Modded Minecraft

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Hotline Miami, 189.0

>Pick gender
>only Male and Female

>80 questions
lol fuck off

Take the ADHD test ;-)

The real autism test is completing the autism test.

find another guinea pig faggot

Those are the only genders irl

Cant really say that I have a favorite game, I like many games, from about every genre that there is, with the exception of sports, because I do not consider SSX tricky a sports game.

I know right
There's no girls on the internet

>Assassins Creed Black Flag

> 23 social
Holy shit a Chad

What drugs are you on


>Can't decide between Hollow Knight, DkS3, or Ori & The Blind Forest.

Thats a good one.

Woody the wanker, wanks his wooden wang.

Modded New Vegas.

Crusader Kings II

Pokemon gold.

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time

Kingdom hearts 2 final mix

RE3 nemesis

105 and WTF, I actually have autism.

Oh and Diddy Kong Racing


Heres my actual chart

Holy fuck

66 brothers

Eh not too bad

>dark souls

>he thinks im gonna do an 80 question test
I barely made it thru the sign up you faggot.

64, the only thing I got above average in was social relatedness.
God Hand, probably.

what kind of idiot designed this answer sheet

>Majora's Mask

Do you have several bitches sucking your cock right now???

147, with 78 in social
Baldur's Gate 2

The authors of the paper that clearly explains the methodology. It's linked from the main page.

Should have known I'm an aspie I do post on Sup Forums after all

No, I haven't dated a girl in like five years now. I'm fucking awful at girls.

Freespace 2

I do wonder what's wrong with me if it's not an ASD

Final Fantasy Tactics

What is friendship like

It's great

I have about 40-50 people I consider good friends and about 10 close friends

Those questions that repeat themselves but with a slightly different wording actually upset me a bit.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations

How do you do it user? i haven't had anyonthing close to a friend for almost 10 years now.

>Doesn't get nuances
Confirmed aspie

It's where I get my kicks

I get such a buzz from entertaining people I can't help myself really

t. aspie

What does this mean?




Pretty nice having people you can count on, or just shoot the shit with.

But frankly I'm surprised I only got 20. Figured having browsed this site for over 10 years I'd definitely score higher.



Final Fantasy Tactics

World of Warcraft before it went to shit.
Do I fit in yet?


Are you not upset by too many choices?

Game choices are typically easier to make than irl choices.

Europa Universalis 4 and Megaman

Fallout: New Vegas

Congratulations. You're the new Rain Man.

I dont understand the reference

What happened there

>create an account
Go fuck yourself.

Demon's souls.

>being this new

Darkest Hour

>>create an account
>Go fuck yourself.
You can skip it!!!

danganronpa 2


So, you're really good at social interactions?

>Crusader Kings II

>getting less than 30
Do people even answer?

Can we stop with this casual shit and talk about min-maxing a bit? How does one get the highest score?

>Crusader Kings II
> 234
Are you James d'amore Who was fired from Google?

>Can we stop with this casual shit and talk about min-maxing a bit? How does one get the highest score?

Read the cheat sheet

>how does one get the highest score?
>Look at questions
>The one that makes you look like an alien or chris-chan click always been this way
user...You may have the tisms.

I'll have a look. What's the current speedrunning world record for this test?

Dungeon Keeper

I tried that but you won't get a maxed score in the end. There has to be a hidden multiplier between certain less obvious answers. Could also be gender, age or geolocation.

how did you guys score so high?

g-guys? Does this mean I'm a normie?

The link I gave you tells you which questions score which column.

>asking the dwellers of an autism den why they scored so high

>Team Fortress 2

How fucked am I?

Holy Reddit

Do you have a gf and tattoos?

my score is 154.0.
i don't have a favorite game. i don't have a favorite anything. making decisions is hard. but the last game i played was killer7 and that's fun.

Duke 3D

I can socialize with people just fine, but I really don't like to.

I actually have a wife


Horribly inflated scores desu

Doom, Halo 1

hotline miami 2

fucking nerds

I had a gf for 6-7 years. We broke up a few years ago. Had another quick FWB for a couple months a year or so later, but she was crazy so we didn't really do anything. No tattoos, they're for degenerates

Megaman 8

Do you literally play quarterback

>63) I like things to be exactly the same day after day and even small changes in my routines upset me.

isn't this just a normal fucking behavior? No one likes their routine being fucked with right?