-Was considering buying the new GTX 1180/2080Ti Volta once it is released.
-Remember the only good games I currently play are BOTW on Cemu and Dark Souls III.
Why is the current state of PC Gaming so depressing? This and also the inflated prices thanks to mining.
-Was considering buying the new GTX 1180/2080Ti Volta once it is released
Other urls found in this thread:
>Something is wrong with pc games, not me
big thinker
Then what other good games you suggest to justify the gpu upgrade, good sir? The only noteworthy launches for PC gaming this year are Monster Hunter World (and we got cucked with a later release date) and Dark Souls remastered.
>Why is the current state of PC Gaming so depressing?
How's so? More and more console exclusive games are coming to PC, more games in general is coming out for PC.
Because Sup Forums keeps shilling out and buying consoles for console exclusives and wonder why no games ever come out on PC
-The recent intel bullshit
-Prices of computer parts are increasing
-The absolute joke that is steam and it's quality control
-Every game is early access and has microtransactions
Things are only gonna get worse from here.
falseflag fag
OP here. Indeed he is a falseflag fag but doesn't changes the fact his points are completely valid. He didn't need to falseflag, what a moron.
Not even falseflagging, this shit is literally right in front of me I can't keep ignoring it.
Why do people act like this? Do they only play AAA garbage or something?
>hurr durr look at the amazing backlog PC has
>Emulators, old games, indies and some current AAA games.
We didn't build $1000.00 PCs to play old crap, we build PCs to completely surpass consoles and this is not what is currently happening. On the contrary, buying consoles now seems like a good idea with current gpu prices.
dumb false flagger, go back to plebbit if you want to act like a retard
Prices have inflated before, I remember 6-7 years ago my friend could only afford a 500GB HDD because 1TB HDDs went up like crazy. 1-2 years later when I built a PC, I bought a 1TB HDD for the same price he paid for a 500GB HDD.
The recent ''intel bullshit'' was confirmed to have almost zero impact when it comes to gaming and it will eventually be fixed anyway.
>Every game is early access and has microtransactions
PCs do completely surpass consoles in every way.
>Some current AAA games
Yeah, around 95% of them, my dude.
>Yeah, around 95% of them, my dude.
No need to be delusional. PUBG doesn't represents 95% of the AAA industry, my dude.
>PUBG the only ''AAA'' game on PC
Prey 2017
That's it? One AAA game? Holy fuck there must be something wrong with my math because I can't decipher how one game totals 95% percent of the AAA industry lmfao
You asked for one I gave you one the fuck more you want for?
It's not like you're gonna finish them anyway
You dont. Or you have a compulsive need to upgrade your videocard? Did the Jews came to your home at night and left a message in blood that you will die unless you shell out the shekels for new hardware?
>Some current AAA games
>Yeah, around 95% of them, my dude.
Didn't knew PCKeks were so good at making jokes. PS4 is leading the AAA industry and PC wished it had the AAA catalog of PS4.
This. We get ports that are only marginally better looking and frequently buggy. PC is an afterthought for big publishers.
Having access to all those indie games is nice but those never take advantage of good rigs. You just need one to play a ps2-looking game at 30 FPS.
>Did the Jews came to your home at night and left a message in blood that you will die unless you shell out the shekels for new hardware?
But if someone is a PC player and doesn't have a PS4 that means he doesn't fucking care about PS4 games. So what does it matter? I would gladly buy a fucking PS4 but the only game that interests me id fucking Yakuza.
Then why do you want to upgrade so badly? I bought new videocard when it was obvious that mine is not good enough anymore (DS3 ran at 20 fps on low), what is your reason?
user just give up and join us, don't you want to play our cool, hip and new exclusives?
>AAA Exclusives worth getting
PS4 currently has what? Uncharted 4? Truly an astounding lineup after over 4 years.
My PS4 is currently only good for Netflix and gathering dust.
big if true
PC gaming has always been a joke since the 8 bit era, but atleast is free
haha thanks user I needed that laugh
Just pirate and emulate. Even with the extra cost, it makes up for itself when you don't have to pay for games.
Mainly to play at 4k@120hz. I have this idea that if I am playing on PC at 1080@60hz, then I am literally playing at the same resolution and frames than consoles. Why, then, game on PC if a console can do the same? That's why I want to upgrade, to play at a resolution and frames consoles can't reach.
I dunno, I got a gtx 960 and a fx6300 and I only play paradox games, older games and dark souls 3
Everything runs as it should so I will probably upgrade if I can't run Monster Hunter World, maybe
>Console games
Disregard the switch.
First of all, this Second, first you said that there are no games worth upgrading for as in . Now you are saying you want 120 hz. So what exactly is it?
Ah yes, current gen consoles CAN run games at 60fps but only if it runs at 720p and has graphics from 2007.
What the fuck are you smoking niggers? Just look at the lastest multiplatform AAA game announced: DSR. PS4 & Xbox One: 1080p@60hz. Eat a dick elitists.
