What are some games where you can get replaced

What are some games where you can get replaced

what are some games where you can be a paranoid racist retard.

fuck off.

Sup Forumstards are a cancer on Sup Forums and it's about time we start chemotherapy

Man, at least back in the day they had the decency to declare war on you first. Now we just let them in


maybe if you white boiis didn't spend all your time playing video games and watching gay cartoons you'd get a chance to reproduce

Yes good goy your country won't be Brazil in 100 years or anything.


>user spends all day playing vidya and shitposting
>Paco living across the street works a blue collar job and holds strong conservative values carried through his heritage, his third child is on the way

What do you mean? I have plenty of money, so do my white friends. We're fine with lower income plebs being whatever race.
Oh shit thats right, you're not white like us- your white trash. Thats why you're upset. Thats funny.

Spics vote 70% democrat

Yeah, I'd imagine most of them are human beings.


>76% of the time will vote democrat
They have to go back.

Why is wanting to live in a homogenous society seen as a bad thing now? Is it only okay when the jews and Japanese do it?

> and Japanese

Maybe becuase of this last election, but no Hispanic was voting for Barack "kill the fetuses" Obama.

People have been criticizing those societies for decades.

Japan is like 99% ethnic Japanese

Whatever you believe. Doesn't matter which color is in charge. We are done for. Nobody at the top cares anything but money.

Canada is following this path as well. I blame the 60s for ruining both our countries. Fucking hippies.

>go to Africa
>it's all black people
Where's all the diversity

It IS diverse you shitlord

good goy

What do you suggest?

arabs and white africans doesn't exist

Actually ban retards who start bringing up feminism and races and other politically charged subjects on Sup Forums. Pretty simple, really.

It's a crisis, of course people will be talking about it.

You'll be dead before that happens. Retard.

wisconsin has mexicans?

are they segregated like our blacks?

>Sup Forums is just a boogeyman
Always remember to sage and report 'what are some games' threads

You can have Mexicans or you can have Muslims, you choose

>100 years
who cares about what happens in 100 years? you won't care what your future lineage does or has to deal with because you'll be fucking dead dude

they're all in Milwauke and Madison
and i hate them

>They all have dark skin so they're all the same

Yet I'm sure you'd be the first person to exposit the differences between Germanics and Slavs

I don't give a shit. It's not video games related. Fuck off.

All the wh*te people got genocided in South Africa years ago.

every day on Sup Forums

Some things are more important than video games, user...

>le 49.8 percent face

Sup Forums never offers any solutions because the damage has already been done.

Yeah. Politics are more important than video games, but this is a board to talk about video games, not politics.

Bruh im not even mad numsayin

Conservatives hate when capitalism benefits brown people. When blacks are forced into poverty and systematically suffer from high crime and cocaine addictions it's their own fault and they should just pick themselves up by their bootstraps. But when a white rural American loses their job to a more qualified Chong or Pablo or Pajeet and ends up robbing gas stations for meth money suddenly daddy government needs to step in with restrictions on free trade and free movement.

You're going to be replaced when you die anyways, what do you care who does it?

oh right i remember a mall in milwaukee full of em one time

only non-whites around here are some indians and sikh

But that's not the case anymore. Mexicans are no longer coming here I. The numbers they use to and white birth rates are up. Yes, so are interracial births but even they tend to create later offspring that mean more European, especially since Mexicans are no longer coming.

Couples with the fact that whites from Russia. South Africa, etc. Are not starting to increase their immigration, I think America is fine. Especially if those fucking RHINOS don't bend on DACA.

Because it's our country, not theirs, they just live here

I don't know how you can focus on video games when the white race will cease to exist in your lifetime

>more qualified

HA HA HA. it's funny you think that's what happens.

NO, the business decides to save money by firing the competent person and hiring an incompetent retard for 1/4 the money. that's how this shit always works.

The joke is that libtards politicians and Tumblr wouldn't. Blacks, Arabs, vaginas and traps are all they care about.


I know that mall
and its still full of mexicans

>game gets worse with each update and loses what the game was originally

Then why not introduce a proper minimum wage?

you sound like a real pussy

It'll cease to exist when I'm dead, and by then, who cares? I had my fun.

