Why is this VN so popular? Finished it yesterday, it's an average VN with archetypical characters and 'twist' i feel has been done before and better
Why do people rate this 10/10 when it's clearly a 5 at best?
Why is this VN so popular? Finished it yesterday, it's an average VN with archetypical characters and 'twist' i feel has been done before and better
Why do people rate this 10/10 when it's clearly a 5 at best?
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undertale effect
It's a free and funny meme
But at least Undertale had gameplay and great music and choices that affected the ending in a meaningful way
This isn't even a game
>Why do people rate babbies first VN as a 10/10
You should be able to solve this
>babby’s first VN
Katawa Shoujo is babby’s first VN
>and 'twist' i feel has been done before
When and where?
It's more like, why do people like meta shit so much? It's really just lazy.
> 'twist' i feel has been done before and better
Spoonfeedme user
>i feel has been done before and better
Name a few
Spec Ops: the line for one
And that one was a shitty version of the twist from MGS2 to begin with
Babby's first meta VN
Modern weebs probably don't even know KS
not anymore, just like how fate isn't babby's first VN, tsukihime isn't babby's first VN or Yume Miru Kusuri isn't babby's first VN anymore
Oh so it's one of those meta games. I was wondering why so many people on Youtube were suddenly playing some random visual novel. So are all the characters actually aware that they are in a VN at the end or how does the game handle it?
>i feel has been done before and better
>It has been done better elsewhere, that makes this bad
Stop that shit. That's not how it works.
It's good. It's not original, true, but it's unique in the current context, it's well executed, well written, has good art, and plays with expectations in interesting ways. That's it.
It doesn't have to be unique, it just has to be distinct from the current crowd, and well made, and it's very much both of those.
One character knows she's in a VN and she doesn't have a route, so she screws over everyone else so the player loves her.
Why not play it and find out?
It's free on steam and can be got through in like two hours.
The non route character, center right, is sentient and is kinda annoyed that she doesn't have a route.
5 seconds on /vg/ is all it takes anons
The reason I loved this game was because of the poems. I played the game with a friend, and we spent around 20 minutes on each poem analyzing them and trying to figure out how they fit into the bigger picture. The meta stuff was cool, but not the part of the game that makes it amazing.
>relies entirely on surprise
>puts a trigger warning at the start
the poems are 6 year old tier
>it's derivative but that's what makes it great!!
The artstyle was average, the characters were mostly unlikeable (or tried too hard to be made likeable), the plot was okay, the twist was okay, the ending was okay
This whole VN was just that. Okay. And still redtards like you gobble it up because MUH MONIKA MUH EDGE XDDD
VNs are cancer, this was ok because it was fucking free. If you actually unironically pay to read stories written by shut-in nips then you need to consider necking yourself.
Based westerner comes along, does the same thing and gives it away for free. HOW CAN TOJO AND PING PONG EVEN COMPETE?
I really wish he'd release a paid version that lets you spend more time with the characters desu, I feel like a lot of stuff has been left out.
Self aware 4th wall breaking yanderes make my dick ROCK hard
Because it's free.
>good art
How the fuck did DDLC do the same shit as a heart of darkness clone?
Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi
Babbies first VN is always 10/10 and always makes me question if people have never read anything in their lives.
I wish it didn't go meta and just ending up being a VN where the goal was to stop the 3 girls from killing themselves.
Babby's second original English VN
Wait till we get a well-done /m/-themed VN. If it has even a smidgen of gameplay alongside some good drama it could become the next big thing. Too bad our resident autists can't hold a development studio together for more than one game or /ksg/ would have new material to work with for once.
My only complain is that the game is way too short
I don't know why that guy mention Spec Ops but a real good example is right here
>'twist' i feel has been done before and better
What you feel has nothing to do with it. Otherwise please name some examples where it was indeed done better. And even if it was, how does it make this VN worse in any way?
As for why it's popular,
It's an interesting take on a VN horror genre.
It has decent art, good ost, its short but effective. It has hidden secrets if you are willing to look for them.
