So we all agree that female Miqot'es are generally the best/most skilled/knowledgeable players in Final Fantasy XIV...

So we all agree that female Miqot'es are generally the best/most skilled/knowledgeable players in Final Fantasy XIV, right?

At being sluts, yes. Anything else? No.

Nice fetish race

user, catgirls are a large portion of the playerbase. They aren't all xivg-tier ERPers

They are. Some are just private about it instead of parading themselves around the Balmung quicksand every day. One of which I know frequents shota related places but you'd never know it seeing them ingame

The best XIV players are potatoes, vanilla (elves and hyur) and ironic male cats, everything else is ass and fail.


Hopes and dreams for 5.0?
That doesn't include the game dying or going F2P?

I'll agree that Female Miqo'te are generally better than their catboi counterparts in every way, but in my experience, cat and au ra players are the least skilled in the game by far.

Blue Mages/Mimics yeah right
Time Mages (Healers, Time Rewind to heal/undo damage and debuffs + most importantly, HASTEGA, fuck you AST and your stupid random cards, I want a party-wide Haste buff)

FFXIV will NEVER go F2P. Fuck, FFXI is still sub-based and it has fucking 500-700 people on their top-pop server as it is. Squeenix doesn't know how to do F2P and probably never will unless WoW goes f2p, which isn't happening becauase they've deluded those stupid fucks into thinking it's "free" with their Token sub system.

It won't die easily either though, it's a solid game and the ERPers especially will keep it going with their long subs and fantasia addictions.

Male Miqotes are better by far. The ones who play females are always pathetic waifuscum who can't play the game.

>people just want dancer so they can jerk off

Add in something that prolongs equipment longevity. Maybe more secondary stats to make more variants of the same iLv gear. Tired of my gear getting replaced every month. I want the shit I worked for to mean more than just glamour by the time the next patch rolls out.

God, I miss FFXI.

male cats are just sissy faggots

>God, I miss FFXI.

You and me both.


why are there so few machinists

>projecting your fetish ingame
Literally worse than asurafags, dranaeifags, charrfags, lalafags, and even fucking gnomes.

too much shit taste

So few people can actually play it well enough to compete with other DPS, especially when half of the data center are a bunch of c@shits or dragonfags.

boring as fuck




This is why you don't thank your healer

>more secondary stats to make more variants of the same iLv gear.
>Tired of my gear getting replaced every month.
Please explain your line of thought, because the only ways I can interpret that suggestion wouldn't solve that problem.
Either you're suggesting more gear of the same ilvl in every patch, still increasing the ilvl every patch, which doesn't change anything since you'll still either go for BiS or for whatever drops.
Or you're suggesting adding more gear of the current ilvl in following patches, which has to be better to be worth getting or it doesn't have any benefit for people who are already at BiS. And it already doesn't benefit people who are going for whatever drops, since it's just more drop chances and they most likely already have gear of that ilvl. So if it's better, you're still replacing gear every month. If it's not, you're not running any content.
Or, and this is the worst suggestion, you're suggesting RNG on gear stats with additional secondary stats, which would mean running more content and replacing your gear every week.
>shit I worked for
FFXIV requires no work to get gear, unless you really hate raiding, are incredibly bad at the game, can't get into a static and are to poor to pay for carries. In that case you do need to put in work, since you have no other options.

How did SE get away with adding the same FFXI race but worse in almost every aspect?
I mean Mithras were fucking dumb but they looked better than just human with tail.

Is lalafell tank = big pulls just a meme or a real phenomenon?

