What is your favorite TF2 class?
What is your favorite TF2 class?
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This is an e-celeb thread, isn't it
eceleb bullshit aside, all of them before gabe the supreme kike turned it into a skinner box egambling parlor
Yes. That's Mr. Memokur.
what is it with political youtube e-celebs having the most annoying voices on the planet?
>find an oddball online and make fun of them in a hour long blog so you and your audience of 14 year olds can tell themselves that they're very rational and intelligent and better than everyone else in a world gone mad
>if anyone criticizes this pathetic deluded low hanging fruit mentality they just get called triggered and the fanbase becomes more and more closed off and idiotic in their bubble of imagined superiority
We're not talking about Destiny
Jim is our servant, not our master
Even we know where his stuff truly come froms
We could easily controll him, whether he likes it or won't even notice it
I love walking around as spy with just the revolver and killing bad players
you betcha, you can go to Sup Forums for the lastest gossip on e-celeb retards,
mr metokur looks like the scout from tf2 so thats an excuse for a Sup Forums thread
Hard to choose just one but my faves are
Offenese: Scout
Defense: Demoman
Support: Medic
Guy's just a troll in it for the laughs these days, he probably gave up on having any real impact on the world when he abandoned GG for being short-sighted retards and rebranded himself yet again.
He never spoke out against the lootbox system in valve's games despite all of us want them to cut that shit out so they can make games again. Hell he never talk about games at all, its just a bunch of cherry picked anti sjw bullshit these days so retard Sup Forumsacks keep pumping money to his patreon..
>that debate between them
>midget gets btfo on every single point
it was interesting
Because Sup Forums just has more power on him
Dude even has a Patreon, so maybe cash can controll him
Loch n Load/Sticky Jumper/Eyelander
it's just fun
No fuck this motherfucker nobody gives 2 shits about politics anymore. Whats left to do after everyone got """redpilled""?
Here's a tip, fucking nothing. Gamers are still fucked in the ass with microtransactions, their fav titles reduced to skinner box e gambling shit and game devs refusing to develop SP games because they cant leech off them for decades.
If this motherfucker starts campaigning for the ban of microtransactions in video games so gaming is saved then you can post his face on my board again.
what is this
I like Scout because I like going fast
>General American accent is annoying
What the fuck planet do you live on, it's literally a cultivated accent meant to sound good and intelligible to everyone. He lapses into his native North Central American accent as a comedy voice occasionally as a contrast.
I'd believe you if he didn't sound like a 14 year old trying to start a revolution in this vid, disregarding the actual content.
>beefag thinks he can make Valve do the impossible
I believe him
He doesn't want to be a leader, his stream with Sargon and that other faggot on the "Liberalist" shit details his stance succinctly.
He didn't even want to open a Patreon, he's got some sort of chronic illness that affected his ability to work his normal job and is using it until he recovers as a source of income. He'll probably delete his channel promptly and restart once he's free from it.
>implying Jim is politics when his vids are making fun of people jamming bike pumps up their asses, foot fetishists, and autistic spree killers like Randy Stair.
>implying he won't just drop dead
he's been sick forever, rip Jim
He never calls himself superior though. If you ever listen to him he thinks those people should learn to handle the banter and also mentions theirs plenty of people from those communities he made fun of who got a laugh out of it and think he's a funny guy. Whenever he's on the Kumite podcast in the mornings he gives Vee shit about being into Vore but he doesn't sit their and rail on him the whole time, he things he's a decent guy.
Uninstall class is the best.
so hes just like that kike ethan klein? fuck him then
Jim stopped giving a fuck about politics awhile back cause it got boring after hearing everyone else on youtube doing the same thing. Said he wanted to make fun of more retards like he used to do more of.
Hi, welcome to the internet.
All of them but Pyro and Sniper.
>I like political youtubers
>tfw beefag is the only /ourguy/ that wants to do something cool this year
what happened to them bros
Metokur is like the John Oliver of the right in that he picks easy targets to misrepresent his opposition and make fun of in a semi-propaganda form while hiding behind a mask of comedy.
>if anyone criticizes this pathetic deluded low hanging fruit mentality they just get called triggered and the fanbase becomes more and more closed off and idiotic in their bubble of imagined superiority
I wouldn't care if those retards stayed in their hugbox but they have to shill their eceleb cult shit everywhere and act superior for having all of their lolcow stuff spoonfed to them by some nasally cunt.
I can easily imagine people under 18 lapping his shit up but honestly the thought that people over 18 are watching his stuff is legit depressing.
