Patch is out

Who you /maining/

dead game

I'm sure Ill get out of bronze with Sakura.

When does the servers come back on?

W-what does it smell like?


About 3 hours user.

Cammy but if I don't like her ill give juri another chance. I like her vt2 and I see some use in some matchups and 2vt bars fr both v triggers are nice.

Cammy, Chun, Juri and Sakura when she gets released.


I used to main Ibuki and Dudley in the earlier games but decided to switch to Abigail the moment I heard him go VROOMMMM.


I have to go buy a hdmi lead which i cannot be bothered to do though

hello friend. His new vtrigger is the juggernaut. Feels good to have the juggernaut mod now.

Great taste, these are the two characters I play as well.

I think Juri changes will be very significant, even just having cr. fierce actually anti air and her target combo hitting crouching opponents are massive changes.

now that her vtrigger is 2 bar. She might be good.

god i wish that were me

Whos ready Vtrigger 2? VROOOMMMMM

>momochi testing abigail out
>his reaction
kek we top tier boys

I'll try to stick to mai boi Alex, hoping the changes aren't too fucking awful. Menat, Mika and Sakura are my second option.

>tfw ordered physical
>won't arrive until Friday

At the moment, I have no idea who I'll main.

I'm gonna main Ingrid.

top kek

Mains haven't changed (Alex and Kolin) and thankfully both were buffed

Chun Li and hopefully Alex and Kolin on the side.


Karin main I see


sakura or mika

Gonna keep my gief play sharp, this is the only game i can have huge amounts of fun as a grappler. Gonna maybe learn mika for my 2nd for that muscle waifu gimmick

Unless they fix that shit timing from her vol2 trials, I pass playing Karin

his vtrigger 2 does insane damage.

What's Karin new vtrigger?

Still /fit/ Birdie here. Unless Sakura turns me around. Been playing a lot of Abigail and Kolin too, but will never put in real work with either.

I main ken but tbqh I hate is vskill, gonna be maining sakura now I think

ohh fuck yeah that frames specific input shit is cancer, was talking to some faggot user yesterday who was saying SFV combos aren't frame perfect timing and can be mashed out
dumb fucking nigger

Haha, thats a funny image. lol

Is Karin an exception? is the the only one with inputs that tight?

>literally ONE character that require so sort of perfection input
>Others can mash shit all the way

Haha yeah lol, kek amirite?

Ingrid does things to me

no this is bullshit, loads of combos are frame specific input, mainly the ones that come from light attack combos. And with the shitty input lag SFV has these combos are pure cancer.

>literally ONE character that require so sort of perfection input
if you don't believe me try chun li trial 10, or even just her c.lk. .cmk s.lk combo
or geifs trial 6 vol 2 (iirc) just a simple s.lk, lariot is frame AND spacing specific

>c.lk. .cmk s.lk combo
wrong combo it is
c.lp c.mk s.lp

Like consider suicide?

Karin is shit, get a new main, I suggest Urien

>Juri finally got a working anti-air
I'm so happy, bros.

What the hell's happened, why can't I login?

Also what the hell is Sakura's theme lads

Servers are still under maintenance for an hour and a half.

Why don't you like her?

She's okay


Sagat isn't out for like forever, so I'm either sticking with Guile, or picking up FANG. I'll give Sakura and the re-done Ryu a shot, but it's unlikely I'll stick with either of them.

Because [spoiler[GUARANTEED FOR SEASON 3

How so?

So Karin's Inrgrid costume, it's real money, isn't it?
Does it look good

i just played it for 30min , and trie many v triggers 2
they all seem to be shittier than v trigger 1

not thicc enough

Removes her rekkas entirely.

physical counter, nothing really ground breaking, stick to her first VT

All you have to do to get out of bronze is block and punish and land your links. If you know this and at least read my post and find yourself still failing then its just nerves and experience you have to work out.

>capcom fighting jam
what was the point of this game? That game wouldn't have been so bad in an era with DLC, but even then the original roster would be considered tiny

which is?

cr. HP. It used to get beaten by everything, or traded at least. Now it beats even Necalli's dive kick clean.

Also, depending on your timing st. HP deals with crossups.

Feels like they just made new Vtriggers to say that they did, without quality in mind, which is unsurprising.

