3x3 thread.
Be nice and talk about our favorite games.
For people who need to make one
3x3 thread.
Be nice and talk about our favorite games.
For people who need to make one
Other urls found in this thread:
Good list though so many on my back catalogue
I forget the scoring process is it
Games played/games liked?
Games played/games known?
3/4 (not too fond of DaS 3)
3/4 first person I have ever seen put DoD3 on their favorites. Is the first Metroid game really your favorite
I dont blame you
I just really love a lot of the bosses and their aesthetic/lore
Never played Ghosts n' Goblins
7/7 - DMC3, RE, MGS3, MM, FFVII, Bayo, MP2
4/4 - IV:A, BB, Metroid, Bayo
5/5 - NV, N:A, BB, HK, Okami
The former.
;_; i need to replay persona5
Idk what half that stuff is.
>I forget the scoring process is it
>Games played/games liked?
>Games played/games known?
>The former.
it's neither.
If you have multiple games of the same series in your top 9, you seriously need to play more games.
What if you just have ONE game in your 3x3
Recommend me a game
6/6 Souls, GTA, and DMC. Should I start castlevania with SotN?
2/2 As much as I like taro games, I could never rate a drakengard game that highly. I think it's more of a novelty
5/6 +NV, Okami, Hollow Knight, Nier, BB. - Xeno
8/9 - Windwaker. Good taste regardless, I've started to realize what an underrated game god hand is
3/3 Max payne, Witcher, STALKER. im gonna guess top right is silent hill related?
Ultimate patrician.
did you link to the wrong post, or do you not know the word you're posting?
SH1, yes.
>Games played/games liked
That is close enough to being right than anyone with a brain can infer what the correction is by looking at the numbers other people are posting, saying it's wrong is just being pedantic.
Curious why you don't like Xenogears. Was it the second disc or “THE CHURCH IS EBIL” plot line?
Wc3 mah Kang
0/0 weeb
0/0 weeb
0/0 weeb
4/4 some good stuff here
0/0 weeb
What is it then?
Games liked/games played
what if the series is really good and you are infatuated with it? Mr.hipster
>Games played/games liked
>That is close enough to being right than anyone with a brain can infer what the correction is
it is completely is wrong, though. what compels you to even disagree?
Are you in your 30s?
Lurk moar desu senpai.
8/9, but did you stop playing games in 1990?
Still the GOAT.
Probably am a weeb, though there are plenty of western games I like. I really need to get around to playing the cRPGs Sup Forums always praises
If I remember right I was only an hour or so into disc two. After the MC went into a coma I noticed I was incredibly bored with the game, It felt like a huge slog. Though I did love xenoblade chronicles, it's what made me try xenogears in the first place. You think it's worth another shot?
>Xenogears disc two
7/8 First time seeing another GnG fellow here I think, love them all. Too much souls though dude.
nothing can make up for this injustice.
It's gameplay makes up for it. Stop being such a meming shitter that hates it because it's not Resident Evil.
no, it really doesn't. the game is only one of two I have fallen asleep while actively trying to play, which is literally all games I'm played.
What's the other one?
>the game is only one of two I have fallen asleep while actively trying to play, which is literally all games I'm played.
Are you having a stroke?
Sounds like your problem. I myself have a fucking blast playing it. Get a friend to splitscreen mercs with you and there goes the afternoon. So tired of having to defend my choice because you anons have such a raging hate boner for the game. I was in that boat once myself, get the fuck over it.
>the game is only one of two I have fallen asleep while actively trying to play, which is literally all games I'm played.
I don't like RE6 either but what the fuck is this
>which is literally all games I'm played.
keep stretching
game is bad even with friends, both times I went through 6 was with friends and both times were boring to say the least.
You can like a game while simultaneously acknowledging it's a piece of shit, I see many people with either of the Sonic Adventure games on theirs and those games are garbage by nearly every metric.
>what the fuck is this
the game was terrible, it was boring encounter where you have the same interactions every single time, and they look decent, but they don't hold any weight.
RE6 was practically an embodiment of that.
I don't defend the campaigns. They're loaded with garbage chase sequences and instant kills out the ass. The only thing I defend is the mechanics and controls, which are some of the best i've used in a TPS games. I don't need to play the campaigns to enjoy those, I play the mercs. In an ideal world, i'd wish to have RE6 controls taken from that game and implemented into an arcade style shooter of it's own, completely separate from the series and into it's own thing. It is what it is though. Shit's fun.
They're similar and I love Vanquish to death, but it's not exactly the same. Vanquish would be fucking GOAT if doing a single melee attack didn't overheat your shit.
they're not that great if you're just looking for TPS games
they're even worse if you're judging it on RE standards before 4 of course
>Are you in your 30s?