>t. cuckstiny
fighting an eternal battle between the left and right while the consumers who are getting raped in the ass by money grubbing kikes isnt funny tho
give an example, all i see is either responding to a specific person or shitting on people who are into weird shit like
Jesus fuck Jim nobody cares about your political squandering anymore are you going to do something cool this year or not?
hehe mom
i figured out a clever way to paste my edgy political beliefs all over the video games board again
>the leftypol shill is still butthurt over gamergate
>Jim will never go back and finish his Reccetear play through
you lost the election lefty
>just goofing around because team is dominating
Spy or Sniper
>favorite go to class
Demo or Soldier
>try hard class
Medic, Scout or Heavy
>the leftists literally support white genocide are calls others edgy
it's almost like this is your first day on the internet faggot
>be MrMetokur
>visit Sup Forums and the other chan for "research"
>grab a bunch of funny pics and greentext stories about a random internet nobody
>make a video and present them as facts
Let's hope you don't lose all your senate seats by the end of the year. JK.
>right wing dumbasses are literally this deluded
I fucking love listening to this guy, especially when he constantly uses sarcasm with a dreadfully arrogant tone. It never gets old! I especially loves how he always fucking ends his sentences with a small chuckle, as if he's always trying to hold in a laughter. It doesn't sound fake at all!
You forgot
>gets paid to do it
>white genocide
Oh no, I don't feel safe going outside anymore. When do the trains arrive to take us away to the gas chambers?
Oh wait, you mean "there's a black character in a videogame" white genocide. Nevermind.
defense: demoman
attack: soldier
>t SEETHING leftypolian
this is a right wing board
Sup Forums is being invaded by tumblr and normies who always brings up politics and no one complains when they do it
>lol feminists are so insane and stupid to believe in the patriarchy and misogyny, talk about a victim complex!
>by the way, white genocide is real and it's happening, no I am not joking and if you don't take this seriously we're all going to die and if you don't believe me you're a marxist
>stop laughing you cucks this is fucking serious
That, too.
>claim you just keep making youtube accounts because "I don't want to get too famous"
>end up opening up a Patreon and revel in your e-fame and fans
Why are subhuman leftists so stupid?
Don't forget "I saw a black dude with a white woman on tv. This is exactly like the holocaust."
Yeah, I guess I can see how telling white people to stop being shitheads is exactly like an actual genocide. You got us, bud.
Here, I gonna post a picture of Milo since Mr metokur avatar seem to trigger you
White people aren't being shitheads, smoothbrain.
>leftists can only talk in strawmen
>the leftist subhuman who literally worships black supremacists is calling others deluded
why do you leftists want to be dominated by blacks?
>not hating your own race makes you a shithead
this is what cowardly leftist subhumans actually believe
Hahahahaha fuck me you people are pathetic. Exactly how many white people died at the event in your image?
I remember when we used to make fun of SJWs for making mountains out of molehills.
>men spreading their legs on a seat is violence against women!
>anyone saying anything negative about any white people anywhere in any context is literally genocide
Kill yourself neofaggot. Your failed ideology is ruining my games.
Kraut, get out. where's the pregnant Trout?
Watch the debates between JF and Destiny if you really want to see something interesting.
>my political knowledge is based on shitty youtube videos
remember when Sup Forums wasn't a political shithole?
Just like Sup Forums
>3 retweets, 1 like
How will western civilization ever recover bros? ;_;
fuck off
>attacking white people is fine
>but blacks jew, and Mexicans need to be protected
why do leftist want be dominated by nonwhites?
>why can't they fuck off and make their OWN games!?
They do, user
Why don't you go make your own game then?
>I'm too busy crying about liberals on Sup Forums every single day
not an argument
except the vast majority of you leftists want to destroy the white race
Could you stop posting images that reflect badly on white people, please? This is literally genocide.
what game does this cutie speedrun? :3
>Sup Forums
This board became politics wheb you stupid subhuman marxistniggers kept bringing your shitty ideology into vidya.
Oh and we've been shitting on leftism in games before Sup Forums. Sup Forums isn't shitting up my games. Leftypol, neofaggot and subhuman redditors are.
That image is purrfect, saved furever.
>no argument
Every time.
Except they try to force other developers to buy into their batshit ideology and hold the entire industry hostage. See
Kill yourself resetera faggot.
>They do
>Then their games get bad reviews
>Then all the media outlets cry about how video game players are bigoted
>Thus all negative attention of the game is silenced
>Game proceeds to win awards
>B-B-But that's never gonna happen
Gone Home
Reminder that white people switch gears to become providers when they grow older and this change from requester to provider leads to them voting conservatively. If you align with the left you are statistically likely to be underage and/or brown.
>Sup Forums isn't shitting up my games.
redpill shits have no problem with microtransactions and lootcrates because to them its completely legal and makes companies shitloads of money despite how much they rape popular titles and outright kill popular single player series. You fuckers are ruining games.
>this person probably posts itt
Leftism shitting up our vidya and Alt-Niggers shitting up our imageboards. Why can't we escape politics?
What the fuck happens to a person to reach this level of self-hate.