New Gundam Breaker

So like Versus except you can mix and match Gundam parts?

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Not really, usually you fight through a mission to get to the boss. At least that's how 3 played. As you slaughter swarms of enemies, they drop parts and plastic and you use all of it to improve your Gunpla. I hope I can still get infinite combos my slapping on the blitz's grappling hook again

>So like Versus
No this is more like beat-em-up rather than an arena fighter. The customization and options are usually outstanding with these games and the combat is fun but repetitive.

>Armored Core died for this

>tfw have 1 and 3 but have barely played either
Goddamn, I'm good with money. I just recently started watching 0079 and it's been making me want to give them another shot, though, so maybe I should do that sooner than later.

It's gundam diablo

>Armored Core

Never mind the fact that a new Armored Core is in developement, but they aren't even from the same damn company you jack ass.

Armored Core isn't dead. FromSoftware refuse to make it now that Souls shit is the most popular thing it produces.

I would love another Armored Core too. But just not ACV levels of story incoherence, small part list, bad multiplayer and average soundtrack. It has to be ACFA levels of good again.

They could market it to the souls crowd if they make the gameplay slower and have drop-in multiplayer. So basically AC3 era gameplay but with seamless multiplay, I think it could work.

3 was pretty good, I just wish the enemy units were a bit easier to kill like Musou. I'm still hype as fuck though, I hope it comes out sooner rather than later.

V and VD were funded by namco
miyazakicore a shit

Seeing the enemy boss break apart and shit out rare parts never stops being satisfying.
Gimme the rest of IBO's HGs pls.

Confirmed for western release

>No Switch

switch gets SD Gundam GGG port

And? Im talking about Breaker, G Gen is old news.

>2017+1 year
>not being idort

>N-Nobody cares


Does Sup Forums build gunpla?

Did the announcement of Border Break for PS4 force their hands to announce this? Seems out of the blue. BB's pretty big in Nipland after all.

Gundam Breaker 3 was great. Hopefully this goes further with the fields and enemies. I'd like to see some shit straight out of Build Fighters, like the battle royale.

Neat. Gundam games are fun and the Gunpla aspect seems really cool to me after watching Build Fighters

but mostly snap build + panel lines and matte spray

>AC3 era gameplay


i just got gundam breaker 3 goddammit

plenty of time to beat it till release.

It's one of the rarer games you can aquire.

Just be happy it's in your collection

>mfw managed to break disc somehow and forced to buy break edition in digital cause it's sold out everywhere

Oh sweet. Got tonnes of fun playing Breaker 3 Break edition last month. Got lucky someone decided to sell his copy. Wish the story will like a bit more like GBF.


to be fair it was sold out there for at least half of year

>PS4 only
>no Vita port to hold it back
Please be 60FPS this time
I'm also really hoping they add even more pieces than in Breaker 3 but I have this gut feeling they'll do a soft reboot a la Gundam Versus

Gundam Breaker 3 was pretty fun so I'm excited for a new one

>Literally was thinking about importing GB3 last night.
>This happens

>miyazakicore a shit

Fuck off. For Answer was literally the best AC game in over a decade. Over 700 garage parts to screw around with, an active online multiplayer community, customisation options that lasted several months alone, a coherent plot with branching paths filled with good characters, a great dub and soundtrack.

And it was just a fucking expansion to AC4. Which was so perfectly average they had to bring in Miyazaki to kick start it.

It's a ps4 game ported over, who cares. Ps4 is about new games, not rehashed like switch

Same here. I want to get into painting, but hand brushing can go bad quickly, and I don't have space for sprays/airbrushing


Basically how to spot a true Mecha fan at this point. Kudos!

