What the fuck is going on

What the fuck is going on

Don't question it.

You killed your mentor, yet you are not his murderer.
It tells you when you start the game.

Don't try to understand, just execute orders!!!

Why is it when I hit the ground from jumping, its like an earthquake is happening

You are Rimanah, mentally cycling through events in your mind trying to rid yourself of the guilt of killing your wife.

You are shinji, trapped in hell

My legs are OK

You gain Brouzouf

Dead space?

I actually loved this game when I played it (in co-op). Even bothered to get to the true ending, shit's a lot of fun and hilarious.
Wish there'd be more bizarre games like this one.

u r cyba ninya

>they don't know

Is there a quicker way to add ammo to your inventory than clicking and dragging 15 times?

Click it once so it turns yellow, then left click in your inventory.
It took me 4 playthroughs to figure it out

Thanks user, was getting old fast

the game is an adaptation of MacBeth. Read the book then play the game and you'll see the similarities. If you're good then you can even infer where to go next and where some secrets are, based on what happens in the book.

I thought it was a TV show not a book.


most tv shows are also macbeth adaptations
ally mcbeal included

>objectives : find teleporters
Bullshit, ultra deus ex and heli spawn attack

My legs are augmented



Equip heavy armour and the TRK A.D and have fun. You can two-shot the interceptors and the deus exes don't take much more to kill.

Get out of here, Denton

Moron face