Monster Hunter World

user you are picking it up, right?


No, I didn't like the previous ones and I didn't like the beta for the same reason

Clunky controls, boring combat, lots of pointless walking.

no pvp no buy
why make a soulslike without pvp? missing the entire point if the series

I'll pick it up to drop it in the trash where it belongs.

In 6 months, yes.

>Paying for sony online

Yeah, no.


No, I will wait for another mainline MH. Sadly, my IQ is a little too high for this casualized mess. But I will eventually pick it up in one of these Humble Bundles.

Waiting for PC.

kill yourself
fuck you I laughed
reasonable gentleman
Capcom probably will actually abandon MHW if nobody buys it. they'll just act like it never existed

>28 monsters on release
>29 monsters 3 months after release
>no new weapons
lol no

Monster hunter world is kino

It will highest selling game evah

I have an extra sealed copy of Xenoblade 2 I'm going to take back to Walmart and exchange for this once it releases. I know fuck all about Monster Hunter and I might end up not being into it but there's literally nothing else coming out soon I want.

Yea but I'm a PCbro

No. But it will be the best selling MH though.

But you spend hours with each monster though.

this. It's gonna be the best selling regardless of if fans like it. funny how that works

>no G rank
Nah, it's going to be a

Any GS users here solo their Gogmazios urgent in 4U? Which sword did you use? I can't decide between making a set for Cera's huge raw but having to fit in S+1 and deal with sharpening, or keeping my Steve blade for better armor skills and no sharpening at all.

It's being marketed so aggressively it cannot fail.

I love this industry!

You guys dissapoint me, I thought MH threads were positive?

I can't even tell if this is ironic. Sup Forums has ruined me

Isn't Jho coming out in March?

I hope Tigrex and Narga will be added after.

How can we have a positive thread without a positive game?

It's weird that they wouldn't add the most iconic difficulty level of the series. Every game before this one, you finish low rank, then high rank, then get rewarded with the batshit crazy G. Why wouldn't they add it this time around?

It's going to be holiday season DLC if it is ever coming. World is quite literally an early access game.

The first iteration of a MH game has never had G Rank. This is the norm. If we're lucky, they'll add it as a DLC pack rather than sell a whole separate game for it like usual.

duh retard it's the only game thats coming out in 2018

>Every game before this one, you finish low rank, then high rank, then get rewarded with the batshit crazy G

You clearly haven't played any MH game at all, MH1, MH2, MH Freedom 2, MH Tri, MH Portable 3rd, MH4 and MHX didn't have G rank.

Already preordered the deluxe edition, so hyped.

autism games.

Don't be a soyboy and get the hunter call of the wild or something instead.

this is the only time i'll feel good that a game i like is going to enter the normie realm without sacrificing it's core values
shit's going to do ironman numbers

>souls like

jesus christ

>without sacrificing it's core values
*dodges out of whetstone*
*instantly deploys a shock trap*


Waiting to see if there's any kind of challenge in late high rank. I'm too used to the bullshit present in 4 and XX.

>Capcom probably will actually abandon MHW if nobody buys it

Capcom is incredibly retarded but not THIS retarded.

They'll go back to 4U model and do money again

woah user. relax. it'll sell more than the other monhun games but you're nuts if you think it'll crack 9 mil or something

>improvement to those values is going against them

Because G rank is always added in a follow-up game later, the first game never has it.

yeah, that's what I meant they'll act like MHW didn't exist. not the whole franchise

it's going to sell 12 million in the first 4 months

>M-Muh whetstones!!!!
Tell me, how many times have you EVER run out of whetstones in a quest?
And whetstones were expensive in the early game, and mining them was a chore.

Black Fatalis Blade maybe? Pretty sure gog has weakness to dragon

Fuck, didn't read the thing correctly

doesn't matter because he's wrong besides it's more realistic for someone who's in the middle of something knows when to bail out and it's not like you didnt consume the item

$60 is too much for a MH game. I'll wait for a sale.

