F-Zero NX looks more and more unlikely the more research I do. Downloaded Fast RMX, but it sucks...

F-Zero NX looks more and more unlikely the more research I do. Downloaded Fast RMX, but it sucks. Is Captain Falcon forever locked to being "that dude from Smash Bros."?

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In smash 5 he's going to be called captain smash or be removed entirely and his moveset given to a newer property like somebody from arms. The race is over.

If they make a new game and add Eurobeat I am certain that it will sell like hot cakes and Captain Falcon won’t be that dude from Smash anymore.

I just want GX HD Online at a constant 60fps

Fuck off, people like you are a cancer in this industry. A new game in a dead franchise would be miles better than an HD port of the last entry. Stop remaking games. Make new ones.

With all of the recent ports announced, just maybe on of them could have Port Town. I highly doubt it, but just maybe.

Nintendo can't top the masterpiece that amusement visions created (GX and AX), so they will never make a new one in fear of ruining the franchise's reputation.

That reasoning didn't stop them from making Metroid Other M or Star Fox Zero.

Those series were already ruined by Prime Hunters and Command respectively.

>end of the next direct
>"and we have one last thing for you guys, don't worry, it'll go by fast"
>whoosh sound effect, like cars
>see a hover track similar to fast rmx
>new Shin'en Multimedia game announced.
>see starting line of the vehicles from fast rmx plus some
>out of fucking nowhere one last car pulls up
>it's the blue falcon
>zoom in to see captain falcon saying "come on"
>cuts to black
>F-ZERO "RMX" shows up on the screen while mute city plays in the background
>coming fall 2018
>direct ends

*steals your gimmick*

That's the case if the game was shit, but GX is so good Shiggy literally admitted they can't do any better.
I wish he admitted that for Paper Mario as well...

>still molasses slow and mind-numbingly dumbed down, not just compared to F-Zero but in general
>not just forgiving, but actively encourages mediocre play
>zero risk-reward
AG was just there to add spectacle and make track designers' jobs easier. It doesn't even handle any different from normal mode.

>Fast RMX
Fast's problem is that it's too slow, surprisingly enough

>tfw buyfag
>tfw Climax is 60 US dollars now

Haven't played in months, all I remember is not liking the boost mechanic.

that would be the biggest fucking nut i've ever had

Not really. Its problem is that it's too simple. F-Zero has boost and slow speed gain and decay from it, so your task is to keep the speed above cruising speed. Wipeout has no easily availible boost and slow acceleration, so your task is to not lose speed in the corners. FAST has almost instant speed gain and loss with boosts so chaining boosts is not an option, you just boost whenever you have enough boost or whenecer you got a corner wrong.
Probably the only craft I had fun in FAST was the Zvil that has shit acceleration and boost and loses a lot of speed in corners, but has huge cruising speed, kind of a great middle ground between Wipeout and F-Zero styles.

>Shin'en Multimedia

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>removing captain falcon
top fucking laugh

He's done, Nintendo doesn't want to make another tech-filled racing game. GX will continue to be the best game of all time. (Some people prefer X but I haven't played it so idk)

FAST Racing NEO v1.0 was fun, that game was broken as shit at launch. Fun time trials.

We could've had one a few years ago if Criterion wasn't working on Need for Speed.

Oh boo hoo. Try being a Wave Racefag. The whole sport died in the 90s in the first place.

>screen goes black
>Nintendo logo
>dark room
>sound of boots slowly walking across the floor
>>Retro Studios
>dim lights shine on old news articles
>"Grand Prix Champoin!" "Claims Championship Belt!" "New Generation Challenges for Title!"
>Produced by Toshihiro Nagoshi and Shigeru Miyamoto
>more dim lights illuminate the room revealing the silhouette of some craft
>extreme close up of the craft shows a metallic blue
>the word "Neo" can be made out on the surface
>Directed by Hiroyuki Sakamoto
>walking stops, the figure is revealed to be wearing gold boots
>cockpit opens up and the figure climbs inside
>controls light up
>"Initiating simulation" on the dashboard
>features of a racetrack begin to form around the craft
>craft is now lit up and camera zooms into the cockpit
>the figure reveals himself to be Captain Falcon
>"Let's do this."
>tons of gameplay footage
>gameplay footage cuts to a scene of an F-Zero race with Captain Falcon overtaking Samurai Goroh just before the finish
>scene transitions to the title
>F-Zero SX

change him to Captain Rainbow

watch the fzerofags tears flow

Oh oh oh, are we removing irrevelant veteran Smashers?
I propose we replace Jigglypuff with Balloon Fight.

what if it gets the starfox xero tteatment?

That's exactly what we fear when we ask to keep it safe and just restomod GX to modern standards.

Then we wait for another attempt, just like we're doing at the point.

>what if it gets the starfox xero tteatment?
Its not like the Switch has a two screen possibility to fuck up the controls. re you talking about graphics because I have little doubt if a new F-Zero is made, the textures will look like shit to have stable 60 fps.

Honestly F-Zero GX HD with online multiplayer would be enough to satisfy me.

There's no topping GX.

Just play Redout

They still have motion controls. Which admittedly may be used for good if they try to emulate analog triggers with split joycons.

Why not all three? Wipeout is bouncy, Redout is slippery, F-Zero is tight, three completely different experiences.

It would've been shit anyway.

I'd love an F-Zero pro wrestling spin-off.