>Last gen remaster
Sure showed me user
Maybe you are right and upgrading isn't such a good idea right now. Afterall, the point of upgrading is to improve perfomance on a game you like, right? But currently there are no good games apart from the two mentioned in the OP that I currently enjoy (also Dark Souls is capped at 60fps kek). I will reconsider the upgrade until Monster Hunter World is launched. Thanks user.
I sold mine after I beat Bloodborne. Persona 5 can be emulated fairly well now. Polybius is hitting PC this year, likely. Never cared for Yakuza. Don't really care about Spiderman or any other cinematic style game like Uncharted or Last of Us. The PS4 really is a dustbox.
Has there been some sort of Neogaf meeting where it was decided that they were going to create 50 threads per day about "the state of PC gaming"?
Are Soybros and Nintenbros really that desperate?
Sonybros are. I'm surprised they didn't catch on sooner ram and gpus were overpriced months ago
>The recent intel bullshit
This was nothing but mass hysteria and AMD shills trying to take advantage of ignorant people, nothing fucking happened.
Don't worry, there's not much else on consoles either. There's an huge backlog from when games were good, though, and you'll still get a decent new on now and then.
>Why, then, game on PC if a console can do the same? That's why I want to upgrade, to play at a resolution and frames consoles can't reach.
Then game on a fucking console if thats the case. Why do you feel the need to have a system that HAS to beat consoles?
Drop "the coolest kid on the block" mentality and just enjoy whatever makes you happy. Following the trends will get you nowhere.
I can play any PC game, emulator, and BOTW at 60 fps
that's bad?
So the CEO lied?
buying a console a 3-5 years after release is the absolute BEST way to play vidya these days. im getting every game ive wanted to play for 20 bucks and the only game im gonna buy on release is probably death stranding.
Just lurk the Sup Forums archive retard. There are threads proving how the bios and OS update really hit the perfomance of rigs. This wasn't mass hysteria and AMD shills, this was people raging we got cucked so hard by intel.
It's called control damage, give that to retards and that will calm the hysteria.
lmao, those geeks don't know jack shit, no one has taken advantage of such exploit yet and you are safe unless you are some pirate shitter or degenerate browsing for cheap porn in cheap sites or just a dumbass who clicks on any link they see, just follow the basics of internet browsing safety and you don't even need the meme patch.
>another soynynigger falseflag thread
>Why do you feel the need to have a system that HAS to beat consoles?
Because I already made the investment on a gaming PC.
Crypto market is bottoming out as we speak.
>Why do you feel the need to have a system that HAS to beat consoles?
Because that's the whole point of a ''Gayming PC'': to beat consoles, otherwise just go a buy a fucking console. How is this so hard to understand?
Crypto was always a fucking meme and will have no impact in the real world.
No, it's just a small dip. Cryptos are here to stay and gpu prices will stay high, deal with it PCKeks.
>Somehow being a remaster makes it less valid.
>Doesn't knows about the beautiful remake of Shadow of the Colossus.
your logic is flawed. KYS
I don't know I think just the amount of freedom/customisation you have with a PC is more than enough to beat consoles rather than framerate and graphics. Also being able to play most games from previous gens on a single system is pretty nice.
>Why is the current state of PC Gaming so depressing? This and also the inflated prices thanks to mining.
When a graphics cards price goes from 400$ bucks to 800$ thats when i consider quitting altogether.
Or just keep playing hollow knight at 30fps because im stubborn
The lowest 1080ti is 1200 dollarydoos.
kek PC gaming is dead.
Stop playing AAA garbage and go dig.
I doubt you played any of the Zachtronics games for example.
AAA gaming is dead.
People only buy PS4 to play GTAV and madden.
>buying a powerful gpu just to play indie games
That's the fun part, you don't need to buy a powerful GPU nor a console.
It's the option of NOT wasting money.
Is there a version of this wojak with a marvel hat? I need it for a Sup Forums shitpost
>you don't need to buy a powerful GPU
So... basically a nongaming PC?
>A gaming computer is a personal computer designed for playing computationally demanding video games. Due to the integration of common hardware components onto the motherboard since the 1990s, a modern gaming computer is comparable to a mainstream computer with the addition of a performance-oriented video card.
>perfomance-oriented video card.
It's one of the worst looking games of 2017, too
Make it yourself faggot.
There is not such thing as non-gaming PC anymore.
Everything has 3D acceleration support, audio mixing, enough 2D firepower to defeat a whole army of neo geos.
>There is not such thing as non-gaming PC anymore.
Not long ago, the wrong computer would not even boot games, due lacking very basic shit like hardware T&L.
Now? now its just "lower the details until it runs well enough" and you can get away with "just" 720p, while not long ago, 640x480 was the resolution of choice.
I would have agreed with you, if not for my own personal experience using low settings in my laptop that contradicts your whole point. My gaming rig was dead for 5 months and at the time I had not finished Nier:Automata. Decided to finish the game on my Dell laptop using Intel HD Graphics. I couldn't even play the game at 720p, I had to lower the resolution to something like 640x480. During the Koshi and Roshi fight, even with the LOWEST possible PLAYABLE settings (lowering even further the resolution made the text unredeable) the framerate dipped into the 10s.