But most of all its free. It was literally made for your average dude who has never read a VN but also with something an experienced reader can enjoy as well.
Again, how you feel about its success has nothing to do with how good or bad the product is.
Nael is a goddamn literary scholar. That's the perfect way to express a tiger getting out.
YES! The tiger is out.
What subtle yet perfect convection of emotion. It's like fine wine spilled all over the page.
Yeah, if it had been set in a psych ward or mental health camp it would have made more sense. Swap Monika over from head of the club to nurse and it would probably have been better.
I highly doubt you've actually played that 25+ hour long VN that's only available in Japanese and Russian you fucking faggot.
>moving goalposts
had a mighty fine kek thanks to this post
>if you haven't played something it means it doesn't exist
>Wait till we get a well-done /m/-themed VN. If it has even a smidgen of gameplay alongside some good drama it could become the next big thing
Seriously doubt it
/m/ as a genre is too "anime" for the average normalfag so it won't get popular no matter what you do
Copying Higurashi and making it about creepy anime girls sounds way more likely to become popular
This desu
So you admit you haven't played it, and didn't know there was actually a better use of the meta twist in another VN until someone spoonfed you?
>moving goalposts
I didn't realize i was supposed to be omniscient
>because you learned something from others it means it's invalid
Guess we better abolish schools
There's the diamond in the pile of shit I've been looking for
Time to go on another hours long hunt for more until I realize I've used up all my time
>Didn't confirm or deny my accusation
>Hides behind m-muh moving goalposts
Yes, DDLC didn't do the twist as well as Totono. My point is you probably didn't realize it existed until just now, which you have yet to disprove.
If you haven't completely experienced a game to it's fullest, you have no right to actively say it's better than another. You have almost no context as to what the rest of the VN is like from that one translated clip.
are there any good VN's with insane girls you can date, Sup Forums?
Not that dude, but that fucking twist is so infamous, you can read several summaries of what happens and why in english.
It's twist is indeed the closest thing that comes to DDLC, but that doesn't make DDLC better or worse.
i can't bring myself to ever see this game again after knowing what i did to monika
You really think nobody's heard of the game before DDLC?
>asks where the twist has been done before
>given an example
>example exists that you agree is better
>assume that nobody in the world except you has ever heard of it
Have you tried inserting her file back after removing it?
yes and it does nothing, I still have the file on my desktop so I put it back in both while it was trying to delete her and when I started a new game without her in it
post modernism
It does nothing. Those character files are just pretty paper weight. Think of them as triggers with string attached to the real character files. Deleting Monika at the end and putting her back does nothing because you've already triggered the flag to progress the game.
Weird, it triggered an new ingame error for me. I thought that it was neat they thought of that.
Doki doki is derivative garbage hiding behind edge and "oh it a parody lelelel"
It's perfect for small brains and casuals
Pretty sure thats a cute way of the game telling you theres no active path for trying to put Monika back after deletion, and to just continue the rest of the game. Glad Salvato thought of that.
Wow dude this is pretty meta.... so smart....
Keep playing user. Everything will be fine.
what the fuck is this piano song voice clip
>done before and better
>why do people rate this 10/10 when its 5 at best?
Wow it's like inane Sup Forums contrarionism rolled up into one post. Glad you're so butthurt over the success over a free game.
my habit of naming all of my characters something racist in every game I play has finally played off
>"oh it a parody lelelel"
My only gripe. No one has balls nowadays. "Oh you think my creation is shit? Haha, it's okay I did it bad on purpose... i-it's just parody...."
Man in a helicopter
Finds something
A bomb
A bomb!
It's not a bad game by any means, nor is it particularly good; it's just popular because it came out at the right place at the right time. It capitalizes on the increasing popularity of ironic weebness and "surprise" edgy twists (see yandere simulator's similarly short lived popularity) to create the perfect storm of Youtube reaction bait and shock value to casuals who are on the edge of this fad and have never seen anything like it.
I really don't think the creators tried to make it so popular to begin with, it just worked out. Good for them and all.
