WoW Classic General

Who hype here ?

>favorite race/class ?
>pve or pvp ?

is there even a date for it?

predicted to be early 2019

I can't wait. I'm calling it right now. Classic is going to utterly kill retail and overtake it within 6 months

I would be hyped except it's gonna be filled with nostalgia fags who won't stop talking about how they've seen this part and that part before and reminisce about how fun it was back in the good ol days and how us newfags should be thankful. Wow really does have one of the worst communities, almost as bad as Overwatch's.

ASSFAGGOTS belongs on /vg/

>blizzard communities are consistently awful
Hmm I wonder why

Nostalgia fags will be the minority. Loads of people act like they remember this shit but I bet only 5% of the people playing will even know their way around gnomer

I don't care about WoW but I just wanted OP to know that he is a massive faggot

Are you retarded mate?

>tfw it wont be the same
>everyone will rush through
>have to look up guides and install a million different addons for raids
>no sense of wonder
>with a 10 year old game

im not that optimistic times have changed

dorf bros ww@

i cant wait that long, user

Can't wait.

>>have to look up guides and install a million different addons for raids
just get good you crybaby

unless you're a tank you don't need any addons to be useful

Let’s all repeat the mantra, “it’s only a game.” And if you go into WOW Classic expecting to recapture you’re childhood, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

>recapture you’re childhood
newfag get out

Never played vanilla but I loved Nostalrius, I can't play any other expansion now, just feels wrong

All you need is a threat meter, everything else is entirely up to you to modify your UI.

>Class balance "improvements"
>lvl 20 60% mount, lvl 40 100% mount for 100 gold
>BEFs to tainting horde again with their gay filth
>Palas and Shamans for horde and alliance
>Tier gear tokens
>Personal loot, x10 drops from 40m bosses
>PvP "improvements"
>Raids "imprivements"
>Dungeons "improvements"
>Raids difficulties
>Profession "improvements"
>Questing "improvements"
>15m world boss respawn, everyone who tags it gets a loot
>Other horrible shit like devaluing threat management, introducing AoE threat generation and AoE healing, nerfing trash in raids so imbeciles can egt past MC giants and so on and so forth.

Yeah i am so HYPED

90% of you retards will stop playing within 2 months

Does this mean SALTY DOGS are back??

Light's Hope has pretty decent pop right now I think, though I haven't actually played it yet

only recently realized just how much they changed, after i quit playing around '08

>Announcing a General on Sup Forums

>t. butthurt retailfag

it's just to bait

Nice overused reddit meme.

Cata was WoW2, WoD was WoW3

MC wasn't even fucking hard nostcuck.

I know, but I figure it's better to wait for classic rather then abandon another lvl 60 char a year from now when it comes out

>nothing to look forward to
>run out of content
>will LITERALLY never get more

the game ends eventually when you're playing classic you fucking retard

over time they'll probably offer something like "classic+" where you can add BC content etc.

Wow that sounds familiar...

It's almost like you're talking about a "retail" version or something

>Buy max level
>Go through expansion "leveling"

There I just experienced all the content in retail. And no extra boss mechanics doesn't count as new content.

yeah, but without all the "convenience" BS from retail. BC with '07 standards


>not doing mythic+
>not doing heroic/mythic raids
>not doing challenge modes
>bitching about the game being too easy

You classicucks just fabricate things to be mad about don't you?

i don't think you understood what he actually meant.

Why would anyone do any of that shit if they can just experience the content on LFR. There is a reason there is shortage of raiders on retail. Its because no one cares about adding 1 mechanic to a boss they have beating 50+ times already. Face it fag retail is garbage. Go back to your fashion shows you faggot

>they add BC
>everyone does everything a year later and gets bored
>they decide to add Wrath
>everyone does everything a year later and gets bored
>they add Cata..

All the retards that never played it, adhd kids born after 1995, and bitter oldfags that no lifed it (or never got anywhere but pretended they did) will ruin it. Internet just aint the same man.

