Halo thread

What could have been done on the Human's part to not make the war so one sided? Why didn't they create biological weapons to decimate the alien Covenant infantry?

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The problem in the halo universe was that no matter how many times humanity would win a group victory, the covenant would just glass the planet from orbit with their far superior and more numerous fleets.
Humanity never stood a chance and that's the point.

So if Humans knew it was almost impossible to win a naval battle against the Covenant why didn't they adapt by creating sophisticated, advanced and small boarding craft designed to destroy Covenant ships on the inside.

This, this and this. The ground campaigns were never more than glorified treasure hunts or deliberate meat grinders for the Covenant. The only way Humanity would have stood a chance is if they somehow developed a ship or ship-tech to match the Covenant.

>sophisticated, advanced and small boarding craft designed to destroy Covenant ships on the inside.

To do... What?

Same tactics the Covenant do. Fight your way to the deepest part of the ship and place a big fucking bomb that does lots of boom inside.

They did. Play the first level of Halo 2 again.

That's a good question.
I'd assume (if we go by lore) that biochemical weapon tech was "lost" during the expansive times?
As far as I recall, lots of war related tech was forgotten / not developed some point during the FTL drive invention times, and it was only at the time the insurrectionists started surfacing that humanity looked at war gear again.
Why not make new stuff?
Well, grunts make up a large part of the force and they have facemasks already so it'd have to be something which affected their skin. Though again they're athropods so they wouldn't be that affected?
All other races could easily adopt facemasks as well?
Just guesses.

Giving the Covenant back their bomb isn't what I'm suggesting you dumbass. I'm talking about the UNSC doing their own kinds of missions involving boarding Covenant ships and blowing them up from the inside.

I'll be glad when Halo 6 is announced, I'm tired of talking about Halo 2.

You mean like all of the shit you do in the games in your sophisticated, advanced and small power armor designed to destroy Covenant ships on the inside?

>Why didn't they adapt by doing the thing that they literally did?

With the technology the UNSC had and five years into the war with a good mound of corpses with each alien species it couldn't have been that hard to create the perfect weaponized disease. Imagining something straight out of plague inc where it constantly shifts and mutates the genetic make-up making it almost impossible to cure. It'd have to be something easily communicable and deadly like a mixture of Smallpox and Anthrax.

I would imagine the same superiority the Covenant have with ship to ship engagements would scale down to point defense weapons in space naval battles. Could the humans even realistically get a boarding craft close enough? And if even so, could non spartan teams take down a ship?

They did, it's just that most of them went M.I.A.

What could have been done?
The Spartans.

The Covenant always had air superiority but when it came to the ground game the Spartans evened the field

Not to mention the shielding each covenant ship had around it. Humans couldn't even dent the stuff until they started slinging MAC rounds at them. How would a small boarding craft even get close if the Covies had their shields up?

thumbnail looks like alien firefighter

To destroy Covenant ships.
On the inside.

Do you think Sangheili went around fucking human women and impregnating them with their giant cocks during the war?

Why are you aluen fuckers so incredibly autistic?

Alien sex is the only part of Halo worth talking about now

In your autistic mind sure. But the rest of us have more stuff to talk about with Halo.

Fuck off to /vg/ 343 shill

Post ding dong

You think humanity would've been accepted into the covenant if the truth was never found out? Were there any space faring alien races not part of the covenant?

Did someone say Sangheili cock?

What role would human's have even preformed within the Covenant?


>You think humanity would've been accepted into the covenant if the truth was never found out?
Probably, yeah. Though I imagine people would start to question things like how some humans can interface with Forerunner tech more easily then others and might lead to some sort of division.


So if they were losing then why didn't humanity evolve psychic powers to mindrape the Covenant?

I know, right? They should've done that right off the bat.

Medical I reckon. Although the other covenant species has had experience with biological studies, it would bot be as much as humanity could do. Imagine if the Spartan Program was for the Elites or even Brutes.

Why did Tarteraus even fuck up their contact meeting in the first place?

Brutes were retarded and nuked themselves into the stone age so I don't see why not. Humanity would probably be barely above the Jackals or Lekgolo though.

