What are some games that take place in 80s Japan?

What are some games that take place in 80s Japan?

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Yakuza 0

She's fucking cute

Pretty much anything cyberpunk I'd assume.
And maybe mechwarrior if my animuus are to be believed

fuck off to Sup Forums.


Why was 80s East Asia so fucking great? South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan, their music, films and economy were amazing.
I need a triad game in 80s HK, that was their peak.

Why do jpop casuals like this song so much?

post on Sup Forums and they'll whine that they listened to city pop before it was popular like the snowflakes they are.

>hey dude listen to this
>fuck off with this dadrock
>hey man listen to this 80's japanese pop
>this is amazing

I don't get people.

>Music is subjective
>I dont get it

I wish chill-out music got memed into popularity instead.

>tfw no 80s japanese gf

>people have different reactions to two completely different things

well it's fucking true you normies

They were at peak American emulation with booming economies at that time with an added oriental flavor.

you present people a song from an era and they trash it because its old but for some reason are okay with another song in that same decade as long its not in the genre you like?

The fuck is "dadrock"?

>tfw missed out on the 80's/90's fluffy hair and high-cut leotards era of anime

not video games

I grew up with 80s HK media and read a lot of stories about the triads in 80s HK, it was crazy how much power they had over the media and police force.
For example there was a major production company called Win Entertainment, the founder of that Charles Heung, his father was one of the big bosses or founders of Sun Yee On, the biggest triad group in HK, there were stories of Jet Li and other major film stars being threatened or blackmailed into working that company.


Shenmue obviously. A must play if that is what you crave.

she looks kinda cute in this drawing
she's got a puppy face

Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory if 80s consoles count

>mfw i love 80s girl porn
>mfw i am 100% disgusted with the mens on it

>I love the females in porn but not the men
Congratulations you're not gay.

thanks user
I drew it

>implying he said that he loved the men in non-80's porn
Come on, user. You know what he meant.

They are more disgusting than the dudes in modern porn.

Lol I know, I'm agreeing with you buddy.
That other user was adding a homoerotic slant to your statement.

My wife is Japanese and born in 1980

she absolutely hates video games

God that girl is so cute

That's a keeper then.

ah! my car! my dream car!

i want an rs-x r30 skyline coupe so fucking badly. it's a shame such an old car has started to become a collectible and is way out of my budget.

anyone else find their dream car playing midnight maximum tune?

Post pictures of her feet

The 1980s not the fucking 2080s

These threads are obnoxious and you all have shit taste.

Go listen to TayTay faggot Sup Forums queer.

Credit bubbles.

What led Japan into it's lost decade(s) is exactly the same as what happened in the West: a housing bubble.

You can look forward to having wage decline and regular economic crashes every decade while the feudal-like banking institutions become exponentially bigger and more powerful.

At least Japan didn't stop building infrastructure and investing in public services, though that translated to a government debt that is equivalent to something like 200% of GDP.

tl;dr, the whole world is become feudal-like again and our economies will stagnate until Elon Musk invents the hyper loop.

I think the big thing was that there was a little bit of a "cowboy"/"wild-west"-type thing going on..

Perhaps there still is in China/Taiwan/South-Korea (or perhaps it stretched into the 1990's and 2000's)..

anyway it's mostly the attitude of optimism and economic boom that make it look appealing, the triads and Yakuza tie into it sort of, but even there there was some sense that you could forge your own path, and that risks could be taken, confucian-conservatism be damned.

Perhaps it was just a fuckton of stimulant abuse by salarymen and gov't officials..

Either way I don't see a similar optimism at the present, (aside from perhaps China, but even that clearly has a dark sort of paranoia on display as the Chinese who "make it" are investing in western/liberal-capitalist real-estate just in case the CCP decides to start cracking down.)

Does South Korea, HK and Taiwan even have music as good as Japan? Like, do they have something equivalent to YMO for example?

Fatal Frame
Corpse Party (Maybe?)
Siren: Blood Curse

>letting corporate algorithms decide what music you like
Go back to the YouTube™comments section so you can circlejerk instead of shilling your garbage here. You're not special, have an autonomous thought in your life for once.

Does lofi hip hop count?

>Not using the superior gif
Well, the only 'triad' game I can think off is Sleeping dogs and fan insert* Saint Row 2

Stranglehold comes to mind.


Why do these albums and LOWFI CHILL BEATS TO STUDY TO with that anime girl keep showing up in my recommended vids?

>what is kpop

Cuz you got to study yo!
Don't want to flunk out of skoool and become a useless NEET Baka

Not him, but posting the meme man Fukui doesn't help your argument.
He's the most circlejerked shit in the nu-jazz scene. Even reddit's jazz subreddit suggested banning people from posting it because they can't stand it anymore.

Because they can't think up of anything better themselves. They're happy with what they're spoonfed.

>comparable to YMO

Anyway scratch pop, doeas south korea have any interesting underground post-punk scene from the 80s like Japan does?
It seems only Kpop exists over there.
Also, Kpop isn't even comparable to Jpop. Jpop comes from the remnants of the kayoukyoku and the techno kayo from the YMO guys.
Kpop is simply american pop with korean lyrics.

