
Sucks that Seth was somewhere in the bottom of the list, such a shame because I think there is potential with him.
I thought that Q would ranked up higher considering how much people are demanding him.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Necro is 54th

absolutely fucking despicable

>birdie near the bottom
feels bad man

>Makoto 2nd
>Poison 12th

>dudley above balrog
good taste, too bad best boxer didn't get into SFV

Q in 4th place is fucking ridiculous.
>Mika 35th
>Sean 36th
Why do I always have to suffer

>Fucking Q

No fucking way this is real.

>I thought that Q would ranked up higher considering how much people are demanding him.
He's in fucking fourth place above characters like Ryu and Chun-Li, that's insane.

>Waifufags put their shit waifus on top spots.
Street Fighter fans disgusts me beyond belief, seriously.

>Birdie is literally the LAST character on the list that is actually playable.
>He's even beaten by some random literally who lore characters that have never been playable.
I get that he's a traditionally ugly character, but NO love for Birdie? Though, most people probably voted for who they wanted in the game, not who they actually liked the most.

>Q 4th
That's pretty cool actually

>Dan fuckin 17th


You can't pay people to care about characters that were in street fighter 1

Surprised F.A.N.G is so low, I thought he'd be the "no one liked him when he was revealed but then everyone loved him on release" type of character.

This isn't so much a popularity poll as it is a "Who do you want in SFV" poll.

All the SFV newcomers are low, give it 5 years and a SFVI and everyone will be saying Laura and Ed were the most popular Street Fighter characters ever

>Street Fighter 6
>Akuma kills Ryu and becomes main villain
>Sakura becomes main character
>Sagat becomes her mentor
>Makoto and Q her friends
>Blanka her husband

>faggots voting up le ebin meme character skullo so high

>Q in 4th
>Skullomania in 16th
>Captain Swada in top 50

>Its another "a character hasnt been seen in a while so gets automatic votes by non-contrarian fags while in reality not being popular at all" episode.

It probably also explains Sakura winning because the voting period was before she was announced for SFV.

Guaranteed that if she wasn't already in SFV, Mika would be in the top 5.

That's why Sakura won, because the voting period was before she was confirmed for Street Fighter 5.

>Maki, Guy, Dan, Skullo and Dudley all in the Top 25
>the abysmal showing of SFV's new characters, none reaching higher than 40th
>Akuma in the Top 10
>all those stupid variants littering the list (is Dark Sakura even a thing?), Evil Ryu making it up to 13th

Makotofag here

Coming for you next, Sakurafags

Doubt it, everyone hated Mika before she was added to SFV, and even then, people only cared about her because of the ass slap.
Being annoying to fight, then later nerfed to shit didn't help also.

They seem salty that Ryu scored so low.

>best girl wins
What is this sorcery?

>Guy at 16 and Alex at 29

I'll take it, I didn't think anyone even cared.

Top 8 is pretty decent. Good job, fags.

>Makoto 2nd



Where the fuck were you when USFIV was announced? Mika was one of the top requested characters for that game.

whoa... akuma looks like THAT?

>Maki 25th
Good shit, she rose a bit, here's hoping to see her in future stuff. Thank you for posting OP, wanted to know this for a long while.

>Guy at 16
Oops, I meant 20. Didn't notice it was Skullomania. Still fine with it

If you're only playing the game for a specific character why bother playing 5 instead of 4? Did you miss Birdie, Karin, Mika, Urien, Alex, and Charlie or like the newcomers that much?

I feel like Ibuki would have placed a lot higher if not for her horrid redesign and changes to game play

DMAN cody is 5, when did he get so popular. I ain't complaining because he's my main. I this means Capcom will stop making him wait in every game. They made him second release dlc in SF4, SFxT and now SFV.

No she would have ranked higher if she wasn't in V and at worst her redesign is just boring it's not bad

>Voted Juli
>Get 72nd

Im not surprised by this in slightest. Good to know i got some nigs out there though.

Seeing how Ono trolled everyone with SFxT and also seeing all the Alex/Urienfags bitching about how she doesn't fit SF and yadda yadda.

They voted Q high too. Normies love meme characters.

>That Ryu


I only realized this now, but isn't Akuma normal in Third Strike? So his design in SFV is just a phase? That's kinda disappointing.

>turning into a nigger is just a phase
I wish.

my nig

Good taste. Necro is by far the best forgotten design in 3S. In terms of gameplay, Twelve and Q are both dogshit.


What did Capcom mean by this?

>16th place: SKULLOMANIA!



