Defend this
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Why should I?
She does a pretty good job of defending herself.
Its a video game.
Why the butterface though
It makes my bepis hard, so I don't care
Seems more like a SJW game than most western stuff rofl
Words & deeds
This. Wtf is their problem
wtf I love SJW games now
She makes energy by doing photosynthesis like a plant, duh. That's why she has to wear revealing clothing, to expose her skin to the sun.
you will be ashamed of your words and deeds
There is no way she doesnt get raped
Fucking hell this games story was shit.
So does code talker. Only difference is he's an old man and no one wants to see that in a bra.
She kind of does but then she essentially breaks the dudes dick off.
She does, by a horse.
Why? She was just feeding herself. Plants need water.
Eww how'd want to see that gay shit? Jab devs know that games are only blade by us young, horny men.
Since she can just evaporate, imagine what kind of stuff she can do with her cunt. Like, making it so incredibly tight youll cum in seconds. Good fap
she breathes through her skin, it's a purely logical outfit. geez, what didn't you understand?!
>Quiet will never choke you with her legs
Yeah. And she breathes through her skin right? So if her throat were to be somehow obstructed, she wouldn't ever suffocate right?
>choking thots
get out of here stalker
D-Walker > Quiet > D-Dog >>>>>>>>>>>>>> D-Horse
I'll defend this fair maiden with my life
her design? Not a problem
her character? Garbage self insert, absolutely fucking disgusting. Just like Ocelot, Venom, Big Boss, and pretty much everyone except Master Miller (the only person who put effort into acting and voicing their character in both English and Japanese) are fucking non-characters.
Kojima is such an otaku
He has aspergers fror sure.
Huey is pretty good. Really get across what a pathetic person he is real well.
D-Dog>>>>>>D-Horse = Quiet > D-Walker
The Huey actor really enjoys playing as Otacon/Huey, does he not? You can hear he puts in the effort.
Christopher Randolf or something, right? Does he do any other good games?
Quiet is way more useful than the horse. She still looks like a horse too.
>I like to remove fun from my videogames in the name of efficiency
>hating on dick horse
May the sorrow bring misery and despair upon your base
And yet she's the only character in the game other than Huey who actually got a finished character arc. Shoot me.
if youre not allowed to talk about it, you adopt it as a idea to live by to set an example for others hence why ho's, who cant speak about their sexuality freely not just because it makes others uncomfortable tend to dress super slutty and half nekkid
Sure no problem. That'll be $2.49 plus tax.
Had a few cracking wanks thanks to Joost.
THIS is how you make female characters, Kojima. Take notes from based Neil Druckman.
That whole fight scene was so stupid. It's a twelve your old's idea of a "strong and cool" character.
>defend art
Freedom of expression doesn't need defense. You either have it or you're in a gulag.
>degeneracy is ok, because it's """ART"""
>woman in a bikini
Never leave your house during summer Mohammad
Hideo is a nigger.
Metal Gear has always been stupid.
He's very much an asian. Someone must've pranked you.
>m-muh freedom!
Freedom doesn't mean "I can do whatever I want with no consequences or critique!" which is why Quiet will always be remembered as a shitty self-insert
>which is why Quiet will always be remembered as a shitty self-insert
For whom? Certainly not the player.
>other games
Nope, he is only known to do Metal Gear series, all his other jobs are for television, film and theatre.
I'd love to insert myself into Quiet
I have to say that her armpits are really well modeled. 90% of games ignore this, I hate when a vidya female character have glitched textures/mesh on her armpits.
joosten is perfect. delete yourself
probably the only time the story wasnt just stupid wank
Joosten did all the mocap for the game, even her feet were scanned many times.
Was there really going to be an Act 3? or was it just a rumor to justify the rushed feeling?
dont defend this
there are halfway finished cutscenes you can find on youtube.
It can't be defended. Kojima is a retard. His games suck. Kojimafags are worse than Gabefags.
>Punished Snake
>Best possible version of Snake
>Most talented
>Most skilled
>Most benevolent
>Best interpretation of The Boss' will
>Everything good he does gets credited to an insane war-monger
He truly lives up to his name.
best character, no need to defend it
MGS always had this kind of stuff. If they didnt include it, fags like you would say "oh duhh the game is too realistic, where are the cool supernatural fights"
She should've been the main character.
Why did Kojima choose such an ugly chick?
>which is why Quiet will always be remembered as a shitty self-insert
That's some mighty fine "critique".
Too much fotosynthesis?
>having no taste
She breathes through her skin
does it mean she can deepthroat forver?
I love her
irony - considering you find this gimp-mouthed butterface attractive
>full, blue lips from near drowning
>my dick was seriously not ready
>trying so hard to hate joosten
Did she cuck you?
She isn't really drowning user, her wearing clothes and then having the only exposed part of her body being put under water is what's killing her, but then the guy removes her pants, meaning she can breathe again which is why she is able to kill him.
>no gf that needs to be naked 24/7 to be alive
>full, blue lips from being suffocated
>my dick still wasn't ready
The avoidance of struggle is a struggle. The denial of failure is a failure. Hiding what is shameful is itself a form of shame.
Pain is an inextricable thread in the fabric of life, and to tear it out is not only impossible, but destructive: attempting to tear it out unravels everything else with it. To try to avoid pain is to give too many fucks about pain. In contrast, if you’re able to not give a fuck about the pain, you become unstoppable.
(You) will feel ashamed of your words & deeds
you ever gone to the pool?
Why are we here? Just to suffer?
No, she's just ugly and she looks like Ashley Burch there.
>finished character arc
>comes back
Quiet, D-walker and D-Dog brings nothing to the table that Venom can't do himself, meanwhile D-horse has unparalleled speed through almost any terrain and still brings in some utility with horse-blocking roads and stuff.
So in short: anyone but d-horse: win-more and QoL. D-horse: sanic
we understand you fucked better
dhorse - be fast
ddog - sneak past niggas
quiet - kill niggas
dwalker - fucking useless
Don't be jealous.