammy is best boy.

Sonybros eternally btfo

>47 posts
>32 posters


>what are replies

How? Less of a jump than World, less of a roster. I loved Tri don't get me wrong but World looks like an improvement in every way.

Objectively a top three FF game. Nothing wrong with this.

switch can't run it because of shit hardware

Lets not kid ourselves though, P5 can be run on anything.

>star ocean
>the last guardian
>uncharted 4


I totally get the >Famitsu comments but at the same time I'd imagine the Japanese publication to be more critical of a Monhun game than many of the other games they give perfects to.
Not sure how they rated other games in the series, either. Could be just fanboy and/or paid review score. Time will tell.

switch can totally run it. just tone down the textures, lighting, and particle effects. so in other words. MHW - GRAFIX = playable on switch

Sonic Forces got 35/40 from Famitsu

I'll never take them seriously

tri got a perfect score and 4U was only 3 points lower. this is a normal score for monhun games. nothing special. OP is a faggot

should clarify 4U was 3 points lower than MHW


>too tight to spend £50 on a video game

have fun guys

Famitsu doesn't make articles about the Vietnam Ptsd flashbacks they don't have.

oh lord that shit is going to be so hilarious when SJW culture finally does hit them

Stop buying your shit from GAME

seeing as all facets of japan's industry thrives on making woman sexy.
I don't see it happening until America jumps the fucking shark and invades japan.

I can imagine MHW flopping in Japan so they rush out a half arsed Switch port and Japs will still eat it up.

I wonder if anyone on this thread doesn't simply parrot what the previous person said. It's interesting to see. Do you people that say >famitsu, actually form that opinion?

>Trump annexes Japan for its strategic waifu reserves

>trump not all about objectifying women.

I'm planning on buying MHW because I legitimately believe it's a fantastic game, but I'll still

Have you seen the preorder numbers in Japan? The betas have done wonders for them.

Nope, they're actually semi-difficult to use without doing crap damage compared to other weapons.

no they aren't

Still lower than XX lmao
Get fucked

Thought easy mode was hammer

hammer is easy in solo and a pain in the ass in multiplayer

Yeah they are. I said without doing crap damage. They're not tough to attack with and reduce your sharpness with to make you think you're doing decent damage, but they're actually hard to do well on compared to an equally skilled player using a greatsword or hammer.

literally all you have to know is where the soft spot is on a monster which applies to literally every weapon in the series
I've used duals since F2 and they've always been like that.

It's on track to be one of the biggest selling console games in recent years in the country and much bigger than XX. Hopefully Capcom does bring XX over to the West after World releases though.

Not really when the pre orders are lower than XX on Switch.

Japs dont play PS4 or Xbox games. They play handhelds which is why it will never do good over there.

Probably because XX had the demo known as X to garner customers.

>b-b-but older game!

MHW has had what like 3 betas now?

Preorders aren't lower than XX on Switch though.

Waitin for PC version over here

All three betas of the same 6-7 monsters in the same two places with the same gimped stats.