o yeah, let's have another SFV that nobody buys. That will be just great.
Fighting autists will ruin fighting games and one day, when all that's left playing is said autists, game studios will stop making fighting games due to no profit in it
The matchmaking is the problem. Why would you put a heavyweight champion against a 5 year old?
I guess his power level wasn't high enough to compete.
>not understanding open beta no weight class matchmaking
Holy shit has this guy never played an open beta before? Proper matchmaking requires that the game can accurately gauge the skill level of a player. That's not really possible when the server keeps crashing and most people have only fought a total of 10 times.
You've been saying that for, how many? ten? fifteen years?
this already happened to Absolver. Anyone playing for fun gets their shit kicked by endless combos and the only people actually getting any enjoyment out of this game are elite as fuck social retards that have ascended beyond the whole game
>git gud
>Showcase skill
>Bitches literally cry because you're too good
Fucks sake, it's a FIGHTING game
If you aren't playing it with friends you play online, which requires you to accustom to other people's skill from around the world
How can one be this casual? All those flashy combos are people hitting literally 1 button, 2 for a special move. It's the most casual fighting game of all time, and they still get booty blasted and cry about it on the internet. Just go do something else
This got me thinking: you know how in older games you could choose your difficulty so that you could slowly acclimate yourself to harder difficulties. (see: Street Fighter II's 1-8 difficulty options in the settings)
What if you let players choose their own rank (on say, a 1-10 system) so that they could be matched with similarly ranked characters on that specific rank/difficulty. Like, if you choose 4, you could be matched with a 3, or a 5. And if you keep winning matches constantly as a 4, you get the bump to match a 6. But the idea is that, whatever rank you choose, you can't go too far above or below the rank you choose. At least until you feel like you're a better player, wherein you can bump your rank/difficulty to the next one up.
With this, I envision a 10 would never face a 2 or a 3. And if you play well enough for long enough, eventually the lower settings become locked to you so that you can't just go body some poor scrub just trying to learn.
Iunno. Just something that popped into my head just now.
That's the problem, Matchmaking hasn't been allowed to develope yet. They're literally bitching about Day 1 fighter problems that will always exist until the better players are separated into their castes so you dont encounter them.
And that's why arcade modes and proper matchmaking are a necessity in any fighting game.
Couldn't they add an Arcade mode?
But then again this is a Beta, Arc or whatever wants inputs on the game, not for some scrub to have fun.
I did nothing but mash autocombos and special moves and lost in casual like once. Like what am I even supposed to do to help you here.
*breathes in*
To be fair his is a legit issue for someone trying to play the beta with only basic knowledge of the game.
This issue will be midigate once people have freedom to practice and play offline
Isnt this game a casual fest with a very low skill ceiling
The FGCucks will deny it but yes.
Another shitty white boy who can't handle the FGS.
Spamming ki blasts and kamehameha in a whole match just standing in one spot on people that doesnt know how to avoid it was fun as fuck.
The kamehameha and other normal specials that takes no ki needs to be nerfed so they take ki.
thats how you get better, you play against better competition and learn. playing against scrubs to pad your fragile ego doesn't make you a better player
The problem with that is a 10 skill can just set themselves to 1 and not change it ever, or someone could more innocently just set themselves honestly, then get better over time without changing it for a wide variety of reasons, so you'd be stuck with high skill players being able to stomp on any other skill level they chose
But it's fun
Sales for fighting games since SFV and every fighting game that has launched since has sold like shit.
>weebs are retarded and can't into fighting games
are you surprised?
If they want input so much they could hire some testers instead of making their own customers, who pay them, beta test their product.
Mah nigga, confirming those kamehameha with the vanish into a full combo and assist pressure on wake up while going back to the other side of the screen to respam it, shit was great
>Source: my ass
I was thinking of that. Was going to type out some suggestions to remedy it, but after a bit I realized "shit, what I'm proposing in a roundabout way is just regular matchmaking with 'select your entry level'. Fuck."
Ah well.
>people saying this won't happen
How're those arena shooters treating you?
>Sales for fighting games since SFV and every fighting game that has launched since has sold like shit.
Thats why a new big one comes out ever year or or two.
Stop block spamming
can somebody clarify me this about the dlc characters they're releasing them day 1? or what?
5 year olds can play better than xenobabies
This is the most stupid thing I've ever heard.
I don't think anyone will deny that, but it is true that the matchmaking system is kinda weird.
Need to add better rules for low level casual mode match making
It's still worth thinking about and discussing though, a bad or abusable idea can eventually lead to a good one with tweaks or just by talking it out. The idea of selecting your skill level isn't bad as a starter, and could help influence matchmaking to start with, as the player completes more matches the basic MM system could take over
The operative word there being play.
You can't play if all your characters get 80% of their health knocked off by some autistic combo and then immediately get the 20 remaining killed on wakeup.
