Let me guess, old saves will not work with this?

Let me guess, old saves will not work with this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Is it really worth getting? 60$ for literally only dsfix put inside.

You had ONE JOB

It's on the old DaS1 engine, why they add new engine innovations like HDR? They're only spending about a year on this, and their main game is Shadows Die Twice. They've got max a few artists working on this as well as some network guys.

>It's on the old DaS1 engine
I thought it was gonna be a new engine though?

Bad info put out my a poorly informed Vaati that was regurgitated by game "journalists". Porting DaS1 to a new engine would take a lot of work and introduce a lot of bugs that they'd need to take through QA all over again. It's releasing in 4 months.

so if this remaster sells , do you think tha frimsoft will make another soul?

Of course not.

it's not $60 you knob

because they're making the game as we speak right
you fucking idiot inbred motherfucking retard asshole cocksmoking faggot
since they outsourced it, i wouldn't be surprised if it was in the works for at least 2 years now
fucking kys

they could have been working on it for a few years nigger

Then how much? It's not worth anyway, even if they would sell it for 5$. It's literally the same game.

From claims it isn't outsourced.

and your mother claims you're not a retarded fucking faggot
your point is?

Wrong, it has better matchmaking, worlds can hold up to six people and password summons are now a thing.

They'll port DS2 on the Switch probably. This is a pump and dump game that's only being made to get extra money from consoletards

Probably the same case as your old N64 OoT save working with the DS Remaster.
Or that time when your old [game] save worked with [game] remastered.

don't be silly

hopefully not
the series has run its course, let it die with dignity

best case scenario something like bloodborne (i.e. same mechanics but different theme, aesthetics, etc), but please no more dark souls

How many times this needs to be stated. The Dark Souls series is over. There will be other soulsborne but not another Dark Souls in the foreseeable future.

Seeing threads like this reminds me on why I don't take Sup Forums seriously and why I'll be playing offline on release

You know literally nothing about it, retard

You can to the same for free with dsfix.

Seriously op you sound like a dumb old person

Dsfix doesn't fix any of the things I've listed.

It's got better matchmaking with dedicated servers, no new assets, no new engine, improved resolution and frame-rate (dsfix). That's about it. Blighttown will be the real test.

It's baffling how much misinformation there is flying around about this remaster. It's basically useless to even attempt to discuss it, because if it isn't blatant misinformation, it's people militantly arguing that one of the defining games of the last generation of consoles doesn't "deserve" a remaster.
>"It's literally the same game."
>It's on the DaS1 engine
>It's on the DaS3 engine
>It's literally just dsfix applied to DaS1
>It's outsourced
>It's in-house
>It's full-priced
>It isn't full-priced
>I'm 100% convinced it's shit despite the only evidence being a 10 second teaser trailer
I knew the Souls fanbase has been filled with retards for a few years now, but fucking WEW.

what the fuck are you even about you absolute fucking utter diarrhea lord
dsfix does fucking nothing to fix those issues
and watchdog is literally dead becaus eur0pa is a fucking retard like you
>but wulf fix
yeah that shit doesn't work either

Is there any reason to buy this for PC, outside of PvP? You can already run the game at 60fps and 4k resolutions.

it's actually $40 since it's being listed on the official from site
and if you own the first game on steam you'll get a $20 discount

>and if you own the first game on steam you'll get a $20 discount
That was confirmed to be false.

Not really, but it is discounted for PC users.

Yeah, I'd rather wait and see impressions when the game releases before listening to anyone here on Sup Forums

It isn't discounted for PC users.

not discounted =\= not yet announced
fucking kys

because Sup Forums is fucking retarded
everything is listed here
it's literally ds1 on the ds3 engine
the end

Forget all of that. The important part is, how does this play into the single most important aspect of Dark Souls, lore?

>let it die with dignity
too late for that now

>get Dark Souls for 10 bucks or less
>play it for over 100 hours
>get a 20 dollar discount on the remaster

There will be no discount user.

thanks m8s

you're a fucking idiot if you believe they're not giving a discount on the remaster
they did give one with ds2 and sotfs
you're just a contrarian faggot
fucking kys you subhuman

Reminder Todd gave skyrim remaster to existing owners for free

>if I say bad words maybe I'll look tough

Retard, use your brain for once, also get a job.

You need to calm down user. Nobody knows any reliable thing yet. Its all just talking out of the ass, you are doing the same

*Season Pass buyers

>if i reply with buzzwords maybe people will take me seriously
kys you fucking faggot subhuman cockmongler faggotron gonorrhea having piece of molded rotten shit
i will fucking eat your face out you piece of cock

Then why I didn't get it?

I think anybody is gonna be enough stupid to buy the switch version right?


>user doesnt know what "buzzword" means


KEK, I'll be playing it downsampled from 4k.