Why do the japs hate god so much?

Why do the japs hate god so much?

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Anything that is sentient and is more powerful than humans must be killed because one day it could try to destroy us. Demon, dragon, god, it matters not.

That doesn't look like a giant yellow head

No real concept of LOVE
Even if they claim otherwise.
Also they are currently living in times when they have no faith, no zeal and no divinity. West is sorta Godless as well, but its not as fucking bad as Japan.
The Theology of Japan is almost a barren wasteland.
The little that has survived is basically rituals, not reverance.

Also Sekaisekai writing, means there is nothing wrong with escalation, so its fine killing a minor diety, with no sense of scale.
Generally, weak research and little sense of wonder leads itself to a lot of their more terrible writing. The same is true of Victorians, and a lot of early American literature, they where merely a bit more religious, so it didn't turn into a complete shitfest.

-No faith
-No scale

>No real concept of LOVE even if they claim otherwise.

I haven't seen a single work of ficion from Japan
That properly displays the concept of Agape
At most, i have medium motherly love, and little more. A sense admiration, and little else.

Pic related contains the biggest display of Love i have seen in Jap ficition, and it doesn't go all the way.

Why are religious people always so butthurt about this kind of stuff? What kind of great god requires mortals to defend them?

Okay then, I guess. For whatever that means

nice post

The Demiurge is not God.

Because they don't like seeing what they've devoted their faith to be attacked. This is especially true for more deluded branches of religious groups, like how muslims send death threats to cartoon artists or Christians speaking out about Pokemon in America.

Do you legitimately mean that?

because god is supposed to be the strongest being, power creep can only go so high, gods are were it culminates

Believing in god is SJW tier retardedness and Japan has no SJWs so it makes sense.

I unironically love to kill god and any god analogue that appears in any game

the concept of what a god is is very different in japan. Gods in Shinto are far more mortal and terrestrial than the christian god. Gods can have understandable motives, new ones can emerge or be killed/forgotten frequently.

Since gods can have human motives and desires obviously the christian god who has absolute power is likely insane or has been corrupted by his power in some way.

t. edgelord

They don't. Killing something bigger and stronger than you is "Badass", and what is bigger or stronger than a god? Just make it out to be a tyrannical asshole and you've killed the biggest, strongest, baddestassedest thing in the universe with your spare hands.

He gave them.smal penises

same, if a video game has the option to take down a higher power I always take it

Japan is a dead culture.


because alberto barbosa tried converting japs and they hated it.

which god?

This. What else is the FINAL final boss supposed to be?

who'd have guessed the series called Reincarnation of the Goddess would have you kill God so frequently

Your mom when its bed time

It's okay user i get what you are saying
It's a shame Japan can't actually be as passionate as showa toku depicts it

Fucking spoiler

Don't blame em, always seem like stuck up pricks

they have no soul and they know it

No shit huh? I always felt that the SMT series was heavily influenced by Gnosticism.

>Believing in god is SJW tier retardedness
>SJWs are firmly against God

SJW-tier retardation, user. Not like SJW, but the level of ignorance is the same AS them.
Though, I agree that original user should have clarified that much more clearly.

Unenlightened peasant

source on this? filename isnt getting me anywhere

its just another idea of social justice in the end

Very few JRPGs feature God, almost every time its a very powerful being that proclaimed itself god i.e. the Demiurge

Even in SMT, the guy calling himself god is actually just a super powerful demon and the actual God is some vague faceless will.

Religion is not a bad thing per se. It allows people to easily deal with many existential problems.

How beta are the Japanese that Western gods are more powerful than Eastern gods?

Can you explain it to an idiot like me then?

What did he mean by this?

That refers to Izanami in DDS though.

I think one of the things Hollow Knight got right, is that it managed to get a sense of scale correctly.
If you paid attention, you would know the 4 Deities that is bigger, but you also known their size and scale.
It also did something that i don't think SMT understands properly: A Diety is not its mere physical form.

>First 2 parts of file name is literally manga name

Why do amerifags love god so much?

