Build 10k GPU gaming pc

>build 10k GPU gaming pc
>only play indie games

>gaming pc

Theres your mistake kiddo

>Build PC to run the latest games smoothly
>Just play nothing but Doom

i wish i could skin alive every single cryptofucker out there, bunch of faggots

>build $1200 PC
>only play low budget Japanese games
>am content with this because I can run new releases at 4k and downsample them on an aging card

They helped me sell a used video card that I bought back in 2014 for $300 for the same amount of money.

Based cryptofuckers.

>Waaaaah, they're making money off something I was using as a toy

They're not making money, though. Bitcoin, et al., has no real world value.

>They're not making money, though. Bitcoin, et al., has no real world value.

Which is weird, because you can certainly use Bitcoin to buy real items. And you can also exchange it for real money.

Go on, try to pay your rent with your monopoly money.

>because you can certainly use Bitcoin to buy real items
>And you can also exchange it for real money.

give me your measurements so i know what size maid outfit you take when i'm a millionaire and you're a hobo

>severly underbuild
>play AAA games

Consider not responding to shitposters, newfriends.

>>And you can also exchange it for real money.

You're only going to walk away with less money than you started with.

Consider trying to use your bitcoins at any reputable store.

You can't.

Are you from New Zealand?

>gaming pc
>dont even play games
>just shitpost and watch porn

Yes. What of it?

We feel the same about you fat sweaty weeb fucks wasting gpu's on your children's games

>all of those 120mm fans
>not just giant industrial fans


Multiple exchanges exist for this sole purpose

Man the things you could do if you ran Tensorflow on such a GPU park. I'm 90% sure we would create the very first human-level AI.

>he uses a graphics processing unit to process graphics instead of cleaning someone else's drug money

Those video cards are designed for video games and their R&D is generated from the fact that people buy these video cards for playing video games.
You're a colossal moron.

Go on.

Do you at least stream them?


>begin burger

Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini. On these exchanges you can sell your crypto for hard cold cash and cash out.

It's true that fewer and fewer stores accept bitcoin anymore. Even Steam used to accept bitcoin. Now it's almost accepted nowhere at all.



>I'm 90% sure we would create the very first human-level AI.

Microsoft and newegg both accept bitcoin so there you can stop shitposting about this bow

kill yourself cryptonigger

>On these exchanges you can sell your crypto for hard cold cash and cash out.
Ah, so you're telling me that the value of this currency ultimately depends on highly unregulated exchanges instead of having something you can actually use? What sort of fees, limits and time frame are we talking about here? Is it something you can rely on for everyday purchases?

>Now it's almost accepted nowhere at all.
Because it has no real value.


Thousands of people keep buying all gaming GPUs in bulk and renting warehouses and paying for their electric bills to not make a single cent out of it.

they'd rather fuck themselves up in the present because they're afraid of missing out in the future

>You can't.
Except you can.

Im not wrong you fucking nigger

How do bitcoins work anyway? From what I've gathered the time it takes to solve a problem increases with how many problems that have already been solved. Do you get one bitcoin per problem solved? So how much time, or how large is one problem now?

If people will give you money for it, that means it has value.

You can't walk into Walmart and buy stuff with corn, yet you can exchange the corn for money

>newfag shitposters responding to other newfag shitposters
or samefagging, I can never tell anymore

essentially it works like you said, but when it takes too long to mine for a single coin they just make a new one and start again, it's basically a pyramid scheme or like one of those multi level marketing bullshit

Its all fun and games till the banking jews crash the show with regulations

>real value
user maybe read up on what value is

Give me answers

Wait, so they LOWER the time needed when the problem reaches some specific length/complexity? What length is this?


miners should be forced to become trannies and suck dicks for pennies.

Why are you upset that I make money user?
Are you against free market?
Are you a communist?

>Wait, so they LOWER the time

I don't think so, it takes more time to mine when there are fewer coins available, It's supposed to be finite and the less of it there is, the harder it becomes to obtain some, that's the point of the whole thing I think

i don't follow your logic here

i hate trannies, cryptofags, and cocksuckers. so they should become one thing and i waste less effort hating them.

Maybe you just hate yourself most of all

What's wrong about sucking cocks?