Fuck Miqo'te they don't do anything cat like at all. Literally humans with a tail stapled to their ass.
Hate having to be lala just to avoid the "human with X" shit.

but lalafell are literally just "human but child"

Yeah, most skilled at sucking D-D-D-DICK

Trying to do Wildfire feels a bit weird now with the shorted uptime as someone who got it to 60 in Heavensward, and doing it now at 70. Best I think I’ve gotten it is 17000 at i321 so looking for ways to try and bump that.

the heat mechanic is ass till you hit 62+
brd is more fun to play
i personally hate all the retarded combo animations when you get that passive trait

Alright I tried asking /xivg/ but they are unable to look up from their ERP to respond, anyone know if there are any katanas that look something like Roukanken?

I would send my kid to live with the circus if they looked like a lalafel, I get that calling the short races kids has always been the hot meme, but no.

kill yourself

Everyone knows the midgets are the smartest players. Miqotes are for mocking.

I'm suggesting that they add in same iLv gear variants to different content, while adding in different secondary stats to make them worth getting.

For example, FFXI had Enmity +/-, Cure Potency+, Double/Triple Attack, Magic Attack/Defense Bonus, Weaponskill/Skillchain/MagicBurst Damage+, Treasure Hunter+, [Ability] Duration+

I'm saying you add some of those stats to some of this bland gear and not only will it make for more engaging, worthwhile content, but you could probably find a way to revive old content as well, by trying to get, say, gear with "Treasure Hunter+" on it for farming item drops, or getting gear that stacks "Regen Duration+" or something.

Just make shit more worthwhile instead of just, "Here. Here's Bahamut Ultimate for i345 shit, but next patch, the iLv is going up to 350, so all the casuals can just get their welfare pieces and be better than you anyway. Fuck your effort." If you offer more horizontal gear progression, players have more options and customization apart from just Crit, Haste, and Det, which are shadowed by higher iLv gear with better base stats anyway.

Or maybe I'm just fucking retarded, I dunno. The game model as it is now probably wouldn't work well with a suggestion like this. I'm too used to the way gear was appreciated and valued in FFXI for me to understand how people can find enjoyment in wanting to replace their gear over and over again.

>FFXIV requires no work to get gear, unless you really hate raiding
Bingo. I really hate raiding. I don't have a static, so I depend on randoms, and that = work. Usually it's just not worth the effort to try to explain mechanics over and over until someone ragequits, then have to do it all over again with another group of morons.

Most cats are either asshole males or snobby, bitch females... So no.

They're practically Gypsies.

Depends on how close you want it.
If it's just the colors, black white and red/pink. Sure.
If it's the flower/grass motif, nope.
For future references, use XIVDB to check icons, and dlunch for previewing 3d models.

It's a class you can only unlock once you reach the HW storyline. Not only that, but it's a also a level 30 DPS .

As a tank, should I let dps die if they pull, or should I be a nice guy and take aggro away?

That's because their players are also portrayed as the stereotypical fat, virgin neckbeards.

A real mans race is Roegadyn.

Take the agro. You're probably just standing and staring at the mobs before each pull, or they think you're incapable of taking any action whatsoever.
Don't be a dick and do your job. none of that. Dps are just retarded

post more lewds

Then you have to constantly turn down invites from bara-guilds or just straight up gay LSs.

just sprint ahead and pull more mobs

If the DPS are pulling, then they're probably hinting at you to hurry it up or to pull more than just 3 mobs.

Your example will just result in a very specific group of people, who want BiS items, running the content that would drop that, while everyone else just fucks off after getting the first drop that lands their way.
And even then, people would still go for whatever the best build is at that point in time and ignore everything else.
> how people can find enjoyment in wanting to replace their gear over and over again
It's the reward you get. You get to see your numbers go up, runs go smoother and enemies die quicker.
It's also why, a couple of months after a patch has dropped, usually two months, there is a massive drop off in player activity. Everyone's got the gear they want and they're done playing until there's new gear to get.
Without that gear reward, the game would die. Only (e)RP'ers would remain. Without raiders (and casuals) who only stay to keep up their gear, half of the playerbase is gone immediately, without that playerbase crafters have no one to sell to, since the remaining players would only be newbies and RP'ers, newbies would leave since there's no fun in playing on dead servers.
Comparing FFXIV and FFXI isn't fair to either of those games, their gameplay models differ far too much and really they only have 3 things in common. They're mmo's, they're final fantasy games and their visuals are similar (mobs, bosses, playable races, etc)

I know they will work a fuck ton on BLM in 4.2, but I hope they will work on SAM too...

