Is it dead already? Had the switch killed it?
Is it dead already? Had the switch killed it?
Strange Journey Remaster and PQ2 are still coming. So is the new unannounced mainline EO game.
why is he cryin :(
>still expecting a new 3ds game
Gamefreak even announced that with ultra sun/moon it will be their last main series title for the 3ds. Either we're getting a new portable, somewhere between the 3ds and a switch, or from now on all portables will be going to the switch instead.
With the latter, i'm not sure if that would be a wise decision, considering the price of the switch is more than double that of the 3ds. Portables need a cheaper option, and no mobile will ever be advanced enough to support that.
post yfw you fell for the meme
a-at least xenoblade chronicles was good. I never played it on Wii so there's that
>the meme
What meme? 3DS is old as fuck, it's had a full library already, we're just getting to the end now.
thingken of no games
Ah my bad, thought OP was talking about NEW 3DS games as in games for the n3ds
Oh, right, New 3DS.
Yeah, that was kind of a pointless upgrade. Still, I bought one because I have Nintenholm syndrome.
Look on the bright side user. The system is almost 7 years old, and that’s perfectly fine for a console life span. Had a pretty good life, plenty of good games and we all loved it. It’s time to move on though. No more looking back. It’s time to Switch.
>Strange Journey
>Radiant Historia
>Celebration Etrian Odyssey
>Persona Q2
>Kirby Battle Royale
>Allience Alive
>Dragon Quest XI
>Detective Pikachu
We are still getting some (based Atlus), but I'd wager this is the last year.
He's talking about NEW 3DS games. One of the things Nintendo publicly stated was that they'd be making games specifically for the New 3DS. I can only imagine in hindsight porting a Wii game nobody played to show off its power was a stupid idea.
Why don't you cure that disease user?
>He's talking about NEW 3DS
Is he though?
5/7 Atlus games. KEK
True, he could be a shit posting retard, in which case why give him the attention.
Not really that pointless, Xenoblade proved that N3DS can run huge open worlds almost flawlessly. It’s more like nobody didn’t even bother to develop a N3DS exclusive game that made the console seemed pointless
>t. gay ass-pirate who downloaded nearly ever 3DS game, played them all for 3 minutes dude to ADHD, and now has nothing new to download to get that "rush"
They're doing the same for Vita, I think they're really reluctant to make games on the switch
At least SMTV is there
>loading times don't make me want to kill myself anymore
>ips screens over shitty tn
>c-nub is cool for mh once you replace it with a psp nub
>sweet faceplates if you're not a retard
There's no meme here, user.
Agreed on the face plates. I imported a JP N3DS and have a NA N3DSXL and sometimes I wish I just had a second smaller one to use more of the faceplates I have.
>once you replace it with a psp nub
You just rip it out with a needle or some shit, then a psp nub slots right in for some reason.
Can you still close the screen properly on an XL?
>Fell for the EXCLUSIVE NEW 3DS GAMES meme
>When the DSi was a thing too
You played yourself.
DSi had some good shit on DSiWare, tho.
>tfw Strange Journey delayed because of competition
Hopefully they release it in a smart spot. Their March release window is overflowing with competitors. Poorer people will still be catching up from January/February.
Name 5
Uhm, that Wario game.
That weeb dungeon crawler.I'm fucking out
Why does the DSi even exist at all? I've been looking into getting a DS since I never had one and I don't like playing DS games on my 3DS, and it just seems like a no brainer to get a Lite for the way better battery life. Shame about the hingest being fragile though, I guess.
are you Nintendo drones really this stupid? maybe Nintendo is focusing one the newest handheld the switch which replaces the 3ds and wii u.
well you see the type of people who complain that the switch doesn't have a web browser or netflix
I had my DS lite for years but the hinges died. The only nice that about the DSi was the X L. It had a really nice screen.
Starship Defense
Dark Void Zero
Metal Torrent
Mr. Driller
Bomberman back when there was online
Art Academy if you liked to draw back then, now there's a version on 3DS and Wii U
Unironically Nintendo's Solitaire game since it is $2 and comfy
>he didn't saved money by buying a cheap 2ds
I heard the new release of SMT suck ass though.
t. shitskin
It's fine. I already played it and finished in December. I'm just waiting for the western release to come out now.
A Mini Switch might be an alright decision then
Really user? How many new bosses? I fucking hate that lameass Demiurge boss. Weak as fuck.
I also have a 2DS. Damn shame nerds trashed on it for no reason besides "durrr doorstop design".
It's basically a fucking gameboy with two screen, nice shoulder buttons, and a much springier and comfier dpad than the other systems.
It has one screen you dunce
It doesn't seems confortable in hand though?
I have one too (initially bought for my daughter) and it's definitely comfier than the 3DS if you have big hands.
New Zelda
New 2D Metroid
Punch-Out WII Port
>no mobile will ever be advanced enough to support that
??????????? What are you smoking? Mobiles will keep getting more powerful and cheaper just like desktops did.
That's true.
It's actually very comfortable and the lightest weight of any 3DS system. Just get that $10 zip case and you're good.
Also if you don't give a shit about 3D, you can get one for $60 and under. That's the price of one mediocre AAA game.
>It's actually very comfortable and the lightest weight of any 3DS system.
You made me fuckin check. You lying fucking cunt.
Thank you for defending 2ds. I had an XL, and after 4 years the hinge started breaking. Since my original DS phat did the same thing, I just wanted a cheap replacement without a hinge so I went for 2ds, and I'm much happier I did. The smaller screen kind of sucks, but it is much more comforatable than the 2ds, and it is built like a brick. The 3ds XL is heavy, and has weight hanging off the top, so it puts stress on the wrists, 2ds is light and comfortable as fuck. 2ds gets thicker at the button area so you have a better grip, Mario 3d land felt like my fingers were constantly slipping off the buttons, and Kid Icarus Uprising just wasn't comfortable at all to play.
I'm mad I paid an extra premium for the shitty 3d feature I never ended up using
>The 3ds XL is heavy, and has weight hanging off the top, so it puts stress on the wrists
fucking this.
2DS and N3DS are the smallest systems but also happen to be the most comfortable. I don't know the exact weight of each system but I feel ,like how the other user said about the top screen adding this weight or push down, it doesn't feel as heavy.
Also the fact that if you're playing something chaotic you don't have to deal with a wobbly screen.