Would you add anything?

I do not have a nostalgic feeling for Vanilla WoW because I only started playing WoW in WotLK. However, because retail is so dreadful, I fell back to private servers.
Nostalrius/Elysium was really fantastic, besides the odd bug, the experience was like none other that I've had in WoW. The leveling was fun, you felt every level, the talents are fun, the classes all feel really different and it can be difficult. The world despite it being much smaller than retail feels much bigger because of zero flying if not for the flight paths.
However, there are some things I think Blizzard need to add when they release the Classic servers. Nothing that fast tracks the gameplay of course. No LFR/DF shit. No changing spells so they mass buff, I still want to have to earn the mass intellect buff through effort. But there are small things I think Blizzard could integrate which would just make it reasonably convenient for us.
Here are things I would add:
>Green and red numbers to show +/- of gear when moused over.
>Better quest tracker interface (or we'll just get the Questie addon anyway)
>Ability to toggle modern face skinsfor races (only for your screen ofc)

What do you think Blizzard should add? The rules are: nothing which directly changes the game, just cosmetic.
Would you consider adding a new zone/extra quests so there isn't a 2-level gap when you hit 58? Because remember, at 58 you have no more quests left, or not enough to help you reach 60.
Also, tell us the faction/class/race you will pick when this comes out.

Forgot to mention, I'll be going Undead Warlock. Probably Affliction.

Ideally, there would be two versions of vanilla. bog standard minus bug fixes, and some kind of enhanced version with reworked balancing and itemization, and removal of some extremely silly stuff like warlocks having half their inventory spaced locked off because they have to carry around soul shards that dont stack for an arbitrary reason. vanilla is really a shitshow in that department,

the not-enough-quests thing is a myth. i leveled several chars to 60 on multiple private servers, there was a lot of stuff left over to do. though I suspect it depends a lot on your playstyle. skipping dungeons and not exhausting questlines on different continents in 50-58 will probably leave you behind quite a bit.

also I don't really think its that much of a problem. at 58 you can effectively run some endgame dungeons for good gear that you will still have by the end of MC. just use that to get to 60, the powerlevel difference between an 58er and even some decent pre-MC geared 60 char is quite minimal.

That sounds about right, I wonder how many servers they're going to need? It'll be really popular for the first month and then naturally it'll settle down to people who were genuinely interested in returning.

It must have just been my playstyle then. I went to about 3 dungeons when I got my mage from 1 - 60. I found myself practically questless from 58 - 60 and I was aoe grinding mobs in WPL for hours. But yea you are right, you can do dungeons too to hit two birds with one stone.

They shouldn't implement the current system that shows quest markers etc. It should still be an addon, but they shouldn't allow addons that wasn't used in vanilla, particularly some specific raid addons that's used today in private servers.

People asked for Vanilla how it was back then, and ultimately that's what we should get It's worthwhile discussing everything from what patch to start from to should UBRS be 5 man or 10 man?

Also there is enough quests if followed correctly, people having to grind mobs at end level is because they didn't complete a good set of quests earlier on, resulting in a lack of quests in the later levels.

We got to remember though, we can't capture the 'feel' of vanilla like we did because we have already experienced it, even new players won't get the true vanilla experience as everyone knows everything about it and we're more connected than ever before. But we can try and get as close to an authentic, bug/exploit free version. I personally think Blizzard shouldn't listen to the community, but listen to vanilla advocates that actually played since day 1 and know how the game works and the systems very well.

If they listen to the wow forum community, the game will go downhill. Which sadly is their main feedback source.

I think UBRS should remain as 10m. It feels very rewarding when you actually get the group together and get a piece of gear. If it was 5m it would be too simple.

I fear the classic servers will get a lot of backlash because of an wave of casuals flooding it in the first week from retail who can't understand why the game isn't being handed to them. I really don't want it to happen but I'll bet it does.

> Would you add anything?
>I only started playing WoW in WotLK

Stopped reading there, fucking kill yourself.