Some of the players you get matched up with it's just fucking ridiculous.
You can win against anybody using Goku, Kid Buu, and whoever you want to make your third.
>No fighting game experience whatsoever
>Spam ki blast with Goku and occasional a Kamehameha
>Switch to Kid Buu and use his heavy attack diagnoal pink spin ball smash move and spam the fuck out it
>Automatic wins
It takes no skill I beat so many people “stronger than me”
A 6 year old kid isn't going to learn shit if a pro-football player crushes him in a match. Best way to learn is to have a sparring partner, you practice the mechanics together and occasionally try how good you fare online.
>he went 0-27
>in dbfz
you can literally hit super dash and mash light attack and have a 50-50 shot of winning against most players
they literally could not have made the game easy enough to accommodate this dude
>see scrub spamming this shit with kid buu
>just mash down launch button
>kid buu fag don't know what to do anymore
Your shit tactic won't work 1 week after the release.
I'm pretty sure most people would prefer to be allowed to play the game than for the company to pay other people to.
Only certain character's launchers are a 100% guaranteed blowout against the super dash.
Because anybody can set themselves to level 1 and just trash scrubs. Instead they should use the system on smashladder for melee/project m netplay. You play 8 ranked matches and get placed into a rank and then you can change your settings to only accept challenges from any rank or only certain ones. A clearer distinction between ranked and friendlies would also be very helpful.
When I was playing I was actively avoiding auto combos, it was pretty distracting tbqh, it should be optional.
I'm gonna go there right now to shitpost in that topic.
Have them set their rank initially THEN begin the ranking system.
Or do a rank system that collects actual data from play like comparing the damage and combos between the two players. So the MvC EVO champ who gets a perfect gets a giant rank up when they stomp so he doesn't get matched with newbies.
Tekken 7 kind of does something like this by letting you set an opponent +/- rank preference range. They could develop it a bit more by giving an option to focus more on finding higher rank opponents for players looking to rank up. More casual ranked players can stick with the simple +/- range, but there shouldn't be an option to focus on targeting lower rank players. This would give you a bit more control of your opponent selection while still keeping matchmaking dynamic.
Everyone playing fighting games started like that but there are two kinds of reactions: Just running and saying it's their fault, or wanting to get better and get revenge on them someday.
Nope. Launcher is literally the super dash counter. Launchers have super armor against all aerials and every super dash count as an aerial so if you time it well you will always hit a super dash spammer with it.
I could not get it to work constistently with most of the characters, especially Krillin.
Tryhard tards are the ones that put me off online games, going up against some guy who only plays their main and plays everyday is just unenjoyable, it's why I don't even touch fighting games (most recent was pokken, and it had spastics like the ones in the op), they're also ruining smash.
That is some quality bait there
Diferent characters, diferent timings. I could land it 100% with Vegeta on beta but had some trouble at first with Freezer as instead of an uppercut he does a ki attack coming from underground.
Think what you will, that's my thoughts on the matter.
Just admit you hate playing against anyone better than you and you're the typical, "Anyone better than me is a hacker, anyone worse than me is a noob" archetype player that's been populating online play for the last 25 years. Just replace hacker with tryhard, you're the same person as every sore loser in an online game.
Vegeta has one of the best 2H in my opinion
This, survival of the fittest
The whole point of having a ranked matchmaking system is to play against people of similar skill to you.
This isn't 1998 where you blindly join a Quake server and everyone in there knows how to perfectly pop a rocket at you before you even turn the corner into the room they're in.
I don't think i'm the best, i'm average, and would like to fight people of a similar skill level to me, I just don't care to go up against people trying to be the best like what happens in ranked eventually and unranked occasionally.
I play the occasional online game, just don't bother with fighting games due to the aforementioned spastics.
>game studios will stop making fighting games due to no profit in it
we'll keep playing older games and mods, muh better graphics are for casuals anyway
Matchmaking was fine for me. In ranked I would always fight opponents within my BP, and while I did fight some opponents who had twice as many games under their belt, they had a similar ranking.
>Fighting autists will ruin fighting games
Have ruined. Fixed
As always Sup Forums claims to love difficulty and hate casuals, until it comes to fighting games in which case they reveal themselves as the plebes they actually are.
At least you agree.
In this case 'Difficulty' meaning being matchmade against someone you have absolutely 0% chance of winning against because they're some EVO tier MvC2 player.
>Everyone better than me a spastic
>Everyone playing to win is a spastic tryhard
Quintessential shitter 101.
until it comes to literally any competitive multiplayer game you mean.
Sup Forums only fucking plays singleplayer games beating up the computer and talks about how hardcore they are. my fucking sides
Getting into any fighting game requires 1-3 hours of learning the fundamentals of the game and whatever character you pick to be even entry level. If you're not going to put in the effort then you'll get stomped, dumbass.
that's bait. All you have to do to land a punch is mash square.