I never found a character I really liked, so never stayed too long with any one character, which kinda ruined me

can do everything with karin even can get jab jab tenko most of the time CANNOT for the life of me figure out how to ex dash tenko after light mujinkyaku (qcb+k) juggle

I need to get this combo down so I can dump some meter for damage if I need it. I find myself sitting on stock otherwise.

So I just finished downloading Arcade Edition on the PS Store, and when I boot it up I can't select any of the season 1 or 2 DLC characters. Do I have to wait for the servers to go back up to access them? I kinda wanted to check out training mode on some of the characters I haven't played with yet.

yess no more having to delicately space jump ins with st.HP all of the time

Will I like SFV if never a Fightan before but mostly just want for cute girls?
Or is there another Fightan I should instead?

When does the serves come back online?

there is literally a game for you fucking degenerates. Just wait for snk heroines

Put in the effort and you'll be fine I like SFV because the game has a large player base and tons of skill levels playing however don't even attempt to play if you don't have heart. One thing I noticed in the low ranks is a lot of giving up or no attempting to fight at ALL just because they got paired up with a higher ranked opponent. Like why play a fighting game if you have no fight?

What's wrong with Karin's inputs?

t. Silver Karin

Ken's new V trigger is ace. I can tell it's going to piss me off plenty.

I personally find all combos with her qcf.k a pain in the dick. I can do most of her shit but not this consistently. Stuff like cr.mp>st.mp>qcf+K P>qcf+K Down+P is impossible. I had to drop her for this. Its a shame since she is my favorite SFV girl by far.

This. I'm shit but i still steal matches from people better than me by getting lucky and going balls out. Plus even if you lose you learn a lot

>I can do most of her shit but not this consistently
That means you can't do it. Work on your execution, my man.

>Need to spend minimum 10k fm over the course of a month to get Joe
>Ingrid requires real money
One step forward two steps back
Every single time, Capcom

>how to ex dash tenko after light mujinkyaku (qcb+k) juggle
here. Do you literally just mean tenko, qcb+k then tenko? Why can't you do that?
I main Karin and I can't even do the qcf+k down+P juggle consistently. My solution is to just not use it and tenko normally instead. I'm only silver though.

How so? It doesn’t have any iframes.

I know but i'm bad at execution shit. Really fucking bad especially juggles so anime and karin is a nogo. Could I have learned it if I put in enough time? Yeah most likely but I don't find spending weeks and months of my time to learn combos. I spent a whole summer practicing BB combos and have nothing to show for it and after a new revision was release flipping character and their combos on their heads. Its just not something i will put in a whole lot of time into anymore.

So is getting fight money from single player content over now?


So did AE save SFV?

Should've been the original release.


In a few minute user.

>game back to full price with everything
Fuck off.


but is it actually good now?

his new trigger isn't that good.

>Sakura no longer wears bloomers in any of her costumes, even the nostalgia one
>instead she wears spats

I like spats a lot too, but bloomers are elder god tier. Why are Mika and Laura allowed to exist and get the most revealing outfits (even Chun Li too), but they can't even stay accurate to returning costumes for other characters?


>That clipping
Should've spent more money on devtime instead on capcup.

Would you?


Fuck no, most characters have several tight frame windows all over the place that require exact timing to link even some of the simplest shit together. Anyone who says that SFV has easy combos and is good for a beginner are fucking lying. Even some characters' bread and butter combos are among those that have tight links.
Most SNK fighters or any anime fighter has super lenient input windows (mostly in part due to even their fastest normals being in the 7+ startup range with lots of frame advantages being double digits, compared to SF's 2-4 frame lights and its frame advantages staying in single digits), making shit like BlazBlue's super long combos feel elementary.

Meanwhile I still drop shit like Bison's Psycho Axe into crouching medium half the time even after two years. Using macros, that Axe into cMP is only 0.064~ of a second (following Psycho Axe's 0.816 seconds), a four frame window, despite the Axe showing +6 on hit in AE's frame data output. Any longer than that and the MP will be blocked.

It's nice that SFV did away with the one frame links of SFIV, leaving at worst 3-frame links, but this shit is irritating enough locally with the 6-8 frame input delay - combine that with SFV's awkward ass online rollback makes a lot of these 3-4 frame links a fucking gamble whether or not it's going to work.

>my face when Shin Akuma

you kidding? I love unconscious chicks

I just don't like that her butt crack isn't very visible compared to SF 4.

Do you choose your character in extra battles?

So, can I ask a question for people who bought the PS4 disc?

No. I won't let you.