>but did you stop playing games in 1990?
It's a mastapeece.
Based loli poster.
>they're not that great if you're just looking for TPS games
Whatever dude. I just love the extra mobility options. Second sentence isn't even worth quoting, what a fucking joke.
it's hard to think you aren't lying about something.
nearly 30 years and you haven't found a recent game you've put in you're top 10.
>if doing a single melee attack didn't overheat your shit.
Melee attack is supposed to be a last resort as it's almost always a one hit kill and if you're using melee for anything other than launching yourself into the air off of cover you're doing something wrong.
>Whatever dude. I just love the extra mobility options
there are so many more TPS games that have much more mobility
>Second sentence isn't even worth quoting, what a fucking joke.
please explain.
>nearly 30 years
Not nearly, I am in my 30s.
>and you haven't found a recent game you've put in you're top 10.
There are more recent games I'd put in my top 50 or so, but not in my top 10. Not my fault the gaming industry doesn't put out games I want to replay over and over again anymore.
fair enough, overwhelming majority of my favorite games are 25+ yrs old, but I still find it strange there's not 1 fairly recent game, that's made your list.
I'm aware how vanquish plays, just wanted to play it a certain way and wasn't allowed to do so is all. I just want my TPS brawler, RE6 covered that slightly for me.
Posted this before, but this was literally the video that got me to actually bother with the game. Before I was an avid hater but slowly came around to it. I like the game, i'm not fighting with you guys about it.
>i'm not fighting with you guys about it.
I haven't said anything about RE6, though. Just saying that Vanquish is pretty awesome.
+DMC3, DeS, DaS
+DMC3, REmake, MGS3, Majora's Mask, Bayonetta
+Bloodborne, Bayonetta
-Drakengard 3
Actually not entirely sure where I stand when it comes to Bloodborne, but as of where I am in my current replay, I like it.
+Nier: Automata, Bloodborne, Xenogears
-Fallout: New Vegas
I don't hate New Vegas, but the amount of crashes I had to deal with today trying to get it to not crash constantly for my friend has put it on my shitlist for now.
+Bloodborne, REmake, MGS2, God Hand
+Max Payne, SH1, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Not gonna lie, I have no idea which S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game that is, but I've only played SoC and I'm going to assume that's what that is.
+Bloodborne, Catherine, MH3, P4, BoTW
Haven't played much BoTW yet, but what I have played was pretty aight.
+Kirby Super Star, Mega Man 2, Super Mario Bros 3, Mega Man X
+Quake, DMC, RE6
This nigga right here is my nigga.
+nier automata
what the hell is phantom detective?
>still no labels
>still no console hollow knight
not having a non-potato is suffering
i liked nier and bloodborne though.
>that castlevania 3 pic
damn that makes me want to play it
+dark souls 3, dark souls
ayy, good to see someone else with dark souls 3 on their 3x3. feel like it gets the short end of the souls games lists too much.
>still no labels
File name; left to right, top the bottom.
>The Saboteur
Only person with taste ITT.
supposed to be civ6 but it cut off at the end
so is the guy on the cover of warcraft 3 the same guy on diablo 2? but like, just in his skeleton form or something?
i like this physical 3x3. creative
no, they are different but i just noticed they look almost identical. guess blizzard didn't really into box art back then.
+ NieR: Automata, DMC3
Dunno, always preferred civ 5 over 6
+Dark/Demon souls, Picking SH3 over 2
Never played any MGS game desu
+Thief/ DMC although i don't know why you'd prefer the first game over the 3rd
Gonna be honest and say i never played half of those games
>although i don't know why you'd prefer the first game over the 3rd
They're two completely different styles of play. 3 wasn't an exact successor imo, not that I don't love the freeform combat direction it went in it's own right, nothing wrong with the evolution of action games. DMC1 has superb atmosphere and OST, combat is challenging and enemies are overall more aggressive than the later entries in the series, will even attack off-screen. You don't have an overly large movelist, but that's fine, the combat is just more focused. You do have a fair toolbox of moves that all have their uses, not merely combo extensions. First game is about efficiency. Still play to this day, and currently working on my own S-rank playthrough on DMD.
6/6 +NV, DE, DA:O, DMC3, VtmB, T2.
>Gonna be honest and say i never played half of those games
Not fishing for high ratings anyway, just what I enjoy.
you know I've been here for nearly ten years and I still don't understand how these threads are rated
Liked/Played. if you played 6 and liked/would reccomend 4, it would be 4/6 for example.
ahh that makes sense, thanks
I really need to fucking update mine.
8/8 best in the thread