Reminder that even if you are an atheist because the idea of god is retarded you should still support religion, their teachings are the only way to restablish the old values and order that modern society lacks

Eastern """"gods""""" are mostly just things that reside in other things. Greater Japanese deities have smashed cityscapes and the like, but overall Kami are primarily entities that reside in all things, rather than autonomous entities which are excessively powerful/all-knowing. Kami aren't worshipped as much as they are respected and their presence is as comforting as it is sacred. Gods are more something to be worshipped, as they promise wraths and hardships for those who stray away from the path, or great rewards for followers.

That's not God, though. That's the Demiurge, which was the Gnostic answer to the Old Testament god that murdered wantonly. As the Gnostics saw it, the god of the Old Testament wasn't the real god, but a mere servant created by god to reshape the world into what it is, yet at some point the servant started to call himself the real god and demanded cruel tributes and warfares from his subjects. Gnostics believe this evil Demiurge was destroyed with the arrival of Jesus the one true god.

The Yaldabaoth in this game is a representation of this tyrannical Demiurge. Not that the actual god isn't ten times worse already.

>wanting to improve the society that has been fucking you for your entire life

>I never read Japanese literature and I'm basing my evaluation of how humane those people are based on their science-fiction cartoons

We don't need religion without God, we need God without religion. As far as I'm concerned, it is impossible for a religious person to have faith.

There's other ways to re-establish the old values, user.

I don't know, seems to me like he did and found that comic to be the only thing to meet what he's looking for

The west is cancer Islam is the answer

What's the fucking point? By the time old values are re-established we will be long dead by then.

>tfw i've been unironically thinking of moving and converting to islam

Sounds like a monkey who gave up, backed that ass up. Shouted: "If I can't beat them, join them!" and let himself get raped into submission. To a religion on the verge of dying out.


>old values

Like the mentally ill being possessed by demons? No thanks.


I know this is hard to believe because of how sensationalized media and politics are, but we're living in the most peaceful time in recorded history. This is the closest to "order" we've ever gotten. And the most secular countries are the least war-like and the most crime-free, generally. Some Muslims might be going full retard but that doesn't mean we should go full retard right back, that's a race to the bottom.

the entire final part of this game was so bad

Fasting growing religion.
You'll be happier brother.

That's not how things are at all, but even that sounds better than modern society.
Only thing that's holding me back is if I do go ahead and convert I'd be considered a traitor and would be disowned by my family and never be allowed to go back.

I would try to convince you otherwise but maybe it's better that you leave western culture and/or get executed, we'll be better off.

Their surviving faith is... tame
Its more like trading Christmas gifts, than real faith. Not to say they don't have true faith, but its a rare thing, and Buddhism is sorta isolationist.They have no real surviving tradition off love or divinity.

EMPEROR, merely a figurehead that has social position.
I haven't seen their Divine Emperor's pure blood being portrayed as anything but a social status, or the series powerset +1, and little else.
I am not sure if i blame their urbanization, losing WW2, their consumer culture, or merely the surviving tenants of their faith being really weak in terms of material.

On paper their faith is fine: Somewhat surviving, priests in at the least 3 different religions, some hierarchy.
But going by how they show their faith? Written on paper, seeping into their fiction and stories? How they write about it, even when they do straight copies of their own lexicons and wikipedia?
Their general faith is really lacking. And its a red lining strewn over most of their fiction, just like Hollywood has some rather severe red lines of their fiction, showing the 4 different religious groups making Hollywood movies.

because it was the only thing that competed with their prior belief system: shintoism, ancestor worship, and god-emperor worship

>implying i live in the west
Fuck you amerimutt, you and your (((culture))) are the reason everything went to shit.

CONVERT! infidel, or so help me allah i shall strike thine neck.

It's not something you can explain
You just have to believe

>Fasting growing religion.

This is the kind of retard that follows this shit. And it doesn't take into account the growth of Atheism in the Middle East precisely because of the shit Muslims have to take from other Muslims, and no god in sight to change anything.