>dodges out of whetstone
>because making a game where such a menial action should be a full on commitment in the heat of battle is GOOD GAME DESIGN

fucking kill yourself you fake hardcore gamer, I bet you never even managed to take down the Diabolos

I don't understand your logic. It's not a portable game with lowered development costs because of it, so it isn't being priced like a portable anymore.

and besides when it was on 3DS it was still $50
for this leap in tech i would gladly pay $10

>leap in tech
>looks like a ps3 game with a complimenting framerate of a consistent 25

The threads for this game are going to be cancer. The waifufags will take over the majority of the threads spamming webms of their custom made sluts doing poses and walking around slowly. Guarantee it. They'll say things like "POST YOUR HUNTERFU!" and then 3 people will spam their waifu and the thread will die. Happens with every game. They even did it with the betas and the beta only had 6 presets.

>2018 Japanese game xy has an open beta, that is mainly down for maintenance during prime hours
>I lose all interest in that game
It keeps happening!

That's still worlds better than the 240p tiny screens bullshit that is the 3DS.

>ps3 was so long ago people are forgetting how subpar the graphics are

you havent played a videogame in years have you? either that or you only play on n**t*n**o

If it has higher development costs then why does it have only 28 monsters?

user, please think about what you just said.

No weapon should be going pure raw against Gogmazios. Create the Stygian Acedia or a fire equivalent.

>westernization in action

shhh let him keep spouting this

Going from N64 to PS3 in terms of graphics is a pretty good leap if you ask me.

What do you mean by that?

>more expensive than before
>way less content than before

I have the Steelbook on the way.

what do you think I mean? MHW was a mistake.
I appreciate the QOL changes though

I soloed Gog for the urgent with an attack honed Cera and I cut it close on the timer. Had to hit every Dragonator shot on cool down including the one on his back.

I don't think you understand how tired of looking at tiny screens in 240p with handcramping controls a lot of the playerbase is.

>My IQ is too high for it
>I will eventually get and play the game

Why make such blatant bait?

and play the 20 fps version? no thanks!

not to mention you have to pay for PS+ or wait a year. also not being able to download event quests is fucking gay.

>higher polycount
>higher res textures
>huga, highly detailed areas instead of a bunch of interconnected flat arenas hidden behind loading screens
No offense but you Tribabbies sound like a retard.

I had an extra $150 one day and bought 3 years of plus now i dont have to worry about it until 2020

28 no G

No, I'll wait for a price drop or a complete edition with all the DLC.

I could afford PS+ for the next 10 years but I won't pay for it. fuck any game company that thinks I should pay a fee for playing a game I already bought

>we've got good graphics

yeah and the game performs like shit because of it



Picking up two copies actually - one for me and one for my sister as a belated Christmas gift. All of my friends are also picking it up, some of whom have never played a Monster Hunter game before. Shit's gonna be rad.

tfw my only other friend who plays this only owns an xbox and I have a ps4

Is there one for the US? I'm a sucker for steelbooks.

ok then dont play online?

Why would I sacrifice endgame?

exactly so just get plus you jew


fuck off shill

When the beta is over in however many months you console plebs get it for. (jumpy, inconsistent 30fps on a ps4pro LMAO)

>It's probably sitting in stores right now.
Fuck ten days feels like forever.

Runs like absolute dogshit on PS4 so I'll wait for PC release.


>wont buy essential feature for his console
>tells people theyre shilling when they call him retarded
you act like you have principles but you're just a contrarian faggot and i dont want to play with you

not him but PS+ should not be an essential feature

>those are core values

>famitsu review is out
>game is only 40 hours long

well the sun should revolve around you but it doesnt, it's a shame too seeing as how your opinions are just awesome. There's nothing you can do about it short of becoming an hero so just deal with it.

I'll buy.
Only because I don't wanna be the only one in my friend group without it.

Oh shit. you're right. praise sony amirite?

no fuck sony but I bought my PS4 knowing full well these assholes want me to pay ps+ for online

I don't think so. Unless it's a store exclusive offer.