best JRPG of all time?
Best JRPG of all time?
Chrono Trigger.
Xenoblade is better
nah pokeman is.
if you were on a long haul trip and had to choose an emulated console. youd pick pokeman over squaresoft library.
Saga Frontier is objectively better
It could have been but lol disk 2
>2 unfinished games
Legend of Dragoon is where it is at. All other jrpgs are for brain dead people that can only manage 2 button presses per minute
I wanna play this. Is the DS version a good way to play? It's much easier to emulate.
wait i've now seen screenshots. Sorry i asked.
There is no DS version user. You must be talking about Xenoblade, which is a completely unrelated game.
You called?
t. Takahashi
For me yeah.
Not sure Front missions can be considered RPGs but those come real close.
shit google save me xenosaga. by bad twice
Up to the end of Disc 1 absolutely. After that? It's merely Top 10.
Literally unfinished. It’s a great game but that detracts from it.
FFX and Chrono Trigger are my two picks, followed by Xenoblade2
Oh OP, there are so many games superior to Xenogears, even if we look only to Monolithsoft games
Most of the games are unfinished
Mein niggah
why do switchbabies persist on shitposting?
TLoD is good, but the story is braindead, the additions don't do a whole lot for the battles to make them interesting once you get used to them, the Item system is ass...
...On the other hand... Meru doesn't have NEARLY enough Rule 34 considering she's like 14 and every move she makes she flashes her panties.
LoD had a pretty good story IMO. It had a neat twist and had a really interesting universe. It's too bad the characters are lame and the dialogue is shit.
No, and I say this as a massive Xeno and Xenoblade fan.
It's pretty aight. But there's absolutely no depth in the game whatsoever. Just grind for them Additions, buy the best gear, that's it.
what's a jrpg with a really good story?
it's the best SOMETHING of all time. i just don't know what to call it.
if phantom pain was supposed to be the point of MGSV, then this game is certainly the best metal gear solid 5.
Not even close
If you want something fun, you can't go wrong with Grandia. That feeling of adventure is something else.
This thread has been annexed by the Empire of Mor Ardain. Do not resist.
a masterpiece right here kids.
XB2 is just Gears but based on 2010 anime and even stupider. They replaced giant robots with tittyswords, because no one wants to pilot a mech but anthromorphised weapons and boats and reimagined historical figures with tits print money for some godforsaken reason.
The tittyswords have giant mechs.
>this gem series got fucked over by FF not once but TWICE
t. someone who has never played Gears
Close to it. I think pic related may have it beat though.
Certainly the best story
Completed it, but nice try.
Meru is 16 and pls don't lewd my wife
I would agree that XBC/2 is superior, but only because of 2 decades of progress.
Remake Xenogears with modern technology and mechanics, and Xenogears would be a god of a game.
But if you completed it, you would know your original statement was wrong. So are you lying about completing it, or just shit posting?
i Loveed both Xenogears and Legend of Dragoon, but when i picture best JRPG i picture pic related
twewy is the best, in my opinion
ooo this is a good contender
For awhile it was
thoughts on Final Mix?
I went into this thread expecting some shitty taste but dear lord LoD fags managed to far surpass my expectations. What a shit game with such retarded fans.
Only a good thing. Some people will be sticklers and say that the only way to experience the game will be the original. And I get where they are coming from, as the way the dual screen combat and the narrative themes meld is incredibly special. But the game still has so much going for it that it'll still be amazing. Between the improved, beatiful visuals and the expanded, higher quality tracks, it'll be a joy to experience or reexperience. And the fact that Square is bringing this to a new audience and actually makig a whole new story scenario is incredibly exciting and gives me hope for a sequel. Never been happier from a game announcement, though a sequel with a new cast, setting and gameplay system tied to the hardware would be even better. One step at a time though
this warms my heart user, you bring up a lot of good points. my simple hype extends to more superbosses and a revival of the franchise, but you're right.
for once it's a wonderful future.
I'll be honest, played it when it came out. Spent 40 or 60 hours to beat it. Finished it. Didn't know what the fucking story was about. Last time I played a story based game. Combat was fun
Xenogears is great but it's a better book than it is a JRPG
The correct answer is Grandia or pic related
None of these games are FFIX. We all know in our hearts that it's the best one. Quit pretending, anons.
God no, but nice try Xenoautist.
that's like saying best piece of turd ever
>Literally unfinished. It’s a great game but that detracts from it.
