Are we allowed to talk about how cute Morag is?

Are we allowed to talk about how cute Morag is?

i want to see morag in a dress

shota emperor x meleph nee-san doujins when


I liked Morag but man was she underutilized as a character

Around clangs, watch it mang!

Let's talk about Brighid / Kagutsuchi's pitpussy instead.


I switched to morag from tora after I got her but man is she bland as hell.

She's cool

I'll never touch the dub but how exactly is Morag supposed to be pronounced


I want to make Morag where cute outfits and act girly!

I don't even play the game and I like Morag. She's the fanciest dressed character I've seen from the game. May I know more about her? I saw a little bit of her from a dunkey video and she reminded me of Beatrix from FF9.

>yes Tora, I refuse to bathe with you because you're a filthy fucking nopon merchant. Your kind have profited off destabilizing Mor Ardain and spiraling our country into warfare. We will not tolerate this any longer, the day or rope will soon commence against your filthy kind

what did Takahashi mean by this?

She's like Esdeath meets Riza Hawkeye.

She's also a brothercon. Younger brother.


I want to wear Morag's hat__

why does everyone like her so much?

I want to stick it up her pooper while wearing her hat

Morag does not poop.

It's a good hat

Because I like tomboys

Morag is so cool.

How come we never have opening posts making fun of Morag's Scottish accent like we do with Nia's Welsh accent?

Because the Scottish accent fits her well.

Nia's Welsh is rarer, thicker, and a further cry from the typical English dub depiction of her character design/type, plus she talks all kinds of shit. Shock value is probably a big part of it.

Shit, that's a girl? Interest lost.


video game characters can't be cute you weirdo

>not they
Gramps would not approve of this degeneracy

Mik was right, she looks good up close


She get's pretty irritated about people constantly failing to recognize her as a woman. Maybe she appreciated the compliment on some level?

She probably got really wet.

so if zenopbia is like the ultimate warrior blade that kills the most powerful monsters like nothing, a blade that wants nothing but to fight all the time and get strong. Why isn't she wrecking Metsu?

Zeke should have convinced her to become a blade eater


Morag > Meleph

>The way she holds her hat in place when diving underwater

Who is this bootleg altair?

not really

japanese cast is a literal all stars list of seiyu

dub is a bunch of literal whos who sound like they grabbed just random people from UK regions just for the sake of accents

XC1 dub was fine since it was a fine britdub that got people that knew how to act, this cast was just randos

Look at that fucking hat, cut out for pig tails.
Fucking garbage just like that garbage anime

I don't even like tomboy all that much but Mórag really does it for me since she's badass and cool looking in an attractive sort of way.

Also a question, where does the origin of Mórag's hat come from exactly?

I like how you gave a not really instead of a resounding no, deep down even you realize that Mitsuki "I'm a girl btw" Saiga is fucking shit.

she is a cute and is great as Meleph

Are we allowed to discuss best bureydo?

>tfw when Tora genuinely believed Morag was a dude.

Tora would think you're a girl if you wore a dress.

Delete this.

best blade is water balloons

>implying it wasn't all an elaborate ruse to get her to bathe with him
You only decide if it succeeds or not.

haha do you think she thought about it while rubbing her drenched pussy that night?

I know. I thought it was a cool little insight into Tora and possibly the Nopon as a whole, if they all differentiate between men and women based on what said person is wearing.

what's with cool and collective reverse trap tomboys that does things to thy

Aside from the male uniform, Morag is actually pretty feminine.

>Out of all the cute, sexy vidya girls out there, I found Naoto and Morag to be more attractive

No regrets

Where is the /ss/?

Nopons also speak broken english because human language is not their native language

go away cumbrain


Not falling for your cutesy shit.

You can't fool me with your lies

so the big plot twist in this game is that everyone's a blade right?

She's Forte without tits and an itchy trigger finger

Nopons canonically speak broken English because it accentuates their cute factor and makes humans underestimate their cunning jewish tricks

I feel like they didn't even realize they made basically the entire party into pseudo blades until way after the fact because I think the game is self-aware enough to point that out

>>day of the rope
>hanging a nopon

Would Pandy allow Zeke to take Morag as his second wife?

Pandy is just his nanny.

I don't even know how that would work. Hell, I have no idea how Nopon sex would work. Nopons are a fucking mystery.

Nah, the big twist is that I'm serious, this is actually a spoiler Amalthus engineered the land crisis by absorbing data from core crystals, thus preventing Blades from transforming into Titans as part of their natural life cycle.
He did this so there would be a reason to open the way to Elysium, so he could lead humanity there as "God's chosen" even though he isn't chose at all and he should have figured that out the first time he went to the World Tree and the Architect didn't show himself

I want to force Morag to wear a dress put on cute make up and go shoe shopping on a weekend so it's really busy and everyone sees her.

thanks, you know, i miss the days when in jrpgs the whole plot revolved around "this clown is crazy and keeps fucking shit up"

I don't see why not. Zeke needs heirs for the Tantal throne and thats something Pandy can't do.

Sadly a little bit on the underused side along with Zeke but fortunately not as serious as Pandoria and Dromarch. A very strong asset in the party for main game but falls short post-game. My favourite from the party even with her shortcomings.


I don't remember this

This is by far the worst ship in the game


She dresses like a boy.
So she either gay, or mentally disturbed and unwilling to accept the fact she's a woman.

Personality wise or gameplay wise?

I literally just beat the game like 3 days ago and I had no idea he absorbed the data from the crystals

I thought that was just a pic of Morag pissed at Zeke

Because she’s not that strong.

She's in the military and how many women do you see in the Ardainian army? They probably don't even have uniforms for women so what she wears is standard.

They show him doing it, it's the "cleansing ritual"
It's also why he's so powerful.

That's what his cleansing power is. It wipes the memories of the cores so they can't be uploaded. Something like that.

If they made DLC costumes for her, I'd buy em.

She's not Riza Hawkeye, she's Roy Mustang. She's even got the fire.

This is fanfiction and is never stated in the game.

It's good fanfiction, but it is what it is.

The twist is that everyone's a blade except thread related.

And Tora.

She's actually quite offended when people don't recognize her as a woman.

And Poppi.

How about you die in a fire, Zeke

Mor Ardain should have gotten the same level of focus the High Entia got in the first game. Teaming up with the "evil empire" for once is great, and after the game hypes up its importance in the early chapters it's a shame that nothing interesting really happens with it. There should have been a late-game plotline with Niall being usurped by the pro-war faction and actual war breaking out, with a gameplay sequence where you assault the imperial palace to restore the throne.

this, Temperantia was the peak of this game's plot imo but then nothing happens at all