Yakuza 0

>Yakuza 0
>Gta v
>Witcher 3

Can get any 2. What should I get ,Sup Forums?

Bloodborne and Yakuza 0.
If you get BB make sure to get the dlc.

this, the other 3 are shit

Is yakuza for everyone?

W3 > Yakuza 0 > GTA V > TLoU

pick one of these and then also bloodborne.

bloodborne and witcher 3 tbqh

but they're all good

Bloodborne and Yakuza 0 are the best games of this gen.

Bloodborne and Yakuza 0, don't ever bother with GTA V

Witcher and Yakuza. Bloodborne is pretty good but GTAV and TLoU are not worth it.

Gundam breaker 3

yakuza and wither 3, bloodborne is short underwhelming and overrated garbage.

No it's rated M.

Bloodborne and W3 imo.

>>Yakuza 0

These 2.

Don't get Yakuza unless you're planning on starting with the first game on PS2.

Kiwami exists though.

Retard. Anyone can enjoy 0. It retroactively makes the first game better as well. Every Yakuza makes for a strong standalone title, actually.

yakuza and bloodborne
if you dont like souls games get gta instead
or if you like movie-tier games get witcher & tlou

>It retroactively makes the first game better as well.
How do you figure?

A job

Giving characters much needed development that otherwise fall pretty flat on their own.

What the fuck is this image supposed to be?