AGDQ 2018 cringe
>no crowd cam until the last couple of days
>paid chat
>have to tolerate trannies or get permabanned
What a shitshow of an event
The sane runners should start a smaller event just like the old days in 2009-2011
So did they magically get a new all time donation record near the end again thanks to anonymous donations?
I thought they still ended up short despite all the (((anonymous))) donations
Another 200k donation from fan gamer: AGDQ is totally AWESOME! Save the frames, ban the bullies, can't wait for SGDQ!
Why do they go for the busted grandma look?
It's the highest they can hope for
They didn't make as much as last year.
Isn't that what NASA is? North American Speedrunner Assembly, to be clear.
>fat dude in his early-mid 20s decides to become trans
>starts wearing a dress
>is still a fat due in his early-mid 20s
Anything more would require effort and you don't become trans to put in more effort. You only do it for the victim card. Hugbox chat and other trannies will tell you that you look beautiful anyway.
Behead her. Behead her in the name of Islam.
that dude on the left can't wait to get the fuck out of there
He doesn't even try to soud female.
Has America gone too far?
>A-user, you're awake!
>I was so worried I put too much in your drink...
>Don't panic, I promise you'll be able to move soon!
>You were so nice to me during my inFamous run, I-I swear I heard you clapping a lot!
>Nobody else is nice to me, so I knew I could trust you, it's an emergency!
>You see I...
>I left my dilation rod at home!
>The roofie wasn't the only drug I put in your drink, but - but don't worry!
>I only need you for about half an hour, at the most! Just enough to prevent the mucus inside from coagulating.
>I promise it will even feel good after a little bit!
>I knew I could count on you, user.
>We're going to be so close after this.
I have irrationally come to the conclusion that they are intentionally removing anything fun and inserting this kind of shit on purpose to make the events as cringy and autistic as humanly possible.
I did not need this in my life
Dying your hair pink, putting on a terrible skirt and calling yourself Crystal won't make you attractive or cute if you already looked like a goblin.
>aside from this one
Holy shit that 10s silence stare when he reads about Blaster Master 2.
the one with a tranny
They are removing what made GDQs fun because they are heavily sponsored now unlike before.
Even on Trihex's poverty chat his buttbuddies there are still supporting the trannies but aren't as ban happy compared to the actual steam chat.
>a fun run with laughs, cool tricks, and memes
T B H it's the zoom ins and meme edits which make that interview cringe
Never forget
Fuck you
I didn't need this though in my life.
>that interview
Wow. The tranny actually looks normally compared to that vampire.
I watched the speedrun of Super Dram World 2, the runner seemed to be somewhat annoying, I can't put my finger on why.
Which run is this?
At least pic related is female.
did he said that to the tranny and got ban? what level of bs is this
This is definitely going straight into my top three most horrible tortures.
>Eh I'm gonna reset, that was bad
Every fucking time.
This is just too entertaining
Have you ever tried to speedrun a game before Sup Forums?
>Sane runners
Maybe they're not trannies, but those guys are not mentally sane either.
It was during that inFAMOUS run really early in the event .
Does minesweeper count?
>GDQ has no girls playing
>so they become the girls
>Super Metroid always has the biggest bid war and makes tons of money
>don't get anyone to run it at all
>make less money than last year
REmake kind of so I could get Mikami's secret message to the player.
He looks so fucking tired
ESA then?
That being said don't you have to be slightly autistic to speedrun?
On the one hand he's was almost certainly shitposting with that comment, on the other hand some of the girls (male) at the event really looked like slightly effeminate dudes. It may have been legit confusion.
That was probably a good thing though because watching the same race year after year gets dull. Megaman race was fucking refreshing.
Honestly I saw most of these sections with no audio and i thought it was just a really ugly girl. The one that really disturbed me was the other monster
I like playing fast sometimes but would never keep it up for a whole game where every second feels like it needs frame perfect focus
I feel like speedrunning would only make me hate the game I am playing eventually.
>I left my dilation rod at home!
Stopped reading there, took a shower to wash away the feeling of filth, going to go outside to hunt some deer.
That was funny
How is everyone's Strider's runs going after the tutorial?
