Is there a more wasted IP?

Is there a more wasted IP?
>No sequel announced in the works
>Has a great setting
>great character customization
>fun combat
>and a ton of potential

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I don't know what that visual abortion is, but Timesplitters is easily the worlds most underused IP.

>3 games
>ignorant fuck
End yourself

>you'll never latch on a mecha's arms to cut them with a chainsaw again
why live?

One of the like, 10 vita exclusives worth owning.
I mean, it's literally just God Eater, but I'd play a sequel.

Maybe one day they'll give it the Gravity Rush treatment and port it to PS4 and remaster it then give it a sequel.

Absolutely. Vastly underdeveloped, beer came near to hitting its peaks an Future Perfect wa the best game release for PS2. Like I said, I have no idea what game you posted but it is absolutely not the most deserving game of another instalment. Not until Timesplitters has had its chance to spread its wing and give you over 1400 unlockable characters.

Malicious rebirth deserves that too.
Dunno how many people played it, but it's the best vita exclusive desu

>that time they did a countdown timer leading to a "big announcment"
>turned out to just be some virtual idol concert or some shit

>I have no idea what game you posted
>but [ignorant opinion]

Fucking pathetic.
I have played both OP's game and the Timesplitter series though. And I know you're wrong. TM isn't even an amazing FPS series by any means, and certainly don't deserves yet another useless sequels
Even from the SAME DEV, it would rather be Perfect Dark that deserves another true sequel, not fucking Timeshitter.

Meanwhile, OP's game has the potential to become the best game in it's genre.

They should rerelease it dor the ps4 with psv crossplay.

Hope you like SAO because Fatal Bullet is the closest to FW2 you'll ever get.

>No Sequel
What are you talking about OP?
Your sequel is RIGHT HERE!


Sao fatal bullet
Kirito is his own seperate story mode, custom character is the main game.

The game was fun but the lack of Monster types to hunt killed it.

It shipped so unfinished in Japan they had to add more content with updates.

We got 1.2.0 which had a shit ton of updates.

Superjew is the best character.

>if we were all rich, there would be no monsters

>Code Vein

Holy fuck, this. I can't believe I forgot about this game

Atleast this got an expansion/sequel with Delta. Still, waste of interesting mechanics and detailed lore and world building to not do more with this ip.