"casts protect"
There you go buddy :)
"casts protect"
There you go buddy :)
I don't know how. I have been bested.
No, it's 40 dollars for all the dlc. Season pass, then the royal edition content. Then it'll be another 20 dollars for the second season pass.
>$20 to add story content that should've been in the game to begin with
hooooooooooly fucking shit
Does it add combat mechanics?
I don't need to defend it because I'll pirate it haha
I'd pay 60 more to finish MGS5
It actually does there is a new accessory that unlocks armiger unleashed.
of course not, they are not touching the core gameplay
Just beat ff15 a few hours ago after a week of 30 hours. Pretty comfy game, little homo but w/e. Last time I played a FF was disk 1 of ff8 back before 2000.
I had more fun with launch version of this game than I did with ZELDA BOTW.
Borrowed a copy from a friend, probably going to do another 5 hours of sidequests and return it in a couple days. Only DLC Id like to try is that multiplayer shit
How is this game incomplete again?
>sad all the porn is gay
>no sfm of the ladies
kys please
There's still more story DLC releasing this year so it's not even complete with the royal edition
I'm still waiting for the complete game at 10 bucks
Haha senpai itachi senpai xb
The episode dlcs are really good you should at least play the prompto and ignis episodes. They both are top notch.
Do yourself a favor and complete all the dungeons during postgame at least. 30 hours isn't really enough to enjoy it. Also, at least watch the DLC on youtube, it adds great characterization to the party
I cockblocked myself posting those memes on a girls facebook when I was 19. 6 years ago though.
Okay, I get you dont want to pay for your 3 buddies missing parts of 3 story mode cuz
Might just watch them on the jewtube man. Already watched ignis doing parkour against fedora boss in his DLC, lol
Lost my shit seeing the fire giant parkour around bahumets swords in the final boss battles
>$60 base game
Assuming you bought day one, in which case you are fucking retarded
>$20 Season Pass One
>$20 Royal Edition content
>$20 Season Pass Two
That's a motherfucking total of two games but you only get one. JESUS FUCK SE WHAT THE FUCK.
This is like Battlefront 2 levels of scummy shit.
Wait, it's still incomplete? How?
I waited so long to buy this, when will it finally be complete?
where that pocket edition at?
Thx for beta testing
Definitive edition with all content soon
It's a good thing this is coming to pc. No way in fucking hell am I going to give my money to se with this shit.
It's complete enough to play now. If you wait too long timed events will be over. All the new DLCs are post-game content anyway, so you can complete the game without them
I think they mean the Insomnia map, the boat and the unleashed armiger, not the Episodes or the multiplayer.
>FFXV preorders on Steam gets you cool character costumes
>Preordering on Windows store gets you babby casual cheats or a piss easy game
You can't make this shit up
I might get a DLC if they un-Tabata the ending at some point.
>Thx for beta testing Definitive edition with all content soon
There's still more story DLC coming out till the end of this year so...
Windows Store is an absolute trash. Origin and Uplay are masterpieces compared to it.
Of course is incomplete. It's a demo.
It is complete, it's $50 for everything including all DLC
PC version is $50 too which includes it all plus mod support
not seeing the problem
The Royal Edition has the season pass in it.
Yes there is a new armiger mode, plus character switch added new combat mechanics, there's also new bosses like the lucii kings, cerberus, omega and other stuff
It is complete, people just shitpost it isn't because the devs add new things to it.
you do know that there's a second season pass and another year of updates planned right?
holy fuck what
FFXV was originally supposed to be a trilogy
It costs only $50 if you buy royal edition even on PC
>KH2 $60
>KH2FM jp only so have to import which is $60+
>FF12 $60
>FF12 IZJS $60
Thanks m8, figured as much after reading the Wikipedia
Thats what he said faggot. EXTRA CONTENT
On one hand, it is kind of admirable to see them continuing to support the game even after a year of it's release but on the other, I spent 60 bucks on an unfinished product and they're charging me if I want more.
I'm personally done with Final Fantasy as a whole thanks to XV but I wish every game has this kind of post-release support. What do you guys think?
