White birthrate declining

>white birthrate declining
>jap birthrate declining
>gook birthrate declining
>chink birthrate declining

Who's gonna make my vidya when these races die out? My bet is on Pajeets

is that milk coming out his nipples?

Your nips don't do that?

probably soy milk

fuck off pol

>when you invest in nintensoy products

check this 7

right here baby

Reminder that crypto is crashing hard, they even stopped the tradings in china

how do I induce lactation as a male, Sup Forums?

Invest all your life savings in bitcoins

if someone told me six months ago I'd be putting "soy" into my Sup Forumstrash filter list I'd have called them mad.

What is the difference? I thought those 2 mean chink.

i think reddit would be more your speed, soyboii

The absolute state of modern racists. Read a book, nigger.

i think reddit would be more your speed, [Sup Forums buzzword]

I wonder which word you used. Cuck? Jew? Why are Sup Forumstards so pathetic?

>Sup Forums tutorial

Gook = korean, chink = chinese. They’re all ants people.

Don't worry user, japs will build robots to continue to make anime games before they go extinct.

Chink - Chinese
Nip, Jap - Japanese
Gook - Korean
Flip - Filipino


The "make it stop mommy" gets me everytime

Robots you fool.