So, no, gaming PCs are not a thing of the past and you need a dedicated gpu to enjoy games (not indie trash).
Plowing thru badly optimized games is indeed a good reason.
Yup, absolutely. You are completely right, in everything, disregard my previous posts. We are in 2018 and there is not such thing as a non-gaming PC, you can run every game using an Intel HD Graphics you just have to lower everything into unplayable settings. Thanks for convincing me senpai, have a good night.
When will the cryptocurrency meme die?
there isn't much is there? stuff you need a good graphics card for anyway, especially with the prices now.
you know what pcs used to have, flight simulators, what ever happened to that? that was like the only thing you needed good graphics for in the old days.
Either when they crash and it becomes no longer financially viable, but also in regards of being able to buy GPUs for reasonable prices again, when mining-orientated cards come out hopefully they'll stop buying gaming models.
They already made cut down mining GPUs, they don't buy them because they can't resell them on the used market to make money back. It's scummy.
Most pc gamers would just stop playing instead of buying a ps4 or any other home console.
Even a fucking laptop would be better.
its actually just video games in general. There aren't any games coming out right now. Its like this every fucking year idiot.
Most won't switch ever since a lot of pc games either aren't on console or take ages to come (league, dota, pubg being the main ones)
Damn, I guess it's all just fucked for a while, what a shit situation. Luckily i bought my 1060 back in September 2016 before all this shit happened, which is still plenty good for 1080p60. Fingers crossed by the time I need to upgrade things will settle. If not, fuck it, I've been wanting gaming to take more of a back seat in my life anyway.
A 1060 will probably do 1080p60 until whatever successor to the PS4/Xbone comes out. Maybe even beyond that.
Fuck I hate nu pcfags holy shit kill yourself fuckhead
Yeah I have been extremely pleased with it, especially with how well it overclocks for me (MSI Gaming X cooler) it runs 10% faster than it did stock practically for free with no voided warranty. I intended it to be my last 1080p card when I got it and so far I can see it being so.
I intend to wait for the gen of cards after this upcoming one and go 4K at that point. It should hopefully be more accessible by then (both monitor prices as well as relevant GPU prices). Will also consider 1440p144hz if there's any monitors for a reasonable amount of money that aren't shitty TN panels (not holding my breath).
It always cracks me up when I see shit like Yakuza being touted around as a reason to buy a ps4 when nobody fucking buys or cares about this shit.
I bought my ps4 february 2015 in anticipation for Bloodborne. I played TLOU Remastered, Bloodborne, Horizon Zero Dawn, Final Fantasy XV, Nioh, Destiny, Resogun, InFamous Last Light and Second Son and Persona 5.
Persona 5 was very nice, albeit the writing was the most bloated redundant shit I have ever seen. Really fun game.
I expected Assassin's Creed from Horizon Zero Dawn but the game is really good. The parts where you fight humans are fucking dog shit though.
Bloodborne is outstanding. Best game of the decade hands down and the one true reason to buy a ps4.
TLOU Remastered on Grounded was a nice challenge. The AI on the game is a fucking joke though.
Final Fantasy XV was the single worst game I have played since the ps3. It's literally an early access alpha garbage that runs like shit and plays like crap.
The two infamous games are boring as fuck and just more of the same. Didn't even bother finishing them. Meh as fuck.
Destiny (Taken King) was fun for a bit but there is no real reason to keep running raids in that game. It also went into a descent spiral and became a complete dumpster fire.
Nioh is hilariously bad. The level design is a complete eyesore, the enemy variety is laughable, the game is cheap as fuck and filled with cheap bullshit left and right. Overall just a garbage game that should have cost 20 bucks at best. Didn't bother finishing.
Resogun is a glorified mobile game.
So yeah, almost four years of owning it and only Bloodborne, Horizon Zero Dawn and Persona 5, which is emulatable and available on the ps3, were really worth it, with the rest going from meh to the absolute worst game of all time. This is what the experience of owning a ps4 for almost three fucking years looks like. Sold that shit last month and haven't looked back since. Best decision I've made this gen.
But all your games are already on PC and he doesn't care.
>Millions of games
>Only plays 2
there's a handful of games that if you're PC only you don't have access to at the moment
>maybe RDR2, if it's good
>Xenoblade 2
everything else, all those thousands of games are all available on PC, 16 bit only stuff can be run through dosbox, or, fail that, a virtual machine, emulation from all eras except for the poor original Xbox (which only also had a handful of good exclusives anyways), all the mods you can apply to games, and you're complaining about the lack of games to play on PC?
of course you don't need to upgrade right now, consoles are holding back gaming tech (a 750ti runs GTAV better than the PS4 and the Xbox One do), so any upgrade is just luxury, but man, you have a fucking sea of games to play and I know you haven't played all of the good ones yet, and you're complaining?
now go play Time Commando, but play it on the easiest setting because this shit is hard as fuck
Your taste is just severely limited, and poor.
>tfw didn't fall for the PC meme
>tfw PCvcks still begging for exclusives
>being this much in denial
Which is the better processor, AMD or Intel?