They should pick a patch and just go with it. No changes, except maybe a built-in addon system? The game will eventually change, but give it a year or two when the tourists have come and gone.

daily reminder that everyone will be dissapointed

Alright I kept reading and you weren't asking for dumbfuck changes like I assumed at first, apologies for having assumptions.

To address your points though, most stuff like you're suggesting will be available in addons and I'd rather they didn't make a toggle for new models/animation if it's going to take time to implement.

I'll bet they add shit after a year like buying an insta-level 60 boost.
They'll probably add xmog too because some slutmog Alliance babies will not be able to operate unless they look like prostitutes.

Game would die so fast if they pulled any shit like that Blizzard would have whiplash.

No, it wouldnt though. Because any change they make will be because the players are demanding it. They might regret those demands later, as they always have, but they wont initially.

Don't worry about it man.
You've got a point, nobody knows when it'll be released, likely in 2 - 3 years I'll bet. So I too would prefer they skip the new models/animation if it adds more time to the release. I can't bare retail. I will just wait until classic is released.

I doubt they'll do an instant 60 boost because leveling is most of the game. The raids will be cleared within a couple months because A. everyone has known them for years and B. players are just better these days. It's an expectation that you keybind, not a bonus, for example.

And my fear guys is that the casuals who have Blizzard gripped by the balls, will flood this game from the very beginning because of all the "hype". And when they realise it isn't as smooth and simple and retail, they'll throw their toys out the pram and demand changes. And then they won't even really be around to face the changes when players like us will suffer. I can see it happening and honestly it's my greatest fear for this.

Some class/spec balancing to make certain specs at least a little viable. Like balance druid being absolute worthless compared to any other class. Some tweaks to encounters to make then a bit harder since getting out of fire is ultimately the whole strategy for almost every boss fight in vanilla.

If they add shit like 60 boosts and transmogs and shit because the NuWoW players want it, not only will they inevitably drop the game after a couple of months like Blizzard knows they will, the actual core playerbase who want Classic will also drop it. Lose/lose situation.

The only correct decision in this situation is to give the Classic playerbase what they want, which is Vanilla as unchanged as possible. Blizzard knows the fickle Catababbies will leave early no matter how much they pander to them because half the current playerbase only plays a month max after every expansion.

I wouldn't worry about it. The vast majority of that demographic wont even make it to level 20. It's kind of a slog to get there. I mean, half the people interested will have forgotten that quest hubs were introduced in BC.

Don't you think that would be pushing it a little though? I agree that balance druid was almost useless if not for their buff. But even so, I wouldn't want to change how shit they were because that would effectively be changing vanilla. All I really meant were cosmetic changes. Things addons can achieve, but instead of them being addons - just having them implemented from day one.

RDF just to piss of nostalgiafags

I would be deeply saddened if this happened.

That's true, when they get killed by Hogger or Maggot Eye they'll want to quit at level 5. I just hope Blizzard know what they're doing.

no, other than bnet for chatting with friends on other games. Now fuck off you massive faggot

I don't mind if they add a toggle for models.
The other two I'm against, but probably wouldn't be a deal-breaker.

If possible, I'd like to experience the game from the very beginning, with content added eventually, world events happening, AV in its original form and all.

New content in the spirit of Vanilla might be good as well, but that sounds far-fetched.
Still on the fence about it, but I'm thinking going Human Priest.

The UI and interface (Show mana and hp) from TBC.

We will thats why building hype for it is epic.

My money is on them making you download addons like xperl because that's part of the nostalgic experience they're selling. At best they'll have a built-in system that lets you search and download addons through the client

when they realize that youre gonna need to eat/drink after every mob they'll quit.

Im rolling priest for that sick spirit tap/wand special.

I unironically think draenei and blood elves are cool as fuck. I get that blood elves don't fit into the horde, but neither do forsaken, nor do night elves fit with the alliance.

Yea I would definitely like that.

They are cool, but there is something special with the limited races.