Why do girls love Stardew Valley?

Why do girls love Stardew Valley?

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=stardew valley asmr

Name another game where you can act out a yaoi farmboy scenario while taking care of cute animals.

um harvest moon

Because it's progressive.

the same reason girls love animal crossing and pokemon. it's easy, fun, addicting and super cute to boot.

also unrelated but this captcha shit needs to go or get unfucked because i just had to redo one about 15 times for me to make this fucking post.

It's simple and requires 0 skill or actual dedication.

Only one HM title allowed same sex marriage, and it was female/female, and was never released in America.

I found SV pretty boring after a while

Because it's dumb pressure-free fun that doesn't force you to make decisions

>pressure free
did you go into the mine?

>Trying to get enough gold star shit to bank in the collection thing, and all the fish, and all the wild shit, and all the mine fuckery, and everyfuckingthing else while you can so you don't have to wait a whole 'nother year for it, and trying to get the best shit for people's birthdays, and catch the legendary fish during their small windows, and do all the festivals, and make progress in the mine, and finally just take care of your goddamn crops and animals


The Sims.

thats why on my second run through i named my guy Clark Kent

I guess comf
youtube.com/results?search_query=stardew valley asmr

All this

girls arent as naturally competitive, they care more about aesthetic details and generally look for more comfortable, relaxing styles of gameplay, generally speaking

>why do whales like a boyfriend simulator?

Why do men love raping women?
because it's in their nature

But that's a boy.

that is not a girl

Why do boys like it?

>most females have never played a game in their life so they can't play anything that has actual challenge

>instead of playing F.E.A.R. they play a psychological walking simulator

>farming is comfy as shit

One of the few measurable differences between men and women in the realm of psychology is that women AGGGREGATELY score (slightly) higher on the Neuroticism facet of the Five Factor model of psychological assessment (Source: ).

This facet of the Five Factor model includes such psychological traits as moodiness, anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, envy, jealousy, guilt, depressed mood, and loneliness.

Stardew Valley just happens to be one of the few games designed for relaxation instead of excitement.

It should be obvious why games designed for relaxation instead of excitement hold a greater appeal to those who score higher on this facet of the Five Factor Model.

FUCK I forgot the source


Girls also love The Sims, case closed.

Are women capable of love?

they can simulate it very well. Except my mom, there it's guenuine.

>girls like a game about housekeeping
really makes you ponder

>n-not every grill likes life simulator games YOU FUCKING BIGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck off to RetroERA.

The game is not pressure free though.
You have little time and lots of shit to do.

>Play cuphead with gf.
>2-player mode is harder than 1p since you have to keep track of each other and the bosses take longer to kill.
>We basically fail at the fucking frogs over an hour because I'm not that good at run'n'gun and she is so shit at it, that it defies believe.
>after dying for another 10 minutes she gives up and just plays Star Dew valley.
>She only bought Cuphead because of the artstyle.

Yeah, in my experience, women are just really shit at video games. Star dew valley tickles the same spot as candy crush.

>make friend through discord vc
>it's a girl and we play splatoon 2
>she gets stardew valley
>12 days later
>153 hours played

It's like she never played anything else and never did anything else but play Stardew Valley

I play it because it's fun

>It's like she never played anything else

I'll admit i did similar early on(clocked about 80) and i'm a 6 foot tall bearmode. SOme of us got addictive personality, or in my case i'm a fuckign capitalist and i gotta get maximum$ and get my dick in that redhead.

>why do girls like sims
>why do girls like stardew valley
>why do girls like life simulators where they do mundane chores for hours on end

no challenge

Same reason as this

>being a full-time farmer
>not a job for a man
Spotted the urban soyboy

>lost to the fucking frogs
you're pretty shit yourself

girls always liked harvest moon
plus stardew valley is tumblr friendly, so all the art is shit intentionally and there's an interracial relationship

wow its like some freudian irony where they bitch about having to get in the kitchen but they gravitate to it in subtle ways without even noticing

I got my girlfriend Stardew Valley because it was a "girl game" even though she doesn't usually play girl games

She hated it and said it was impossible to do anything and the game was too hard and boring. Then I bought her E.Y.E and she played it like 6 hours a day for a week.

Live and learn.

In this episode of Things That Never Happened...

No, I just made it up for YOUR Benefit. Like I give a fuck about some fat loner nerd on the other end of Sup Forums. Retard.

>There aren't any girls who play real video games!
She makes 50k, works out every day and sucks dick too. Cry HARD that this one isn't yours.

I never implied otherwise.

nigger cum aids shart baba booey baba booey

What about you, user? What's keeping your gf from turning to jamal instead?


Comfy and therapeutic, I bought it for the girl I'm talking to and she loves it

But user most people don't like the black guy, they think he's a cunt.

>you can't have a girl they will ALWAYS JUST LEAVE YOU

leave this place before the defeatist attitude robs you of the only true joys in life.

that goes for so many of you having your personality built by Sup Forums, not coming here because you were already autistic

you have to be very smart to enjoy SV tbhfams

>I bought it for the girl I'm talking to and she loves it
>I bought it for the girl I'm talking to
>girl I'm talking to
>I bought it

I'm just curious how he keeps a girl like that happy.

