Show a shortcoming

Show a shortcoming


She's an anime.
Fuck off weeb.

why does she have fluffy animal ears?


Daddy complex all over the place.

>She's an Japanese animation

Reminder to never waifu furries.

shes from fire emblem and i fucking hate fire emblem


This. They smell like trash.

Why though?

>Love red riding hood
>Love kemomimis
She's the only thing I liked in dates, didn't even buy her game let alone buy it 3 times.

Just pirate it

It was the first game I pirated with CFW came out. And I was glad I did

No ranged option, limiting her on the EP.

Nothing wrong with FE.

At least she can learn Grisly Wound.

She's very messy.
i still married her on RV, and according to my sister she makes for a beautiful daughter.

>she's in fire emblem
>not even a good one
>bad artist
>shes not real
>her game sucks

She's not Selkie

No, thanks

True. I wish tier 2 skills were learned at lvl 10 rather then 15 so you have more time to use them.

you've taken a wrong turn, this isn't twitter.

>fucking retards.
you want kana to get worse?

Selkie is shit though.

>can't even kill shit she has effective damage against
Foxes are fucking garbage, enjoy using units that make rinkah look like a berserker

petting spots

She's not Camilla


I can't say.

Disgusting subhumans

This is bad how?

Subhuman, deserves nothing but death.

>not liking wolfskins
>not wanting to marry her and treat her like a pet

I don't want a sub-human as a pet, i want her corpse hanging from a tree as a warning to other sub-humans.

What are your thoughts on tomes, hidden weapons and magical variant weapons having 1-2 range? Are they okay as they are with that range or should it be adjusted like having that added range only be availible during that unit's phase?


She can’t turn into a giant bunny and look at me like I pathetic man-spawn who will ride me while having a disgusted look on her face until I turn her over and break her until she submits to my superior man-speak dick.

Oh my...


I can't.

They should all keep 1-2 range. Only thing I would change with hidden weapons is having lower MT. Magical weapons already can't perform crits and and offensive skills.

I'm actually glad they didn't give Wolfskins and their promotion class a ranged option. They are already really good tanks and player phase units on their own and to give them ranged options would make Generals obsolete.

>Not keeping a mindbroken self-hating Subhuman as your pet/wife

You are like baby.

I would nerf hidden weapons to only be 2 range, then buff bows to be 3 by default and re-buff magic to not be shit statistically. That way shurikens have some actual fucking counterplay and the archer/mage dynamic rewards positioning more than currently.

But then hidden weapons no longer counter tomes as well before without that 1 range.

>3 by default
Are you saying bows should have 1-3 range or 3 only. Because 1-3 range snipers/bow knights should crazy.

No ranged attacks
That's about it.

Bows should have 2-3 range.

>Fates Snipers with 3 tiles of attack

Her father looks better

>They give some of them with lunge, seal skills and/or poison strike

>equipped with inevitable end

They had better give us back restore staves in the next game if they plan to keep debuffs and Inevitable End.

If they reintroduce restore staves, I'd feel that if they were plentiful it'd kill the challenge on dealing with debuffs and IE. Restore staves should be slightly rare.

>someone decides to leave Restore staves out of the one game in the series where they'd actually be useful for something other than healing deliberately poisoned units for exp
Thanks ISIS

How would you have written a "Azura was the bad guy all along" plot?

Never trust a big butt and a smile
That girl is poison

>big butt
Aqua doesn't have a big butt.

She killed thousands

To save dozens

Can't be your daughter.

Flat ass


>restore staves
>never useful
You alright buddy ?

Yes she can. Play as Femui.

Not that user but you must have gotten fucked hard by the stat distribution because she was easily among the better units in birthright.

Also she's cuter.

Hoshido > Nohr

You must have gotten it the other way around and just been lucky, Selkie is one of the worst units. Dodgetank with noodle arms in a game where dodgetanking is shit.

>Restore Staves
>not useful in 776
I hope you like leaving Sleeping units behind in escape chapters.

Everything is wrong with FE.

Restore staffs aren't that useful, at least in the GBA and Tellius.

Disgusting incestuous subhuman

>TranSexual Fiction

It's what the japs call genderswap.

That sounds like a scenario ripe for a doujinishi.

>tfw no qt Takumi (female) rival in Conquest where the tension between you two gradually grows higher and higher

Restore is useful in the Tellius games though.
Sleep reduces avoid to 0 so you will just get Sieged to death by siege tomes.

stinky trash digger
selkie is better

Nothing wrong with it though lol.


>letting yourself get by them

>M Kana x Selkie
>M Morgan x Nah
Why do the boys have the cutest romances?



It was literally her average since I just used an offspring seal on her. Dodge tanks are dead in fates and a paper thin defense dodge tank with zero strength has no purpose on any team

the boys are cute in general

>10/10 outfit
>shit face

In order to dodgetank you need breaker skills.

That's just Kozaki.

There's also using terrain, sunrise katana, kagero's dart and using dual weapons against what would originally be wtd.

even in cipher and fan art her face looks like shit

Better hope for heroes to fix it then

>tfw one of the few people who really likes the art in Fates

Because of the way RNG works dodge tanking just isn't reliable. It's not the GBA or Gaiden days with broken terrain bonuses.

I like it. But I wish Kozaki wasn't so fucking lazy that he just gave doing full body art like halfway though

>tfw seriously considering just cheating on chapter 25
N-no one will ever know, right?

Hard or Lunatic?

>get shurikenbreaker
>entrap the faggots with lunge


But buying Shurikenbreaker is cheating
I can still do Entrap strategy, but that'd use up half of my remaining gold for a staff.

you'll know, can you live with the guilt?