Yeah, well it stinks that she took such a dive in numbers because of how awful 5 is

Meme shitters were voting multiple times

Uhh, no, retard. People used the poll as "Who I want in SFV" so, they were less likely to vote for characters already in SFV, not because SFV is bad. Idiot.

Every time there's a popularity poll, people vote with their dick and hopes that their choice will be included in a new update. The results are always different except Akumer is always a top placer because of spics and nigs.

>ibukifag always shitposting
She'll never be in another game

They're announceing DMC5 in February 9

Why is Q so high? no one fucking played him

Same reason people voted for skullo, I'm not gonna be mad at this poll, it happened it happened

More like they're announcing dante character dlc for street fighter

>Makoto 2nd

>Q 4th

I sense foul play but I accept the circumstances.

Niggas have rose tinted glasses for 3s and want to see him reimagined/ruined in 3D. Dudley used to be everyones 3s darling until capcom listened and added him to sf4, now theh moved onto Q.

>ibuki is 31st
time to kill myself
also why is hugo so far down on the list i thought people liked him

Ryu in 9th, who the fuck like Ryu?!

People who like normal shit

I like Ryu.

Ryu is cool, I just wish he wasn't so angry all the time.

People who’s favorite food is white bread

By the looks of things, capcom. Capcom btfo

>abigail is 77th

I mean i think its funny

Ingrid didn't even make the list.

She's technically not a Street Fighter character. Karin is getting an Ingrid costume though.

Was she even an option?

winning with ryu is cool dude.

>Yun: 25
>Yang: 51

Waifufags ruin everything. Again.

>Sakura and Makota top 2
>Ibuki all the way down in 31st

actually how though?

I wonder how many waifusoys voted who don't even play.

Here was the list from 2013.

When you remove the characters who weren't on the other poll (Movie, EX, SFV, ect), check out what you see:
>Alex drops 5 spots
>Karin drops 10 spots
>Urien drops 18 spots
>Birdie drops 23 spots
>Mika drops 24 spots
>Nash drops 25 spots

Oh man, who knew that as soon as you could actually play as Birdie, Mika, and Nash, people would stop pretending that they actually liked them?

Also, any list that Ryu isn't number 1 is bogus. I mean look at the Japanese list from 2013, where Waifufags pushed Karin into number one, had Ingrid in the top 10, and both Juli and Juni in the top 20. Obviously having ALL 4 OF THE SEASON 3 DLC CHARACTERS IN THE TOP 10 isn't a coincidence at all.

I voted for Pullum. Rank 82 feels bad man. Hopefully she can get some love in the new Fighting Layer.

>My girl Maki in 24th place
I just hope this increases her chances of coming back someday

Because people don't vote for who they like, they vote for who's not in. Seriously, I like the guy but Q isn't top ten popular.

Anyone know when arcade edition drops, or when you can start downloading the update?
Roughly how many hours?


>Q and Cody in top 10,
Niggas you got good taste.

Great taste.

Then explain Juri's placement

Everyone loves Juri regardless of how shitty she's been to play. Even back in SF4, she was still shit and borderline unplayable and people still loved the shit out of her. And please, don't argue me on that point, no one cares if you liked how she played in 4.


Any Ex Character

Everybody hates Yun more than Yang, but more people have played Yun.

>Nash lower than fucks like Remy, Gen and Captain fucking Sawada
I don't buy it. There was hood rat shit going with the votes if I remember right so Capcom didn't iron those out I'm sure of it. Cause there are just some really strange shit on this poll that doesn't make sense

>/our Mexican/ is 55th

Ill take it

nigga ill fight you

Not that user but I don't get why either of them are so low in general. Yang I kind of understand though I miss him dearly, Yun has a cool design, fun tools and he feels like a character that works as one of the "faces" of the SFIII era.

Idk, but I'll take Q and Makoto and settle with them I guess.

post your fightcade name


Guy scored well. I like that my main isn't heavily used.

How the fuck is Blanka 10th? Fuck that piece of shit character.

Man of good taste.

Being a Guy fan is suffering. All these bitchass pussy faggots love cody, why? Just a bitch nigga who went to jail, doesn't even rock the fresh ninja converses like my dude Guy. Fuck all cody fans, you deserve to eat prison dirt.

>anywhere near the top


>Khyber dead last
>Khyber even being on the list
>Some other characters weren't

Does that mean he got one (1) vote?

Cody's our boy tho user. Don't hate. Just enjoy shitting on shotos

I only hate Makoto. Everything else is alright. Wish Alex was higher