I'm probably not going to buy this fighter, but can you all stop talking about fighters? Cause, I play others, and you all are so god damn stupid and have no idea what you're talking about it's embarrassing me as I browse other threads. Every time you fucks talk about fighters it just becomes unreal how trash most of you are. Stick to your JRPGs, click to attacks, and waifu bait threads and shut the fuck up about fighters.
back to Overwatch, plebs
Can't say I'm getting the game one way or the other, but if you alienate the casuals, which is a huge part of the DBZ fanbase, then all you have left are the FGC who are interested because this looks like Arcsys's Guilty Gear style take on an MVC game. That's not going to help it sell. Casuals will just just wait for the next budokai whatever garbage.
Don't bother Sup Forums will always be the shittiest place to talk about video games, but it's even more shitty when it comes to fighting game. The worst thing being they'll never stop talking about it
>Sup Forums
>playing videogames
Normies out
>Injustice 2 Was the Highest Grossing Console Title in Q2 2017
>Injustice 2 hit the top of the charts in NPD Group’s May video game sales data. Injustice 2 released in the middle of the month, and took the top spot against some major contenders.
U wot m8?
I never stick with fighting games
But this game is so amazingly simplistic I played 40ish matches and ended the beta with a near 75% wr I know it doesn't matter it's beta but someone who played the tutorial should not be that bad. All he needed to do was block and then mash square if he didn't feel like learning. People like this are retarded and genuinely piss me off.
>i'm average
>but most of the people still beat me
that doesn't sound average to me, lol
What, you mean that beating the incredibly difficult and challenging masterpiece that is New Vegas for the fiftieth time, isn't the truest indication of skill? I thought repeatedly beating single player RPGs with little to no mechanical challenge or build complexity was the peak of hardcore efforts, by Sup Forumss standards.
i want reasons why other fighting games are more complex or deeper than melee. I've only heard it being called a party game by FGC blacks but the writeups on the fundamentals/positioning/theory on the game have me convinced otherwise.
And then here comes this guy, who wants to shit up a fighter thread by bringing in Smash in the discussion for no fucking reason at all.
Competitive smash players have an easier time adapting to 2D fighters than a street fighter does adapting to smash
Why is that?
And we're almost there
What's the 2 and the for H user? (i'm not native english)
I'll tell you the truth. People hate Smash because Smash players are no shit the most fucked up, disgusting, vile excuses for humanity that exist on the face of this planet. They are so repellent that they make the niggers, spics, and assorted other ghetto trash that comprise the rest of the FGC seem like shining paragons of virtue, civility, and basic hygienic decency. It doesn't even matter what technical arguments you want to get into about the games in question, because everyone but Smash players hate Smash because it means you have to deal with Smash players, which is something no decent man should ever be forced to endure.
casuals bitching about betas.
we dont need low level entitled cunts shitting up the community.
g i t
I played the beta for an hour and fully admit that I'm shit but it's not worth investing my time into. The only people who enjoy this kind of game dedicate their life to it. It's too fast and full of autistic technical knowledge
I don't know, I don't give a fuck.
And to be honest you fucking Smash faggot, since you're here you get to be the representative of the playerbase, and this is why people hate Smash. Smash as a game is fine, it's fun, it's whatever. It isn't my cup of competitive tea, but I enjoy it from time to time. But the fact of the matter is, you all, are INSUFFERABLE FUCKING TWATS, that literally poor ghetto trash ooga booga niggers are preferable to you.
Smash is fun. The people who take Smash "seriously" at a blight on humanity that should be purged.
Well this is first impressions, if I go online day one and get fucking bodied by some guy then I'm hardly gonna enjoy or consider the game am I?
Happened to RTS with APM+solved strat autists
wtf, i suck at fighting games and was able to win, i also lost but i had fun even then.
100 peak players incoming
This is probably the best summary of what the smash problem is. Holy shit, for the number of tournaments i went where those fuckers also were,and it's so easy to pinpoint the exact spot they are in the venue only using your nose because of how ville the smell is.
People say that because melee has a higher theoretical skill ceiling than almost every other fighting game, but its all stuff that's impossible for a human to execute. For example if fox lands a clean shine and you can react to things in 1 frame you would be able to kill any character but obviously humans can't do that.
In reality its about as complex as any other pre sfv fighting game.
That mostly only applies to smash 4. I've been to a lot of locals for melee and evo 16 and like 80 percent of melee players are blacks, hispanic, or stereotypical bbt watchers and the other 20 are just regular people. There are definitely a few people who were fat or smelled bad but that's true for any fighting game meetup/con.
i wasn't thinking of technical skill. but the writeups on indepth positioning and being able to react are part of the pro's match analysis.
this. my local venue has melee+smash4 brackets on wednesdays and you can easily tell who plays smash 4- the fat fedora'd out ones