In smt they aren't actually the real deities though.

stay mad with your mudslimes faggot

>wanting to go into a religion whose main worshippers are actual incest affected middle easterners with mediocre culture, mediocre tech and bad values
>falling for polyamorous relations
>falling for the religion whose main prophet was such a cuck he needed to slaughter and execute anyone who wouldnt listen, banned art because people mocked him and where a group of people unironicaly and with full zeal went to france just to mass murder a building because someone drew the version of jesus with satirical elements
>instead of going to heaven, relaxing, being close to god and his glory alongside your loved ones you get a fuckton of whiny ass no experience fucking virgins who you are bound to for all the afterlife
>actually falling for the inshalah meme

If you still arent convinced not to go, we didnt want you to begin with. Ave Maria you degenerate scum.

Because god isn't a cute loli

when japs say thank god what god are they referring to?

dont they have loads of gods?

I find those comments funny, considering the actual state of Muslim countries.

That all seems fair enough, I suppose.

Believe what or in what?

Then what the fuck do I do? Staying in modern society is absolutely not an option. Especially if I ever decide to start a family.

kill yourself you weak willed faggot.

enjoy your dying religion cuckristian

head down to the rope store bucko.

>Staying in modern society is absolutely not an option.

What do you hate from modern society?

They do a name drop thing, where they sorta pretend they are Real Gods.
And sorta pretend they are not. And they also do the thing, where the setting randomly goes between a end of all things, and merely being a shallow reflection on the surface of the worlds great ocean.
Its a lot like how DND treats Hit Points as Abstract Fatigue/Luck Points vs Meat Points: Its always treated as both, and the material do not want to admit it.

Who wouldn't, after seeing what that shit does to culture and the human mind?

Being a refugee does not make you an immigrant.

what? the new testament god is far better than yahweh.

>Created everything
>Also created everything that is shitty

He's an asshole.

If you can't provide a better alternative, then you have no right to bitch about how shit something is.
Everything. But the biggest problem is the promotion of degeneracy and lack of morals. If I were to raise children here, there's a 99% chance they would end up as junkies with no sense of discipline, morality or aspirations.

>Staying in modern society is absolutely not an option. Especially if I ever decide to start a family.

Get yourself an Asian wife. And stop looking for females in fucking tinder or at bars.

Go to Church and find yourself a girl from those places. If you're a retard and play in degenerate battlefields, you will only find yourself a degenerate.

Also, funny story, Islam is full of niggers.

Conservative christian, orthodox if you really fucking need to, you go protestant and Im going to slap you and the meme chink religions are not even a option.

Your issue is the "advancement" of culture. As a guy in the nost western europe, we dont have that at all. Your issue are the people and their degeneracy, correct? Of so, act as a bullwark of good morals, spround yourself with like minded folks and do.t turn into a muslim, its one of.the worst possible religions.

You have choices user. You can pick the right one, go with the lord, be at peace and be among his glory or, you can pick the religion so basic it rewards the average man carnal pleasure only, a fuckload of virgins, practiced by sister fucking arabs with no good morals, the kind of folk who get so triggered by a mere picture they wish to slaughter someone.

Its your pick.

nip are incapable of wrapping their insect brains around the western concept of God and monotheism.

>he thinks worshipping a kike on a stick makes you less of a cuckold

This is the gayest thing I have ever read

>Islam is full of niggers
80% of Africa is Christian

Pic related.

>omnipotent, omniscient being
>dude I killed it lmao now I'm the god
What a grand and intoxicating innocence.

>mfw India wrote a petition to remove Krishna in SMT4A

They're usually looking to Gnosticism as inspiration.

Nobody cares about Gnosticism in Mainstream Christianity. Evangelists take the Bible literally and will just say that being a tyrannical asshole is just one of many God's faces necessary to punish sinners for disobeying him. The People of Tokyo only have themselves to blame for being trapped in their hellish lives. Even Yaldabaoth points out that people are too lazy to change themselves without the intervention of the Phantom Thieves. Tokyo Citizens being too concerned with their shallow and materialistic lifestyles is one of the reasons the Archangels show up to brainwash society into being obedient law drones.

The Demiurge isn't any of that, he just claims to be

>meme chink religions are not even a option
Then why are you on an OFFICIAL WEEABOO WEBSITE? Inferior western culture and media does not belong here.

Yaldaboth isn't god, and persona is litterally the worst example you could use. All of the "gods" in persona are just thoughts shared unconsciously by the common masses and have become so prevelent that they've acheived a god like state from the perspective of one's mind.