Because it's fucking Tartarus, do you even need an explanation beyond that?

Frankly humans should have just run and lived Gundam style in fusion powered tube colonies in intergalactic space.

But Elites were always sent into greeting new alien species. So why the fuck would they send brutes of all creatures? Literal niggers of the Covenant who nuked themselves back to the Stone Age after discovering interstellar travel.

Its not like it would be incredibly effective to do that, likely the covenant would have detected and destroyed they boarding craft, although a couple times spartans managed to board covenant ships by just slamming their ship into the enemy loading bay when shields were down or disabled. They also boarded by hijacking covenant ships and having an ai pretend to give proper counter-responses that worked (most of the time)

ONI genetically engineered staple crops that alot of the races that covenant consume so that they could starve a planet out by making those who eat it sick

Like do what humans normally do, start from the bottom and work their way up to the top, though I doubt the elites would have let them get too far up

that alot of the races of the covenant consume*, although it seems brutes and I think jackals have no problems eating humans

Well, the spartan program was well underway before the covenant found out the truth/greeted humanity. Would be interested on an AU story dealing with this matter, whether the Spartan II program would be the same or changed under the covenant.

>Were there any space faring alien races not part of the covenant?
Only the jackals, everyone else was forced into joining the covenant by force. also, what did you meant by "if the truth was never founf out"?

The entire reason the covenant went to war with Humanity was because of the Mediciant Bias told the prophets, about how Humanity is the next species to take care of the forerunner tech, not any of the covenant species. This contradicted EVERYTHING the covenant was built on.

My understanding was it had something to do with the fact of humans being picked up by the covenant sensors as the forerunner marking of reclaimers and the prophet truth wanted someone they could 'trust' to follow their orders and investigate the situation because if what was revealed to them by a forerunner ai fragment about the humans were correct then everything the covenant was built on and believed was a lie and would destroy the unity of all the races so in the end they opted for destroying humanity to save the covenant

Makes sense. Now I want the movie "Bright" with Master Chief and Arby.

Are Spartan III's still in service?


Nope. All dead with the exception of Jun.


I want a character action game like Ninja Gaiden where you play as Half-Jaw

So what did Half-jaw do to get the rank of Shipmaster?

That'd be neato.


Like a biological weapon. Hell, just have a missile (or a bunch of missiles) whose sole purpose is to penetrate shields and armor and deploy a biological agent which kills the entire enemy ship.

>launch the missiles
>missiles launched
>entire enemy crew is incapacitated after 20 minutes.
>everyone is dead after an hour or so

I imagine as soon as the Covenant found out they were doing that, they'd take steps against such things. Air masks, room quarantines, and other stuff.

>biological weapons
>big fucking bomb
top kek mates. we don't need either of those if we can shoot 100 missiles, and every missile is a nuke.
>Both the United States and the Soviet Union developed nuclear weapons small enough to be portable in specially-designed backpacks during 1950s and 1960s
>While the technical feasibility of such devices in principle is undisputed[4] (the theoretical minimum mass of a plutonium-239 fission warhead being estimated at close to 15 kg),[5] neither the United States nor the Soviet Union have ever made public the existence or development of weapons small enough to fit into a normal-sized suitcase or briefcase.
>In the mid-1970s, debate shifted from the possibility of developing such a device for the military to _concerns over its possible use in terrorism_

They definitely could exist, but don't because of possible terrorist attacks.

Hell, I remember reading about HAVOK nukes in one of the books. A spartan died and blew two of them and took out a whole bunch of covenant dickwads.

How big is the Arbiter's dick?

Enough to fully satisfy you.

Would the Arbiter even be into humans?

Do you think he's dreamed of the Chief dominating him?

>Halo thread
>it's only eliteposting
Did I miss something here?

Elites went around and fucked humans

Rtas is the only one for him.

Are you disappointed?

Anyone here played Halo Wars?

Who was your favorite leader?

The prophet for Covenant, Cutter for UNSC.

Spamming ODST is the best fucking thing.