It's gay (unless they're feminine)

Fuck cryptovermin

You can destroy the scene by making resale impossible. Rumors can and will kill a product. Just meme that the used GPU's have malicious software in them, whatever it takes to actually scare people away. Enforce the rumors through the release of actual viruses. Honestly though, that would take a lot of effort and that's more something another company would do then joe blow the programmer.

fucking cryptoniggers

I'm glad bitcoin is still sinking
Hope other cryptos follow suit

t. copping nocoiner

I wanted to play Soul Calibur V before 6 came out so I bought it on CeX for something like 0.00005 bitcoin, was fucking neat

What is going on with this dudes hair

he's really pulling off the sleazy businessman look ain't he

mid 2000s hair style


>You can't.

No one correct him, okay? I don't want mouth breathers to catch on.

>build $600 computer
>plays nothing and shitpost all day while watching Outlander
I think I lost the desire to play gaems.

pre-just fuck my shit up hair, he's investing in cryptocurrencies.

I sold some 4 year old RAM for more than I originally paid for it. Was pretty funny.

>this delusional
I eagerly await your transformation into a red wojack

>build 20k crypto portfolio
>can only buy canned bread

We live in a timeline where buying a pre-built PC might actually be cheaper than building your own rig.


no currency has "real value" you fucking retard, USD are just pieces of paper and poor metals, gold and silver are just chunks of fucking rock

you sound like a senile baby boomer

Currency has value because it's backed by force.
How fucking dumb are you?

crypto's value is also backed by the support of everyone who is invested, the same way that USD could suddenly become useless if the population deemed it so

What will happen (or already has) is that those Jews will use your money to massively buy into crypto until they hold the majority. Then it's either cash out and burn or overtake with regulations.

That support could crumble just as quickly as the Berlin Wall.
When people realize there's no bread and the tickets they got from the Politburo can't be exchanged for vodka they'll riot in the streets.
If crypto was accepted as an exchange method more widely then it would have more value simply by virtue of habit, but it doesn't.

Compared to that the entire Western currency system is backed by NATO, multinationals and oil interests.
I think you overestimate people's willingness to rebel against established values and underestimate their willingness to leave a market at a loss.

>crypto is the weapon to defeat (((Them)))

literal tumor

>implying they haven't already bought a bunch of them to pump&dump the market at their leisure
Abandon all delusions of control, you lost and there's no going back.

planned economy when?

If crypto does get accepted (it won't), it will be in control of the people who already have power over currency.
As of now it's only in the fringe and being played with by a small number of speculators.
The best place for crypto is where it's always been, as a method of exchange for black market transactions.

define real world value

You can burn a dollar bill. Can't do anything with a bitcoin.

Easier and cheaper to replace.
I don't get why they're not just getting old server racks and fit them inside there

Fuck off Grigori


that's exactly what I'm planning to do. Not a $10K PC but a 1080 and a Ryzen 1700X and I'm probably going to play emulated games for the first couple months. I want powerful hardware just because

time traveler from the dot com bubble

Hey i get it though. I bought a PS4 but i play mostly older gen games. My currebt favorite is the Final Fantasy IX HD Remaster. Let people play what they want OP.

you can format the hard drive where you have the wallet installed

Shitcoin's value is in people buying into it, then pushing it onto poor fuckers who get in late once it rises in price. Exchanges have to artificially keep it alive by closing registration when the price rises too rapidly so that it doesn't crash too hard after the next increase, and the whole system lives longer.

There isn't any guarantee that "investing" in the next coin will bring any returns, since unlike stocks, all paying for bitcoin does is stuff the pockets of those who are already in the game. What do they do with it next? Speculate on the next shitcoin or use it in unrelated markets, since there is no incentive for them to continue developing the existing scheme unless they can issue more of these coins.

Of course I can see the value that its participants see in supporting it, but I also see the value in abandoning it. The environment appears static, and the only way one can benefit in it is either by selling your coins off before it dips again, or by "mining" new ones from their finite supply.

>click buttcoin wallet
>ctrl C
>ctrl V
>double your money

I'm a crypto genius

>blockchain says you have 1 btc
>copy paste so now you apparently have two bitcoins
>blockchain still says you have 1 btc

Try right click copy pasting if its not working

So if the blockchain says you have buttcoins and you delete your wallet, what then? Are those coins permanently out of circulation?


When is the Tether bubble going to burst?

I dont care that people are mad they missed the boat