I'd post the main trio i built but
>Image size limit

you bet i do

Armored Core devs are working on Metroid Prime 4 now

SD Gundam is kino

yeah, there is little point in painting until you'll have time, space and full setup for airbrushing.
hand painting way too tricky and doesn't really work all that well anyway.
Just panel lines and matte spray do wonders for snap builds tho. Even for some HG.
>have 10 HG and 5 HG and few Kotobukiya kits in backlog


>they brought miyazaki in to make a macross game

>Unreal 4
>previous games were on Vita
why the fuck isn't this on Switch, exactly? It doesn't look as if it's going to be any more intensive than the last 3 games.
Also, why isn't it called Nu Gundam Breaker?

>5 HG
5 MG
also Layzner and few RE/100

Holy shit! I would've been happy with just a Breaker 3 Switch port but this is even better.

UE4 isn't very scalable to mobile cpus without looking like a half baked mess there's a ue4 techdemo with the tegra x1 on youtube if you want to check how bad they had to downgrade the visuals and japanese programing now is really awful.

I still have the RG Char's Zaku and an HG Ez8 in my back log. I wish I had known how bad the first RGs were before I got the Zaku and RX-78. Lots of loose parts and pretty fragile when posing in general.

4 is the same word for death in japanese so it's bad luck

yeah, RG are basically 144 scale MG detail wise quite a pain if it's your first kit, I instead just focused on MG, RE and HG. Thankfully RG doesn't have that many exclusive to it kits to care.

>Final Fantasy IV

How do you even function?

>new armored core is in development
>ONE fucking article said that and from denied it and said it was untrue
It's dead.

I'm giving a reason they might go with New instead of 4. Other series have still done 4 but Gundam is a more japanese exclusive thing we get to sample

Your reasoning is complete bullshit that doesn't hold up even on the lightest of scrutiny you racist jackass.

It's on vita and fucking ps4

yes, breaker 3 too. and?

And kill yourself fucking shitchcuck

>absolute state of port beggars
embrace idortness

Neat. Just in time for the announcement of that new Build Fighters project. Guess we'll be seeing some of that in the DLC.

we already getting build strike in versus

I mean we'll be seeing stuff from the new project.

Yeah, but I just snapbuild.

that or more hot scramble

>Just platted 3 and did all the DLC shit

Neato. I hope my bro Robota is back in some form.

Mostly RGs and MGs.

Hot Scramble was the mascot for the 30th anniversary of Gundam games, so while it might make it in, it probably won't be stealing the spotlight from a brand new show/OVA now that it's anniversary has passed.

>that DLC ending
He better be
love story with info chan when

thank fuck

What's the fastest and cheapest way to get 3 break edition? Play-Asia slaps it with some shipping fee and it doesn'T seem to be available in the HK store.

Don't care about physical

>that macross game ended up becoming better than anything from the series within that last decade

Stay mad, it doesn't change the truth ACFA was the best in the least.

it's on Singapore PSN, but not on sale atm.
My suggestion is just wait for sale. it was 40 SGD few months ago.

Singapore PSN has the English version.

>New build fighters announcement
Is there a season 3? Quick Google search didn't show anything

no, there was just teaser of something GBF related

You consider Try a season 2? It's a spin off sequel thingy

Teased at the end of the final Battlogue episode.

Is that...

>mfw when I thought he was kill


gave me a fucking scare that's for sure

The things people come up with:

>Versus is finally coming down in price
>a new Breaker is coming to the west
>now SD Gundam SRPG for Switch

It's a new era of Gundam vidya kino

Yeah, you can do some crazy stuff in GB3. Hopefully NGB will increase the number of Option Part slots.

delicious flat

Hopefully some more experimental games come out too.

I want a Tales of Gundam or Doan's punchout

and this is just jaunary
bamco is jesus, confirmed

Now I don't have to pay a extra 80% more money and wait next to two months for it to make it out of fucking china.

>currently watching Zeta Gundam
>this news

Well goddamn, what a time to be alive.



Zeta did a lot of interesting things. Having a female MC at that time was considered revolutionary.


Fuck you Jerid

Ain't even mad, Kamille's a huge bitch.

Speaking of gunpla anyone know the best set of tools to start off with for it?

you better off asking gunpla general over /m/ people there generally friendly.

Honestly this image and providence is singlehandely make me hate Seed little less