
Beach Shantae is cute. CUTE!

Also Shantae thread I guess.

i only care for risky, but as you said yourself, it's a SHANTAE thread, so no need from me bumping

Risky, you say

I wonder what the next game is going to be about and what they're going to do next time.

Shantae's great, but that won't save her from Wayforward's mediocrity


Is Shantae actually a good franchise or does my dick trick my brain into thinking that it's good?

Shantae is cute, Risky is hot.

>mfw is another kickstarter

I want RottyTops to eat my brains

Its just you're dick, sweetie.

I hope they drop HGH's formula and go back to the Zelda II-esque one that the original and Pirate's Curse had.

does anyone have art on beating the last dlc play


The only Shantae game I would call good is Pirate's Curse and that was co-developed by the guys who made Megaman Zero ZX.

What makes it different from other Shantae games?

It's probably one blandest games I've every played. It doesn't do anything new or different. The art is the reason people even play it.

Your upgrades are integreated directly into your moveset you you can pull off some cool chains with momentum in the late game, and new game plus is fun/fast paced

Meanwhile the other titles have a transforming mechanic, which is fun, but most transformations only do 1 or 2 things which results in a lot of STOP, transform in x, hit x switch, transform back, repeat. No flow at all. HGH did speed up the process to try and help but its still far inferior to the pirates curse system

It should have a rythm minigame to unlock the transformations and then make it instant afterwards

>those jiggle physics
They knew DAMN well what they were doing.

They really need to come up with a way to streamline the transformations, otherwise they're going to forever be overshadowed by the pirate gear in terms of gameplay.

Worth playing at least once, I'd say.

It sucks, because the original GBC game's mechanic of dancing out the spells in rhythm was a neat idea, it just flies in the face of good gameplay. I don't know what a good way to blend the two would be.

>all that Shawnty SFM being made now

There are too many Shantae games.

>Transformations have fully-fleshed out sets of abilities instead of just one or two each, so there's less need to continuously stop and switch between them
>Time slows down when you dance instead of stopping, momentum is retained (and you can start dancing even in mid-air)
>Transforming happens instantaneously under different circumstances (eg. You transform into a Harpy immediately if you jump in mid-air, you transform into a Mermaid immediately if you touch water), dancing is only necessary the first time or is implemented in a way unrelated to transformations
Just a few ideas. There are definitely ways they could do it, it's just difficult to find a good compromise.

Source or context for this?

Shantae is telling someone that they cannot wish for the wish they wished for


New transformation!

I want to pamper Risky's feet in the bath.

Useful for performing the best cannonball at pool parties.

Shit like this makes it really hard to not wanna make quarter-genies with her. Not that it's a bad thing or anything...

Did she fail to transform into an elephant or did she eat one?

>wanting to diaper someones feet

user you can't combine fetishes like that

Isn't that the whole point of the series?

Well judging by her total lack of vulva in that art (virgins back the fuck off, it is visible that far forward) she has Barbie doll anatomy. So... good luck with that.

Which isn't to say it wouldn't be fun to try.

How is she a half-genie then, smartypants?


WayForward was a dev team so powerful and so wise, they were able to use the Force to influence the midichlorians and create... life.

The original game let you teleport to different towns using magic as well, so there's that.

is this actually unlockable art?

Why yes, yes it is

Her genie mom had sex with Karnov.

Holy FUCK, this was in the game?!

I played half genie hero on switch and it is very boring. Cute girls nad some good midriff but literally that's it, very boring to play

>bare ass
nah i don't believe it

Gotta get 100%, but its there.

You act like bare ass is a difficult thing to get away with in cartoon media.

Pirate's Curse had the best Risky.


They're edits.

100% in the base game or Risky's DLC?

I think Pirate's Curse had the best art style in general. Shame the artist can't draw hands.

More like Pirate's Curse was just the best game of the series in general.

>those bags under her eyes
Jeez Risky, get some sleep.

>Shantae only has her pirate costume on when she's using pirate gear
What horseshit is this and why hasn't anyone fixed it

Monkey's paw probably.

>ywn impregnate this

So fags, which game should I play first? The only one I don't have access to is Half-Genie Hero.

Good stuff

Shantae in smash when? REEEEEE



You do realize that's an edit, right?

I hope someone makes a SFM of this

Pirate's Curse is to be played first because it is easily the best.


Has all the DLC been released yet?

Pirate's Curse will ruin the other Shantae games for you. It's just such a step up that it BTFO every other Shantae game. I'd start with Risky's Revenge, then go to Pirate's Curse. PC really feels like an evolution of RR, gameplay wise and story wise (in fact, almost every event in RR has significance in PC). Half-Genie Hero is a reboot, and though okay, is a letdown compared to PC.

If you can only play one game though, play Pirate's Curse.

Literally my favourite body type. Would impregnate SO hard.


Is it better to skip the first game then? I did try to play it a bit on an emulator, but it didn't really capture my interest.

God yes.

I liked the first game, personally. But all of the games are linked in one way or another story-wise, so you at least would want to know what happens.

Start with Pirate's Curse.

>Half-Genie Hero is a reboot
No it is not.

It's a soft reboot.

Yeah, well fuck you too you racist sack of shit.

No it is not. It's just a new game in the series.

So how long until feminists take Shantae from us?

If they haven't managed it by now then I doubt they ever will.

Not popular enough


I think there's one more, but it's not going to be story content, just costumes that change Shantae's moveset.

he didn't wish for that though he could trick her into having sex and then wish for her to become his wife

I bought HGH solely because of those hips.

Why is Shantae so sexy?

Tits and ass mainly. Stuff i wouldn't mind nutting on.

Is the same guy from last time?


Do you think Shantae would make a good mother?

And if the child was yours would you take responsibility?

Sex with Shantae!


I like the flustered expression in the original more.