>identifying yourself by your skin colour and facial structures
lmao be your own man cuck

Is there a more unlikable senator than Feinstein?
Though I dislike her because she's the biggest gun grabbing jew in the US right now.

i love how the "american" is implying that they were anything better before
dumb mutts

Americans were never white and actual white countries are safe due to climate barriers
>but muh cities
That's the anti-rural mutt in you talking. Hang yourself mudblood

Ted Cruz

that would be SOCIALIST REEEE what are you some kind of EVIL COMMIE?

no, seriously, that's the fucking response anytime someone suggest maybe an industry wide minimum for all businesses should be regulated and enforced.

>let alone the concept of a LIVING WAGE, holy shit the REEEEing THAT suggestion provokes.

>Maine whitest state in USA.
>live in Maine

Feels good.

why not become a jew?
you benefit both from being white and a minority

Land of the free, I guess.

Because random raising of the minimum wage hurts fucking everyone you tard. You adjust it for inflation but that's it.
>ha if we raise minimum wage businesses totally won't respond by raising prices / cutting hours / cutting employees / automating more jobs, no they'll clearly just take it out of their profit goals!

I don't give a fuck dude there are some hot as fuck latina women and they look white enough who fucking cares? Virgins that's who

I hope OP gets replaced so he can't make these shit threads anymore.

>wanting to live without video games or the internet

You idiot, I am here precisely because I don't care what happens out there. I do not care if black men are taking all your blondes, if mexicans are taking all your jobs, if we go into nuclear war with Russia/China/Best Korea/etc.

You wanna care? that's 100% fine, go fucking do it at Sup Forums and not here.


>whitest state
>lowest IQ

>Sup Forumsacks constantly talk about how we need strong borders to keep the undesirables out
>They won't stay in their own fucking board and shit up every other part of the site

Which is why immigration is good because cheaper labour means lower prices for goods, and everyone benefits.

Almost as white as the heroin half your state is addicted to

>get offended when you don't speak spanish to them
>get offended when you tell them you don't know spanish
I don't get it
if chinks can learn basic broken english
why can't hispanics?

Weird, in every civilized country on earth it works without collapsing the economy, huh, must be a coincidence.

Nah Cruz is a constitutionalist and he's great at debating, he's a likable guy just bad at banter.

The price of goods have ALREADY been raised by inflation. The wages are the only thing that remain stagnant.

Breed with Mexicans, also make sure they're illegal so when you marry them, they become citizens.

Sup Forums is truly a blight on this site

if a business can't stay afloat
then they're a bad business that doesn't deserve to continue

>Sup Forums claims it's above racism because racists r stupid
>demands Sup Forums and reddit to leave and never come back


This the U.S. has a serious problem with ensuring the lowest people on the rung get paid enough to find a place to live. That + the hatred of taxes is going to ruin this country.

>Ted Cruz
Why the fuck are you shilling Senator Cruz on Sup Forums Michael? Get back to work.

no it doesn't. you fucking mongoloid. a living wage alliviates social ills, and drains on the public purse, lowering costs of living. businesses use any excuse to jack up prices, including NOT having a minimum wage, let alone living wage. fucking meritards had to let GRAFT be legal (tips) or certain groups of workers simply would NOT make any money at all. that is how far behind any responsible nation meritards are.

>Sup Forums and reddit
why bother separating the two

You mean the countries where they tax people half of their income and the cost of living is much higher than it is in the US?
If a person can't find a new job after the business fires them to save money they don't deserve to live because they didn't gain enough marketable skills

>race is comparable to making off topic shitposts
What's next, a food analogy?

>Tfw you live in the whitest state in the country
>Its a broken, inbred, opiate ridden shithole

>a canadian thought he could ever become president

>Pointing out pure statistics is paranoia



>Californians are literally forcing their own extinction and taking the entire west coast with them

>actual white countries are safe due to climate barriers

Doesn't that prove their own argument?

Why bother separating Sup Forums and tumblr? They are basically the same

>visiting and posting on in imageboard is the same as real life immigration guyz!

whats the source on that somehow non-reverse searchable 'graph'