>mfw oldschool runescape vs wow classic threads happen
>mfw itll be like i was back in middle school, with kids arguing about which one was better in 2007
>mfw I'll be on the osrs side

I'm ready guys

>40 man raids that didn't get hard until late AQ40. Molten Core was literally nicknamed molten bore back then with how easy and under tuned it was.
>bugged bosses that make prenerf Mythic KJ blush
>Rogue,Warrior,Mage, or GTFO if you wanted to actually do good damage in raids. Gonna love not being able to play a Ret pally or Ele shaman.
>Hybrids forced to heal
>If you rolled a Warrior prepare to Tank or no guild will take you unless they already have 2 geared tanks.
>Other tanks are legit dog shit.
>spamming sunder armor was the best way to generate threat.
>4 horsemen being the biggest bullshit gear check Blizzard ever created next to M'uru.
>Resist Gear farming for late AQ40
>the neetcore highwarlord system rewarding poopsocking instead of actual skill

you just described wow

Good point user why would anyone even play videogames when you can watch letsplays. We should all stop playing games for challenge when we can "see" everything for free. Your arguments are fucking trash, enjoy slitting your wrists when you realize classic isn't bringing happiness back

> except it's gonna be filled with nostalgia fags
If only. It's going to be filled with kids spouting Sup Forums memes and talking about e-celebs.

Both are cancer

>Why would anyone do any of that shit if they can just experience the content on LFR.
holy shit

>retailfags are this buttblasted

>nostalgiafags are this delusional

Just let me know how you like it 12 months in user

Anything below Mythic is actually mechanics removed. The fights are designed around Mythic difficulty.

>Jaina doesn't change to her old self in 3rd panel
One job, user. I love how retarded her model was in W3, dem gigantic triangle tits.

>Gonna love not being able to play a Ret pally or Ele shaman.
So it's just like retail, got it

You know that meme where people say that Dark Souls is best on the first playthrough? Well the same applies to Wow. How the fuck do you think you will be able re-experience something you already experienced? Only possible way is literal brain damage.

>being unironically hyped for a game that was considered casual garbage even when it was first released back in 2005

im still going to play BFA as well nerd.

It's not really comparable because WoW is mostly a multiplayer game, where Dark Souls is mostly a single player game.
That said, playing Nostalrius made me realize that the fun really was in the old community, not the gameplay, and that anything pretending to be vanilla (even officially) isn't actually going to be vanilla.

>tfw classic WoW is the only thing that sparks the magic of my youth.

I need a release date. I'm itching to make a qt fem orc warrior and I'm sick of playing private servers that just get shut down.

Elemental Shamans have insane AOE burst right now. Ret is definitely in a good spot.

And no Patchwerk Rankings were no mechanics are present and are simmed aren't indicative of a class being viable for high end raiding retard.

Never touched WoW in my life, will this be worth playing or do I need nostalgia to enjoy it?

>tfw Blizzard delays your suicide with this announcement

for classic nostalgia is recommended

Ele is garbage in any fight where they can't stand still for five minutes
Even then they ain't great

Human warrior obviously! I'm gonna focus on pve since I want to experience the raids, but I'm gonna rape a horde or two out in the world when I get the chance.

>runescape shitter thinks his no-mounts game is gonna last through 2018

It'll likely be expensive as fuck, don't bother. It's cashing in on nostalgia, not actual good gameplay.

Phase 1 players will be the old school veterans who know what the fuck they're doing

Phase 2 will be former wow players who joined around wotlk and cata.

Phase 3 will be casuals who see players in end game gear and stick around because they now have a goal.

If you're new, you probably won't be having any fun until you join when more people are already leveled.

I think everyone knows they are going to fuck it up some how. No way are they doing a 1:1 vanilla port.

Even if it was a 1:1 port it'd be fucked up because of the community, addons, and guides out there

Even if they did a 1:1 vanilla port with just bug fixes people would still bitch about something.


lmao. no. It wont be out before Blizzcon 2019. They sold all of their server tech from that era and its all being done from scratch.

yes, user. classic will be "fucked up" with 60+ fps, high resolution, and sub 100 ms.

>but I'm gonna rape a horde or two out in the world when I get the chance.
>human warrior
Good luck with that.