Would Yooka-Laylee actually have been GOTY if the characters had been aware that they were in an average video game that didn't meet peoples expectations, called out the player in the end and then deleted to save files to erase the memory of their suffering?
because it's free and it's popular among streamers and youtubers
how fucking dumb you need to be to need explaining
>yandere simulator's similarly short lived popularity
Eva still has a legion of young kids mindlessly defending him and supporting him.
No. Meta/4th wall break shit only works when you have some edge (see deadpool) or is a "serious" and "deep" story. Otherwise it's just silly cartoon gags you shouldn't take seriously
I think the game is just fine and only that. If you've played a VN before then the game doesn't do much to compensate for its short length; either more time or mini games of some sort would've helped. The problem is that not many casuals play VNs so their wigs get blown back when they see a character hang themselves. Casuals also have no patience so after they get to the twist they tell their favorite YouTube celebrity that the first hour is boring (which is true) and that it gets better.
I'm of the belief that you can do something that's technically been done before. There's nothing wrong with that. It just means comparisons to things done better aren't far behind.
I think if the dev played it straight and actually made a full VN with the horror elements after the enigmatic twist, it would've been fine. The VN lacks substance and is honestly just another flash in the pan of zeitgiest. I can say, for what it's worth, at least Undertale had enough substance for people to protect the fact that it stood on its own as an actual game with impactful decisions.
The "game" doesn't make any sense. How is Monika not being chosen by the player supposed to have any significance when the game literally does not allow you to choose her for no given reason whatsoever.
So Monika becomes aware that she is in a game and goes insane because she has no route. Now why does Monika not have a route? Because the game is built around her becoming aware and not having a route.
What the fuck kind of retarded story is that? At least give the player the illusion of being able to turn her down if you want her being turned down to mean anything whatsoever.
I'm interested in playing it. Can it run on a 4 year old laptop because that's the closest thing to a PC I've got until the console release. Also my first impressions lead me to believe that Yuri is best girl
It's a fucking VN. You need a NASA tier PC to run it, obviously.
She is in fact fact best girl, but this fact is unfortunately short lived.
It's a fucking VN user. Shit can run on an actual potato.
Muv Luv did it better witouth being edgy or "self-aware"
My fucking calculator could run it.
She is meant to be a non route character. Sometimes that character gets a route after you complete everyone else, but normally they are just there as the focal point that moves the story along.
She doesn't become self aware because you don't talk to her, in fact it's only that she is the club president that she becomes self aware, she is innately self aware and wants to spend time with you because you are the only other thing that is real.
She is breaking the story to try to talk to you, but she doesn't know how to program. This is all pretty much spelt out for you.
You need something from Alienware if you want to run it at a steady 60 FPS a second
It's fresh.
jesus christ she really did start stuffing her fucking bra
what a fucking slut
Which girl would be the most fun to destroy with a huge dick?
>Being anything other than a 2/10 at best
>advertised by youtubers
>has massive warning signs when you try to download it so curiosity ecksdee
>le horror XDDD
gee I fucking wonder
>well written,
ahahhaahahahah if it was well written it would have a monika route
as the game stands it just fucking announces the twist 10 minutes in once you realize monika is being intentionally left out even though the MC clearly likes her
try again fucker
the only unexpected thing in the whole game is monika having reactions to the twitch app (which is because the dev made the app to begin with) and the nice weekend you spend with yuri in the club room (you can stand there the whole thing) other than that you can see everything come a mile away
>delete her
she will never marry you now, good job
As expected. Only kids like his game.
delet this
It's free, short and gives exactly what it promises. It's enjoyable enough to keep you entertained for the hours you play it.
The art is good, it has an interesting gimmick that works for the game length and the meta part is well executed.
I don't enjoy VNs, they are too fucking long and full of idiotic monologues, if I wanted that shit I'd rather just read a LN. A lot of people are like this, but this game is so short that even people who can't bear VN will be able to go through it. I'd say its greatest quality is that it knew the right time to end.