*Elevator Stops*

Remember, No ---------

No games

Remember, No No games


Don't make fun of someone's stutter

>No decent cod games after mw3

mw3 was garbage. speaking as a former super cod fanboy up to black ops 1

Do you guys think we'll ever see a masterpiece story mode like MW2's ever again or is the world too senestive now?

shooting anyone who is non-white or transgender


I certainly am senestive to your inability to write

Shut your whore mouth. Black ops was just a fucking hyped game before it came out and you know it.

>inability to write


way fag

No u



The guy he responded to wrote "sensitive" as "senestive" and he was using it mockingly you retard.


>Black ops was just a fucking hyped game before it came out and you know it.

>pretending to be retarded

>gets btfo
>h-haha (You)!!!!!

He wanted them to take their time. I don't know why people don't understand this.

>MW2 was the last time I could get all my bros in a single game
Half of them are in the MOBA/Overwatch grind and the other half just play PUBG these days




Wow, you sure showed him with that
post retard

Fox only.

New IP


Residence. No Fame. No Knowledge. No Judgement. No Imagination. No --