Wait... you ARE running Strider, right?
And a game from my childhood that had no leaderboard
I don't really see how there could be any confusion. They looked really 'low quality' because the dudes weren't already handsome before. We're not exactly talking Blaire White here.
Dram world 2 with grand poobear
>Feel like women on inside
>cut off dick
>somehow don't feel like your natural state should be in shape
>won't put down the soda
can i be the deer
>Taking a picture of your screen
I unironically speedrun Saw II: Flesh and Blood. I got the world record for 100%ing the game on insane mode, 1 hour, 48 minutes. Easy considered only one person has submitted a speedrun for this literally who game. Don't care enough to record and submit a run though.
Sure just wander on down to the creek and I'll put you down
when is ESA starting?
No, I like being a boy (male).
>those guys are not mentally sane either.
That's basically a requirement for the hobby m80.
>wait there was a blaster master 2?
>that long stare and silence
what was ysg doing with his phone I think?
without the edits that was barely awkward. just as awkward as any time a nonprofessional interviewer interviews someone whos an autistic shutin
they made more money than last year though
In the usual sense of using everything there is? No.
I've did all those Muramasa trophies though and 'speedrunning' it on the hardest difficulty was fun.
Is the speedrunning community and speedrunning in general the most autistic, degenerate bullshit on planet earth?(and beyond most likely, i just can't imagine aliens being this autistic.)
DQIX because there's an ingame motivator for finishing it within a fairly strict timeframe.
but they made more than last year
I'm just waiting for the year when someone blocks the exits and burns the whole building to the ground.
The Pokemon and South Park fanbases alone out-autism them by a country mile my dude.
I've done a speedrun of Dark Souls II, and at least attempted a few on the other games. It actually makes for a pretty fun challenge run if you're used to the games.
Pokemon "Competitive" scene has had some fun stories. One team decided to throw shit at each other and across the hotel because? I have no clue:
We also have the autistic levels of breeding "pure" mon verse just using PokeSav. Not to forget the sheer level of waifu fagging that takes place and the unrealistic tier-system that next to nobody can follow since three different sites have there own variations.
There's also the Sonic community.
>200k donation
So this is some kind of a money laundering scam, right?
Yeah, Gone Home to get the achievement.
That's probably why they have so many sponsors. They use that event for it.
>that pink bow
No, dressing like a 5yo girl doesn't make you a cute girl.
This was fun, good times. Why can't A/SGDQ always be this good?
I've been living a lie
I did it on Dong 64 just to make stupid bets with my friends & swindle them out of cash when they deny my claim I can do it in under an hour. Money matches in fightan is still probably the better option.
Don't be late, Dial-8!
Someone should send pics of 'her' to Proto and the other trannies from the event and tell them that if you wanna be a girl you need to put some effort into it.
Rayman was good
I would really prefer if you'd refer to me as female.
The Bloodborne all bosses run was great. Very entertaining commentary from the runner. Resident Evil 7 was good too. I love both those games though.
Bloodborne made me hate myself because of how easy he made the orphan look. Jesus.
Also why no Lady Yarnam. Shouldn't she be included in all bosses?
I can do Megaman 1 in like 20 minutes back then
This was back in 2009-2010
Today I get killed far too easily on the Steam collection
>they develop obsessions with things easily
>can't talk to people properly
>tend to stick to repetitive tasks which they can master over the years
>minor changes in their routine cause them to panic
>they will often throw away their work if they make a mistake while drawing, painting etc.
>often really good at the things they're obsessed with but shit at everything else
>it's a mental illness
>they develop obsessions with
>can't talk to people properly
>tend to stick to the same game or series which they can master over the years
>minor changes in their playthrough cause them to panic
>they will often throw away hours of work if they make a mistake in their run
>often really good at the games they play but shit at others
>trannies everywhere with their mental illness
You simply CANNOT enjoy being a speedrunner without being autistic. If you take pleasure from learning many patterns and repeating the same sections over and over again (often just to save a few seconds) then you are on the spectrum.
yeah it explians, since BB runner was the most annoying shitter ive seen, and a failure too.
Praise Kah'less