What do you do?

What do you do?

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Play my video game

No one around would do shit if she screams. They'd just keep walking and try not to look.


I would literally smash her face with the DS and buy another one.
I hate kids.

>Entire park full of people playing on their 3DS's
>She singles me out
Fuck you, you little cunt. Bother someone else.

Give her something to scream about.

MAKE her scream

fuck her until she pass out, if I am going to jail at least make it worth it

>Brazil tiered scam
Just keep walking, while holding onto the console and game.

>Unzip pants.
>Whip out handful of yen.

Sure, follow me and show you something really fun.

>tfw I do this irl.
>t. Sugar Daddy.

Fuck off, kid. This model went out of production years ago. The color is the only one exclusive to North America and the only color never released in Japan. They cost ~$350 new in the box. I'm not giving it away.


You offer 10 year olds bundles of cash to fuck them IRL?

Colors, look up the episode where they get a rocket launcher


It's super effective.

I'm sure it is, but you go to jail if caught.

Tell her to fuck off and keep walking

I didn't know. Pretty cool. Too bad they still haven't implemented a screenshot function.

yeah they did, long time ago

pat her head and tell her hearing such things from a cute little girl like her hurts my soul
then walk away

He's obviously Notch. Even if he went to jail, his sentence wouldn't be long enough for him to care.

No jail could contain his mass

last time I used my 3DS was 6 months ago and there wasn't anything like that.

what if it was real

at least 1 little girl would have been severely hurt but a cop with a military grade weapon given to little children by an old man

>"no way fag"

you press home and then Y it's been around for years

His crotch would have been blown to smithereens


>Your tip has been submitted to the F.B.I. Thank you. This window will close automatically.

No it hasn't. Because it doesn't exist.

Yell out asking if someone lost a child since they're buggin me about my video games

but it does, that's how you submit screenshots to miiverse it also saves it to the SD how did you think people were uploading screenshots?

That's not how it works. You have to go through Miiverse and even then it doesn't work on all games. Also Miiverse doesn't exist anymore.

just hack it and use the screenshot function if it's to complicated for you to do it the normal way

There is no normal way.

Ya I ban her

What would screaming even do? If you're playing video games and walking and some girl starts screaming that you did something to her, what is she going to say you did?

*lost connection to host returning to your world*

Her screaming won't get he anywhere if I start screaming first!

it would instantly rupture your eardrums and send you into shock

I have an opportunity to be in a physical illegal relationship with an 8 year old
shes always touching me and saying lewd things a girl her age should know about
and when we have sessions together its in a back area with no camera

I am tempted by the dark side every day
and I deny its assault


the girl in OP's anime has super sonic screams.

She is capable of rupturing vital organs with the frequency and even damaging armored transport.

your best bet is to stun them with a melee and go for the head.

if you really cared about her you would wait until you could legally marry her

Where's the best place to watch colors?

Don't. Headpats will suffice

mpc hd


>and when we have sessions together its in a back area with no camera
What is your job, doctor?

that player has been defunct for months and months you want something other than VLC use MPV

To be honest anime is so fucking stupid I don't have a hard time believing this

What do you do you perv?

I exercise the kids on gymnastics equipment


Like at a school?

If you're a teacher you get fired as soon as she mentions your name, don't do it man

Public transportation

>and when we have sessions together its in a back area with no cameras
Excellent. They won't see the headpats coming

Then I kick her in the testicles!

>I'll scream
Keep walking, little shit almost got my game

Dang it Bobby!

Did that once. Ended up in prison for seven years.

Never got raped, thankfully every time I told my story of how I ended up there they found it hilarious.


child care place

parents who don't want to spend time with their kids send them to us for enrichment

Next episode they're gonna go around asking if they wanna listen to some Led Zepp in their van with some cold Millers in a bucket.


Japan is so fucking stupid. No wonder they're cucks.

Pat her head you monster

Yeah, you would get fired too

How do I apply

keep walking and let her scream. cctv is everywhere, they'll clearly see her run up to me and start screaming for no good reason and give me a pass. after that i'll file a lawsuit against the parents for teaching their child how to scam people. even if I don't win it will be worth it ti punish their shit their parenting and make them waste time in court.

dont user
it'll destroy her by turning her into a slut like its shown in many such cases where a girl starts engaging in sexual relationships very early she just turns into a massive thot

dude they would use robots that would be 300x more effective

Post the memes.

She has already probably been abused if she knows those things. If anything he should report it.

but shes even asian

not necessarily. you dont know how shitty parents can get. basically gifting their 4yos mobiles/tablets and whatnot, and they literally start looking at porn (willingly or not) at that age.

our generation is fucked desu

Your entire plan is relying on cctv. What if there are no cameras around? You're fucked.

This. user if she already knows about sex someone is obviously abusing her. I mean I found out about sex fairly early on too, but I'm a boy. And I was also kinda sexually abused by my aunt. But yeah that girl has probably been bullied

>say yes
>keep walking
>mister mister gimme game
>give it now or you are lame
>keep walking but wave it in her face
>walk down dark alleyway
>give her the game
>thank you mister for the game
>now this system keeps me tame
>quickly grab her by her throat and pin her to the side of a dumpster
>reach down
>Take her lunch money and run the fuck out, fuck you kid you get my game but I'm buying a soda kid I have more at home enjoy no food punk ass

Not necessarily she could have heard it on tv or from her parents

> italy
being on the losing side, facing 80 years of propaganda, and having a corrupt, incompetent government willing to sell your country out for a 1% gdp growth (the rest of the west included) will do that to you

Why the fuck is the United States that low?

On the off chance this is real, don't fucking do it man.

ungrateful liberals and immigrants that leave their shitty country and want to engage in the same shitty behaviors that ruined where they live, except in a nice place

Americans, for all their grandiose boasting, have an incredibly weak stomache for war and are notoriously unreliable

cuz most of them weigh too much to fight

Damn user thats fucked up

because its not a real country

amerifatties btfo!

give her the gameboy

cry silently about how i was violated by an 8 year old girl later that night

What did he mean by this?

There are no memes, just the cruel harsh realities of being an ojii-san.


Japanese schools teach pacifism at very young age, even parents do as well. Not surprising. Germany is a fucking abomination of what it used to be.

>What if there are no cameras around?
You obviously aren't from London

>he would rather fight and die for Israel than lose

spotted the goyim

Nigger not at all. My family is pretty open about sex, even with the kids. Don't prop it up as some taboo when they're young and they'll grow up knowing all the risks involved and not consider it that special of a thing that they must absolutely do.

Are you talking about American people or the American military? Because there is a huge difference.

My weakness

But yeah, doing anything in that situation would be unwise, to say the least

run, or if that fails kill

I'd fight for Japan