Venus de Milo? Literally unfinished
>be Tetsuya Takahashi
>create RPGs with actually potent scifi-esque plots with weirdo gnostic themes and a side of giant mechs
>have a great cult following that can actually hold a discussion about your games for more than five minutes without a million waifuposts
>suddenly low on cash because genuine quality stopped selling games
>forced to sell your soul out to (((Nintendo)))
>then be "given" the creative freedom to water down your games into shonenbait LN tripe
>Xenoblade 1 is lauded by outsiders despite how shallow its plot is and how generic shonen its tropes are
>introduces cancerous newfags to the Xeno series to shit up genuine discussion with "lol muh waifus who is best girl and y is it the cuck! KEKKEKKEKK!! XDXD MELIA ALWZY GETS SKREWED Y DID 7 WIN SHULKBOWL :(((("
>veteran Xeno fans jump ship after seeing what the series has become and where it's probably going to go
>try to win them back with Xenoblade X but it doesn't work because the Wii U is a commercial failure and they ripped out the potential heart of the plot in service of multiplayer with a silent main
>your Nintenjew overlords decide that the game "isn't marketable enough" and (((suggest))) you try and return to the first Xenoblade
>end up with:
Xenoblade "The Worst Love Story Ever Told" Chronicles 2
Xenoblade "Tales of Neptunia" Chronicles 2
Xenoblade "EEEEHHHHH?! B-BAKA HENTAI!!!" Chronicles 2
Xenoblade "We heard you didn't like the fetchquest sidequests in the first two games so we decided to move them to the main story" Chronicles 2
Xenoblade "Make every female character nothing more than a walking pair of tits" Chronicles 2
Xenoblade "Xeno In Name Only" Chronicles 2
Xenoblade "368p" Chronicles 2
Xenoblade "Every Anime Cliche in the Book" Chronicles 2
Xenoblade "the story is good because gamexplain said so mmmmkay" Chronicles 2
Ever seen those brainlet pictures? I've got some bad news, user...
You posted it. Although, I'm still not entirely sure what the fuck, especially when you meet Not-God and it talks about nonsense for like an hour.
That is not a JRPG, that is an ARPG.
Xenoblade 1 > all of the sci fi Xeno games
I agree that 2 is shit though
But it's a RPG made in Japan
That it is, but it's also an ARPG.
So it's still a JRPG. I don't get your point.
OBJECTIVE list of Best JRPG of all time:
God tier
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Suikoden 2
High Tier
Persona 3
Mid tier
SMT Nocturne
Chrono Cross
Nostalgia Tier
Legend of Legaia
Wild Arms
Romancing Saga
Legend of Mana
Dragon Quest III
This list is FACT not Opinion
>secret of mana that high
>persona 3 above xenoblade, nocturne, and FF9
consider suicide
It is an ARPG from Japan, not a JRPG.
chrono trigger is fun so far but its art style kind of puts me off
I don't get what people see in Toriyama's art
But if it's from Japan that means it's a JRPG
Xenosaga sucked ass, you pretentious clown.
It is from Japan, but it's an ARPG.
I really like dragon quest which is Toriyama too and it looks good but Chrono Trigger has a strange look about it in game
I don't understand how is it not a JRPG
Because it is an ARPG
ff6 is my favorite
>comfy cast
>great music
>great world
hard to top that, chrono trigger is just as good though
>Nostalgia tier
>Romancing SaGa
You literally can't have that unless you are Japanese.
Or imported at the time of release? May of us did.
Hell, Chrono Trigger and FF6 weren't released in Europe, wouldn't have played them either if not for import at the time.
hell ya brother
So pretty much an ultra weeb that learned Japanese or someone who was Japanese. To even list it on an English speaking website would automatically invalidate it from the list since it wasn't in the batch of localized SNES games of the time.
How is that in any way invalidating?
One day you'll look back on this post and feel very, very embarrassed.
>Interactive movie: The game
Yeah, no. The combat system was fucking fun as fuck though. Fucking loved the combat.
How can an English speaking populace that never got a game have nostalgia for it? It is the biggest odd man out in that entire list due to that. Nostalgia occuring to you? Possibly. Though to the general populous? Hardly.
>>This thread and all its contents
The lack of taste around here never ceases to astound me.
the sequel doesn't exist no it doesnt because it sucks dick
I liked it
what game?, looks neat
The title is sort of in that very screenshot. Only the numeral used in the western release is missing. but I'll humour you because it's a good game and more people should play it.
Phantasy Star 4: The End of the Millenium.
Zelda. No contest.
Have you even played Final Fantasy X?
Not him but I have. It's Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. compared to Xenogears. And yes I know that was a joke scene meant to emphasize they were putting on a facade of happiness but fuck if it wasn't still cringe. So much of the VAing of X is cringe by today's standards. Thankfully XG had few VAed lines
Too cheesy