>man sucks at videogames
welp, such is life
>woman sucks at videogames

it's all so tiresome

either money or a huge dick

My friend started playing this game and it makes me think hes turning in to a tranny, he also plays life is strange and firewatch, he used to play proper games but now its just lesbian shit, send help

>other user with chill gf here (and also friend to a lot of other guys with gfs that play vidya and are pretty chill)
you just do it man, take it easy, breath a little and if she likes you, she likes you
it's not a fucking VN, life just happens and drama is not that important


I'm unemployed and she isn't much into sex

Everything about politicizin video games is tiresome.
I like to remember the old days when video games were just for boys/nerds and girls really just left you the fuck alone. Now everything has to serve some shitty political agenda, may it be either left or right. I never wanted to pick sites in politics when it comes to video games.
I just wanted to play games.

oh shit you're her whipping boy your girl is a psycho that fucks on the side


Seriously? She isn't much into sex because she's getting plenty of it on the side.

>Some user doesn't believe my story
>I better insult him and call hit a fat loner nerd
You're so immature

>she isn't much into sex
uh oh

>mfw my older sister got me into videos games and she's better than me

>friend of mine recently 100% the achievements in Dark Souls, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Street Fighter 4 for no fucking reason and yes that even means the online based ones, and got all the Payday 2 One Down achievements
>she only did it "because I was bored"
>sister plays shit like gacha games, doesn't even play them every day and misses login bonuses
>only for the cute boys and has like seven fucking level 40 units in Fire Emblem Heroes

How common are girls that enjoy video games that's not just mobile shit?

>look mom I'm being disrespectful towards women on the internet
>now everybody thinks I'm cool!

All the girls I've met on Steam always play the same kind of games: MMOs, CS:GO or games like SW

Dispute the equivalency without converting it into a strawman.

Maybe she likes him, being around him, how he treats her etc. Not everything is a transaction or a Darwinist conundrum.

You poor bastard

>when video games were just for boys/nerds and girls really just left you the fuck alone
this was never a thing you autistic fuck
the uber politization and other bullshit started when white bored americans (of either gender) started to look for problems where they were none
just like you're doing right now

please tell me you own the device that teleports to that wonderful world

plenty of girls enjoy rape but only from someone attractive enough to that specific girl and usually are ashamed to admit they are into that sort of thing because so many others don't and it's addressed as a problem even in a relationship while roleplaying and consenting to it as a form of roleplay.

tl;dr "it must be bad to enjoy if others don't also enjoy it" "I must be wrong"

That had absolutely nothing to do with anything, lad.

All I want is a younger intelligent big titted woman that makes a ton of money and will take care of me and feed me tendies while I play games. Is that too much to ask?

ask for some dignity instead you gross fuck

Kill yourself

Really,fucking kill yourself

Home cooked tendies. Not the fast food kind. unless i ask specifically.

>have a baby sister, youngest of 4 brothers
>were all gamers
>competitive too
>sister is only interested in the sims, stardew valley and minecraft when that was still popular

I feel like we failed

Talking to and not actively fucking because she lives far away, she came to see me a few weeks ago and we fucked like rabbits for three days

Get fucked

7 level 40's is nothing though. you could do that in a day easily.

they do not exist, they do it for any other reason but enjoying the game itself


you dont have to lie here bro it's anonymous~

this may change in the future user
my little sister finished morrowind before I did

It's not a device, it's a book. A very old, very important book.

Would you like to know more?

YO, my gf got a sick waffle iron for Xmas and now we can do Chicken & Waffles any fucking time we want. Never again, IHOP

A least yours play games
>10 y/o sister
>Does nothing but watch lets plays and ecelebs
>Try to show her some cool stuff
>She doesn't play them, says she likes to watch me play instead

It hurts

You're in a desert. You see a turtle. The turtle is flipped on it's back and you know that it will die from being in the hot sun. Not only that but you're not helping. Why is that?

Dont give up user. Dont let her succumb at such an early age.
You can do it, I believe you

Why do women like being raped?

Oh I ain't giving up yet, I'll be damned if she ends up a pay piggy for some internet faggot.

>tfw in my childhood I used to watch my big sister play Doom and RE because it scared the shit out of me to play them myself
>she used to help me get passed the hard parts in crash bandicoot
>show me how to do fatalities in MK and find secret tapes in tony hawk pro skater
>grew out of it and became a normie
It's better this way, she was saved from this fate...



Girls have been told to lie to themselves their whole lives. So many years of YOU CAN BE THE SPACE MARINE TOO LADIES XDD yet they gravitate to a game where they build a family, clean the house and yard, cook for festivals, and nurture animals. We've all been deluded, but girls especially.

most are but Ive met genuine tomboys that want to compete and be the best

usually they grow out of it when the biological clock ticks in

>gf recently bought this