>What could have been done on the Human's part to not make the war so one sided?
.50, aka 50 caliber bullets everywhere.
Nothing less than 20mm for emplaced cannons.
Biological weapons of all kinds. Skin, inhaled, water, bacteria, virus, parasite.
More cyber warfare.
More artillery, both space based and land based.
More nuclear weapons.
Suicidal remote controlled weapons. Probably carrying nukes and/or biological weapons.
Cyborgs? Dunno why UNSC doesn't have that technology.
Big fucking shields for their space ships. If they could make fucking shields small enough to put on a spartan's back, they CERTAINLY could have made shields large enough for a spaceship. In engineering, miniaturization(making things smaller) is ALWAYS harder and more expensive than making things bigger.
Railguns/needleguns(guns that shoot pieces of metal the size of needles very fast, not a needler) should've been everywhere.

The halo universe would have you believe that shields can be made small and not big, but high velocity weapons could only be miniaturized down to vehicle sizes? Get some consistency.

After the humans lost a huge number of space battles and space vessels, why didn't they make a large number of small space vessels with mac guns?
Why isn't every gun using HEAP(high explosive armor piercing) rounds? Or HVAPHE(high velocity armor piercing high explosive)?
Why wasn't there more artillery support everywhere on the ground?
Ugh, I'm repeating myself now.



The Spartans are biological weapons.

in lore. the humans were all pretty chummy with each other, until ONI started fucking with outter planets and passing laws for them. they didn't really have a need for up scaled warfare, so weapon tech fell by the wayside. until the innies started fucking shit up left and right.
they did the best they could as fast as they could.
but if my mac cannon can kill the fuck out of anything I've ever seen and i'm the only one with them. why upgrade?

Aliens can't get humans preggers biology doesn't work that way

>biology doesn't work that way
It does now.

How do I start winning gunfights in mp?

Lower sensitivity if it's too high. And practice aiming for the head. Crouch to not give away your position if they haven't noticed you.

Would you accept mating requests sent by Sangheili women?

Yes. But I also wanna accept mating requests sent by males.

Only men.

With asses like that, sure


Hey, you know what you xenonigger since you want to fuck up the actual interesting Halo thread and get it deleted, how about get this thread deleted and you banned you fucking faggot.

Interspecies relations are the future of Halo

Are there new books? I read first strike, ghosts of onix, the fall of reach, the book about the very first game (forget the name), contact harvest? I just remember there were only 6 books available at the time and I read them all.
That said, the only substantial argument (I am aware "substantial" is kind of meaningless in this context) you have is that
>if my mac cannon can kill the fuck out of anything I've ever seen and i'm the only one with them. why upgrade?
My answer is: Rebels don't operate in space warfare theaters. They operate on the ground, small coordinated strikes against specific targets. That's exactly what the spartans were meant to counter, by doing it better and being the first ones to strike.

What do Sangheili smell like?

>Are there new books?
Ye, quite a few now.

My personal favorites of the new are Broken Circle, Shadow of Intent, and Last Light.


If I could recommend you any of the new books, it would be the forerunner ones. Yes, it takes a bit away of the mystery of the universe, BUT it gives an interesting outlook on both the construction of the Halo rings and what forerunner society was like in a constant state of war against the Flood. Oh, and we get to see what Flood are like once the gravemind actually evolves, so there's that too.

Like the changing room of a swimming hall & gym, sweat and chlorine water.

I hope your future a permaban because I'm going to get this thread deleted, maybe you should start talking about Halo games and stopped ruining threads you fucking faggot ass soyboi.

Only soyboys continue to follow Halo after 343

Enjoy your ban, nigger. I hope the thread goes with you. You don't want to talk about Halo, then go fuck off to where you belong.

Even when Halo threads also talk about Bungie era halo?

Why are Elites so sexy?

Tall and hunky. Even the females.

They're exotic and have interesting body structure.

Why didnt they fiere bomb covernant civilans?
Why no deep raids with drones?
Why no asteroid suicide attacks?

Can a Sangheili impregnate a human?

>Why didnt they fiere bomb covernant civilans?
They blew up a civilian planet. After the war ended.

Do Sangheili have uncut cocks?

Of course.

Interspecies impregnation is my fetish

>begining of Halo 3:ODST
>plan to drop special forces into the covenant super carrier.
>exactly what you are talking about