>FFXV was originally supposed to be a trilogy
you didn't know this? Versus 13 was supposed to be a trilogy like with FFXIII. But after it's mixed reception and declining sales for the sequel, they decided to try and condense everything into a single game
It is complete now.
The only thing they're adding after this is Ardyn and Luna stuff, there's already more Ardyn in the base game than either Sephiroth or Kefka in 7 or 6. And Luna is essentially a Zelda like character who has in the base game more screentime than your average Zelda does.
People act like just because they're adding more it makes it unfinished, the game has a start, middle and definitive ending.
KH2FM and IZJS are completely optional unlike XV which is still being fucking developed at this very moment.
wonder if those are new outfits
The Division went from an irredeemable heaping pile of shit to actually being playable in the recent patch.
underestimate SE at your own peril masterrace fag.
ep ignis has an alt end
also Tabata isnt in charge of any of the DLC or updates, Shida, Nakazawa and Terada are
Tabata is already working on his new IP for 9th gen
As bad as this is, at least they add more content.
I wish games like MGSV received this treatment.
If you complain about it, you're a leftist SJW commie cuck who hates the free market and capitalism.
Are you a commie, OP?
Are you fucking retarded?
The Royal Edition is only 50 bucks.
Which is for things they never planned to put in the game to begin with.
Under age fag.
Gonna enjoy this on PC.
Thanks for testing my game out in early access, console players.
KH2FM turned a Roxas cutscene into a full fight and added all 13 orgy members as bosses and terra a new boss and new area cave of remembrance expanded from hollow bastion, plus stuff to do with aqua and new secret ending
I still wanna play Versus XIII over this trash.
When will they add the imperial city prequel DLC where noctis is in the city while it's attacked?
For someone who never played FFXV, what makes it incomplete?
One the one hand I'm ecstatic that this is even a thing and FFXV is still receiving updates... yet I'm going to have to pay $20 more on top of the $60 I paid for the base game, $20 for the Season Pass and however much all the little DLCs and deluxe upgrade cost. I'm mad.
Tabata should be ashamed to put this shit on his resume.
versus is inferior
the city in versus was just an empty coridoor during a tutorial against grunts
I would pay as much as Square wants me to pay for GODDESS RETURN.
as opposed to hunting dogs in a desert
It isn't incomplete, OPs just shitposting.
But it had mechs you could ride and tons of story.
Yes because that feels grounded while fighting in a city wasn't going to be the entire versus like you think it was, you would have done linear empty city tutorial against grunts then fought the dogs in the desert right after anyway
wonder if Luna's dlc is gonna be her post Altissia or before it
Ravus mentioned that an oracles duty isn't over
Eh, I'm going to wait for the Pocket Edition on Switch.
there was less story there than the opening of XV, and rideable mechs adds nothing good when they were slow as fuck, do less damage than basic combat, and you can achieve the same effect using a turret anyway
the invasion as shown in kingsglaive has a fuckton more happening in it than what it was in versus
It has spots where characters leave the party and return with little explanation. That was pretty incomplete, but then those stories were told in the DLC, so it's complete now. But you know how it is with memes, someone said it's incomplete a year ago, retards repeat it for a decade.
>the invasion as shown in kingsglaive has a fuckton more happening in it than what it was in versus
Should have been in the game instead of being a movie.
Also what do you mean it had less story? Are you just hating it for the sake of it?
That comparison is stupid. See>It costs only $50 if you buy royal edition even on PC
I don't give a fuck because I already bought the damn thing back in '16, plus the fucking season pass, and now they want me to pay even more? And not only that, but there will be probably more DLC and maybe a second season pass. Fuck Tabata, and fuck Square. Final Fantasy is dead.
>that art
>big dark giganigga reaching out to grab the white woman
What did they mean by this?
so it was XIII being shit that fucked everything up. Nice.
its 20 bucks man
I don't care about the money, I am just somewhat pissed that what we got seems like a clusterfuck compared to Nomura's original vision.
>Fuck Tabata, and fuck Square. Final Fantasy is dead.
At least we got some good memes like pounding mochi out of it.
Played the game at a friend's place for a couple hours back when it released and was glad I didn't buy it.
>royal edition