ITT: Opinions that almost everyone agree with

The main story in Skyrim was really awful

Battlefield was better before Bad Company

this is mostly accurate

I think most here would agree on that. I don't think they'd agree that Skyrim is kind of shitty.

have these niggers ever actually played it

>Soulstorm higher tier than Winter Assault/Dark Crusade.

The Switch is a good console.

Add Original War to the high tier, it was fun as fuck.

Someone add they are billions to not actually an rts

Hold the fucking phone, there's an logh rts?!

Right. Most would hopefully think it just shitty.

Every big questline in skyrim was fucking terrible. The college is just "Harry Potter and the big mean thalmor that has a giant orb". The companions are a bunch of furfags that make you do radiant quests then turn you into a werewolf. The dark brotherhood was way too easy and it didnt even matter if you didnt use stealth. The thieves guild was just a mishmash of the college and the dark brotherhood in terms of plot. The definitely not bad guy you meet 5 minutes in betrays you and then you do a thing and restore the guild to its former glory. Also once again fencing is completely pointless due to the speech perk and money is piss easy to make in this game.

>DCfags still in denial that SS became the better game after balance patches

>age of mythology
>in god tier
it wasnt THAT great...

What did Skyrim actually do good?

It had the best open world this decade.

Music and graphics. Yeah yeah I know shit looks ugly up close but I love Skyrim's aesthetic. Besides that nothing.

>company of memes is higher than men of war 2

>Doesn't include KKND

Not even in its own year.

It actually had some really good side quests. Ignore the factions and ignore the radiant shit and you can find some pretty nice stuff.

What other open world games even came out in 2011.

Decade, really?

Music was mostly re-used in too many areas, graphics? No way, artstyle sure.

Are we talking side quests as in random NPC in any not-town related area? Cause guild quests etc were pretty "ok" but not good compared to previous TES titles.

more mod friendly than oblivion

video games

I personally like KKnD but I definitely recognize that it has some of the worst RTS AI in history. Worst as in they were simply programmed to win. They have no human weaknesses, nor do they have any tactical strengths. They just build their bases with absolute frame-perfect efficiency, then send waves of units to attack you in the location of your base which they cannot have possibly discovered because the inability to know exactly where everything on the map is was never programmed in. Then you either lose because of the overwhelming force of consecutive attacks repeated with absolute efficiency, or you win because you managed to make an impenetrable defense against that one single type of attack the enemy keeps repeating over and over. It makes the game both the easiest and hardest RTS game at the same and for all the wrong reasons.

literally every quest line in skyrim is awful and the game has nearly zero replay value unmodded.

>user makes a post to point out how thread is somehow not vidya
>user's post is the least vidya post in the thread
You can't make this shit up. It's too perfect.

I started on vanilla skyrim when it came out and quickly quit, not because the game was bad but because they full fucking retard on destruction progression, obsoleting spell types and hardly any damage scaling. Last I tried to mod it, my framerate was still shit and I gave up. I think I'll get to it again this year and spend some months slowly working through it in an immersive manner.

>no Warlords Battlecry 2 in God tier
Incorrect list

One of the comfiest games ever made. The music (even the incidental music like discovering a new location, the graphics, the sound effects.

>Dungeon Keeper
>anywhere but God Tier
Literally fucking tossed in the trash.

Witcher 3 is a terrible soyboy Reddit game made to cater to the lowest common denominator. The combat is absolute garbage and every quest is "use your witcher senses to do X"

You do realise that the only people agreeing with you are the obese neckbeards here at Sup Forums. Not much of a popular opinion at all IRL

BC1, 2 and Battlefield 3 were amazing

I liked Dragonborn quest line

It was much better than Oblivion.

>game looked like shit
>music all sounded the same

civ 5 > those games tho


>Entire main quest is you going on fetch quest after fetch quest for some asshat who gets all the glory




"Awful" is too much emotional investment, it was more "Meh" since it was clearly not good, but also boring and unimportant, so you need to show that it lacks quality but also attraction.

Yes. I can do this all day.

Given the Witcher 3's willingness to slow down the plot in order to build legitimate atmosphere, tension and stakes makes it clear that they aren't pandering to the normies who shutoff a game if they haven't seen at least a whole skyline levelled by drone-strikes in the opening cutscene.

P.S I actually found the combat to fluid, impactful and above all fun. (The signs are fiddly and inefficient though.)

No. Me too.

I have over 300 hours in Skyrim and have never finished the main quest line.