merfolk or sea creatures, it don't matter, let's have a thread about vidya characters who live in the water
Vidya fish
Other urls found in this thread:
the fishy
That's not a real fishe
that doesn't count landlubber, post a real one
Fish aren't real.
Only charismatic fish allowed itt.
B-but then what's all of this?
>tfw no fish gf
Do protagonists count as something charismatic enough?
oh fuck wrong pic
There was this one virtually unknown arcade game which was a combination of point-and-click adventure and Dragon's Lair style QTE gameplay. There were some fish girls that sang you hints (that were barely audible) so I dug up a clip of them for you. It's from the PC version which had a different title than the arcade game I think.
Bad fish
Someone else open it I'm too paranoid
>Underage: The Post
If you're really that spooped, it's just a clip I took from this stream:
At 26:53 if timestamp don't work.
Minnette was the one that made me realise I have a thing for fish fins.
Minette's nice and all, but she suffers from the Skullgirl problem of much more interesting characters being overshadowed by the main cast and Lab 0s understandable but bothersome budget constraints and priorities
Shut up Kyle.
Oh, sorry. Force of habit.
Minette is my brother's waifu.
Step UP niggas
Reminder to not touch the glass
How much of a fucking coward do you even need to be to do something like this?
If you're that afraid of screamers just mute the audio before clicking it, Jesus.
Cool archaeological skills, dude.
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ____!
It's not screamers I worry about, I'm wary of fishy links, if you catch my drift.
As in dolphin porn?
It's a webm
Feed me magic bro.
It's a fucking webm. You're still retarded, but I'll forgive you because I like dumb puns.
yeh, i'm not willing to put my computer in hot water
>Swiggity swooty...
How you doing?
>Shopping for an onahole
>Find a mermaid-themed one
I bought it in case anyone was wondering. Unboxing thread in a week.
I'll mark my calander.
>no leviathan
I loved her yandere Jap voice
shantae mermaids are pretty cute
Is there anyone or thing in particular you're looking for?
>absolutely NOBODY posted the best fish in vidya yet
Twelve days in the dungeon, all of you.
I'll never forgive the english version for removing the voices.
Ooh, well why didn't you just say so?