X-Box One in Moon Land

I'm curious, who buys X-Box in Japan and why? Even if they were into western games, most of them are available in Japan on PS4. Also, how can X-Box actually do better there?

Nip user
No one buys XShit here except Americans
All my gfs had Switches

>who buys X-Box in Japan
microsoft employees

Hi, grandma

I've heard that Microsoft Japan's service is actually pretty shit too with a lot of games actually coming out in Japan really late.

niche market. There will always be owners although it's probably a hundred thousand.

I was reading that Halo sold pretty well on 360. 360 didn't do too well overall, but it was probably the best performing xbox in japan, so whatever they did right there they should replicate.

8 years or so, when I was an exchange student, I lived with a family and they had a wii and 360. I asked him why and he said, I am not kidding, he prefers the white console (it was the OG 360).

He also had some COD and played that. My best memory was when he, his mother and father, little sister and myself played Wii Play together. It was like out of an ad.

Also his parents were fucking hot

Niche market. You can thank the Japanese for being full blown retarded when it came to the release of the HUEG for that and as a result it didn't become the replacement for Sega it could have been. Here's some of the reasons for them not liking it
>It's black, and black is the color of death (Despite the PS2 being black, but that's ok)
>X is the letter of death despite the PS2 having X as a button
>You can't release Halo here like that because two sticks is too complicated to understand
>The startup screen looks like a nuclear reactor and that's scary, meanwhile they build nuclear reactors on fucking fault lines

Nippon user here.

We are all about Nintendo now. Don't even care about Sony and they are Japanese.

Oh sorry. I meant that the guy (who was like 15) like the white 360 more than the black ps3

Why are you shitposting here instead of 2ch

Even the dad???

XBox is fucking shit,you should be happy for them.

Fuck off LARPer

Halo was probably the only reason they bought one.

>Those teeth

Jesus, no wonder it's selling like shit over there.

The creator of Berserk liked playing Idolmaster.

American soldiers stationed in Japan buy them

Thats about it

Let him go, user. He feels better that way.

Japs think wonky teeth are cute

It took 16 posts but thank you, I was wondering when someone was gonna go savage.

Yes, they looked amazing. His dad was a mechanic so that helped with the muscles. They were in their late 30s so that probably helped.

Not really. Nips surprisingly really like Gears Of War. Ono specifically lists is as one of his favorite franchises.

Holy shit, japs are the new brits

I think some people have this impression that all japanese gamers are greasy otaku who just want more dating sims and visual novels, but considering that Call of Duty WW2 has been selling very well on PS4 over there and is one of Sony's only games lately to actually be able to compete with all the Nintendo fever since the Switch, I think there's more japs who like Western games than Sup Forums thinks.

>who buys X-Box in Japan and why
The same kind of people that import obscure japanese shit like a Wonderswan here in the West:
true gaming enthusiasts that want to experience every console.

fucked up teeth are cute in Japan. Luckily my wife has braces now though. I can't fucking stand it either.

I'm pretty sure alot of the people who like Gears are just the huge homo population there.

I'm curious, who buys Consoles and why? Even if they were into games, most of them are available on PC. Also, how can Consoles actually do better?

>at least my teeth are white

It may hard for PC gaming fans to understand, but most people see and use PC's as WORK DEVICES, not dedicated gaming platforms. Plus, with the high cost of up to date GPU's, a lot of people like me have a slightly above average rig for some games and then compensate for its weaknesses with a console or two. Most people I meet or talk to use a PC, but also have an X-Box/PS4 and maybe a Switch or 3DS.

I still want a Gears of War anime.

So most of Japan then?

>missing teeth

>Hammerburst with a heart on it for the Locust crest

I would say I'm curious about who would actually buy a digital "product" or spend hundreds of even thousands of dollars on 1s and 0s that are worthless after sale...but I don't actually care

Also, in Japan, PC gaming is pretty niche and most people just play free to play stuff like League of Legends, low-end JRPG's and visual novels, which can run on even the shittiest prebuilt office computers or budget laptops in Japan.

Used to be for IM@S, now I honestly have no idea

Even the guy who man Senran Kagura loves Gears. He was posting on twitter about how excited he was for Gears 4.
I feel like some of Japan wants to love Xbox, but won't from the stigma of choosing it over their own.

Fuck off. Even Sup Forums doesn't want you.

They used to buy it for Killer Instinct and Gears. Now I guess they just play them both on PC.

>tfw have a jap PSN buddy
>70% of what he mostly plays is VNs, a good chunk of which are sex-removed ports from PC, the rest being this and that with some western games sprinkled about
I wonder if he just prefers his VNs to have no sex. I dunno. One of his favorite VNs is Little Busters and he plays a handful of FPS as well.

>go savage

Japan never cared that much for Sega consoles either, outside the Saturn, which piggybacked on the popularity of Virtua Fighter. They made three different consoles to compete with the Famicom before the Master System (SG-1000, SG-1000 II, Mark III) and even that got cut short in favor of the Mega Drive.

>Don't even care about Sony
>Monster Hunter and Earth Defense Force 5 dominated charts
>Don't care about Sony
Want to know how I know you are lying?

I think the real problem is X-Box doesn't offer enough variety for the Japanese consumer. The PS4 in Japan lets you play Call of Duty, Battlefield, Battlefront, in addition to Ys VIII, Street Fighter and Tales. Japs like Western games, but not many are willing to sacrifice that variety PS4 or even Switch offer for a console that is mostly Western games they can play on other platforms. Though some of the Xbox exclusives like Halo and Gears have their niche fanbases. And Japanese X-Box sales spiked briefly when PUBG was released.

Actually, the sexless VN's sell better sometimes because they can be marketed to a wider consumer base on account of they don't have the restrictions placed on pornography, which is why the most popular porn ones eventually get all-age ports. Some of the original all-ages VN's on Switch have been well-received.

2ch doesn't exist, it's not 5ch.
Xbox is dead in Japan. I think the Xbox S got a slight bump for PUBG but Xbox X isn't even available here, they literally sold 9 units last week.

>Japs like Western games, but not many are willing to sacrifice that variety PS4 or even Switch offer for a console that is mostly Western games they can play on other platforms
Good point.
As an Idort, I use the PS4 only for weeb games, while playing everything else on the Xbone and for the most part I care about Western games more, so that suits me perfectly, but if they have to chose one, picking the PS4 is the best option.
I wish the Xbone would get more weebs games, but at the same time I want good weeb games and not 90% of the weeb games that are actually terrible

You can partially thank Jap law for it being non-existent there. MS funded the entire creation of like 3 studios just to get some JRPGs and due to laws they couldn't own them outright. If they could have Sakaguchi probably wouldn't be making shitty mobile games.

>looking at gaems with friend
>say I can just buy [Xbox "exclusive"] on PC
>"Since when did console exclusives become an important thing?"
xbox fanboys perpetually on damage control

Honestly I see them dropping the *Also on PC shit now. That started when the head of the Windows platform was put in charge over the Xbox division. Now it is it's own team and Xbox team answers directly to the CEO. I can see people being all butthurt about it if it does get dropped while not realizing the cognitive dissonance.

hardcore westaboos