3080s actually.

>Even reddit's jazz subreddit suggested banning people from positng it because they can't stand it anymore.
So stop making your fucking threads because this is the exact same thing.

Any games set in 90s Japan ?

why does youtube-senpai love her so much again

I haven't really delved deep into the whole K-pop scene but I've found this chick who I think has some nice music
she also writes most of the music herself

Don't you wanna study anime loving goyim

Ethnic Metal

Shut the fuck up.

Also SHENMUE 1&2 for Switch fucking when?

Any examples I can look up real quick?


it reeks of Sup Forums here

Shenmue was supposed to get an HD port supposedly
Why you'd wanna play it on Switch specifically is beyond me

>Yakuza 0 is the only game set in 80s Japan
Imagine being this young.

This is the answer. J-pop is pretty pathetic that K-pop artists are more successful than their own stuff in Japan.

What are some legendary and influential artists from Korea? For example YMO from Japan influenced the western Hip Hop, House and Techno scenes.
What did Kpop influence?

It’s portable ya doofus. I can do my fork lift job in shemue while I do my forklift job in RL. Fucking based.

Because Switch is my Bitch. Also I hope you're not implying a HD port would somehow make Dreamcast graphics better. Unless you mean a REMASTER of 1 & 2.

To be fair there's a lot of illegal Korean rats in japan, those are probably the ones buying kpop shit
Anyway do you have any source? Oricon ranking has all japanese artists (granted, they're shit idol AKB48-related bullshit, but still no kpop)

Do you draw random shit in random threads all the time?

Korea has a pretty good underground/indie scene.

I would say the big trends there right now are
>Hip Hop
>Dream Pop
>Indie Rock

K-Pop is garbage like American pop. J-Pop has people like Shiina RIngo or producers like Yasutaka Nakata who are just miles and miles above anything America or South Korea has to offer.

K-pop fags don't actually listen to music. They just cling to it because of the plastic korean dancing dolls.

Like the other user post, I too would like to hear some Hong Kong/Korean equivalents of YMO, Hosono, Casiopea, Happy End, etc.

>YouTube recommends some good shit
>You listen to it
>You like it
>You search for other music that it does not recommend

Sup Forums is truly an insufferable place. Easily the worst hobby board on the site. They unironically do hate music.

>tfw it's so creamy

Any names you can drop so I can check them?
Everytime people talk about korean music is only kpop.
Also, anything from the 80s korea? Didn't korea have any new wave/post-punk artists back then?

The modern HD subtitle usually implies remaster


I can honestly imagine it being like Twilight Princess HD. Which has the low poly gamecube models with high resolution textures and effects.

My only problem with a remake/remaster is that they'll make the character faces look ugly or weird, seeing as how they almost look like paintings in the originals.

Here is a taste,
China's post-rock:

Chinese ethnic metal & some Mongol mix:

Chinese emo/Math rock:

hahaha weeb faggots are so pathetic
korea is the new japan
we surpassed jap monkeys

>No games in modern Japan except Yakuza and Persona
>All games in modern Russia are pure garbage
>shitton of games set in America
theres so many chances for games to be set in original setting, but they simply dont. Fuck this industry.

I'm so cutting my hair like this the moment it grows long enough

>my fork lift job

No wonder you own the poorfag Switch

>korea is the new japan
Call me back when you got influential artists that are actually respected, rat.

Look my man, I dont give a shit about kawai, lolis, or anime. I'm only interested in some aspects of the history/culture/food/film/music.

Literally nobody gives a fuck about Korea unless it's BBQ.

Can you stop memeing please? Literally babby "I just learned about this music" tier.

Meanwhile k-pop is written by some of the best producers and songwriters the planet earth has to offer. Which is why its so successful. Kpop is where producers go when they reach the line of perfection.
Continue memeing as much as you want, but the music will prevail.

>tfw she dead as fuck

Sweet Home

Congratulations! Comments?


these are just instrumentals
not even not worthy or quality instrumentals like classical music
get the fuck out new age weakling

>even fucking commie china has more of a real music scene than south korea
lol, what the fuck is up with SK? Why are they like that?

White boi, YOU stop memeing. You're implying real niggas haven't been listening to YMO since the 80s. But I know you're just baiting, so have some YMO.


Isn't World Ends With You set in Japan?

>Literally nobody gives a fuck about Korea unless you know your shit
Got one for you ;)

Cuz Murica
Hence, the K-pop, K-rap, K R-&-B

China actually has a really interesting underground punk scene, mostly in Shanghai. And I really mean underground, it's like classic punk questioning the government and that kind of thing so these artists will NEVER get airplay.

But mentioned more than just YMO.
Anyway, YMO is enough to devastate any kpop kid who is delusional enough to think kpop is of any sigificance whatsoever other than being a musical excuse for the plastic models they hire to dance to.
>best producers
LOL, it's b-grade american pop. There's no "kpop" sound.


LMAO this is the worst degenerate shit I've ever seen. Is this a joke?
Its literally just a bunch of idiots playing loops hahahaha. No wonder the monkeys are dancing to it.

>koreaboos are a thing
>they even defend kpop and think it's better than japanese music
Welp. lol. This world is bizarre.