If not, I will probably go back to SCH.

that same group sounds like the speed runners that want specific comps already so it wont be too much of a stretch.

I recently started playing Astro since my static was super bored and we started raiding with alt classes. Healing is pretty fun, if you have experience, how would you compare sch to ast? I've never enjoyed pet classes.

Not him, but whenever a dps pulls it's usually because they're inpatient assholes.
Mostly NIN's or MNK's pulling a boss because of their optimal rotation despite others still being more than 15 seconds away from the room, in both 4 man and 24 man content.
Or, the worst kind, a random in a 8-man pug who pulls while someone else is explaining tactics to a newbie.
Besides that, and some fucktards who can't communicate, there are very few dps who pull mobs, since it's always easier to just ask for bigger pulls if that's the issue.

What needs work on SAM?
it's perfect right now

This, I never encouraging asshole DPS by giving them what they want. If you're gonna be a dick who pulls mobs then don't expect me to suddenly start catering to you

>a fuck ton
I think the word you're looking for is "little".
They'll do a 'little' work on BLM, considering that's what they always do.

>not playing a large male roe with a pompadour

>not playing a nigger giraffe wirh an afro

You shouldn't really think of the Fairy as a pet per se, it's more extra abilities.
Certain fights will also you to put your fairy at a certain place too but really, most of the time you just let it in follow and use its ability when you need them, it's a pretty fun job since it does have more dps skill than AST too and fun healing/mitigation cds.

It doesn't DPS enough to be taken in a serious party compared to DRG or NIN.
Counting RDPS, SAM is behind both of them.

Fair enough.

People still care about this game?

It's the most boring MMO on the market that it's painful. It was always generic since ARR but that 'fresh' feeling of something new to play besides WoW made it seem alright. Even Heavensward was fun due to story alone, but they really dropped the fucking bomb with Stormblood. It's the same stale formula yet again and not even writing can help it now. Not that it really matters in an MMO. I mean new players have to go through the slogfest that is the ARR story THEN the endless patch content before even reaching HW. It's that or fucking paying more money to skip.

At least WoW is still fun.

>i literally cannot comprehend that people like different things than me

>It doesn't DPS enough to be taken in a serious party compared to DRG or NIN.
Who gives a fuck about meta? if you have fun playing SAM in your group then play sam
DRG will be taken to synergize with mch/brd and NIN will always have trick attack

>Everyone's got the gear they want and they're done playing until there's new gear to get.
I guess I'm just having a difficult time understanding how that's fun, and why you'd pay a subscription just to login after a couple of months to update gear. The same could be said for someone that wanted to quit for years at a time, play through an expansion, update their gear, and quit for another couple years. Why play the game at all at that point?
>Comparing FFXIV and FFXI isn't fair to either of those games, their gameplay models differ far too much
They do, I agree, but I'm hoping that if SE had any sense, they would stick to XI's model and build off of that, since it was more prone to retain its playerbase (post-Abyssea notwithstanding.) It just seemed like there was more to feel accomplished over, the gear rewards had more substance and longevity, and the game almost required you to engage with the community. It's amazing to me how we went from that, to what we have in XIV where there's hardly anything bringing me back to it. It's all just wishful thinking, I guess.

Sch is about doing as little healing work possible while still being as asset.
You have absurdly strong off global actions that you only get 3 of every 45 seconds.
The goal is to use thoes to heal when they're most effective, shield the big hits you need to, and let your fairy do everything else. All so you can turret and spam DPS.
When you're comfortable with that start cutting out as many off globals as you can to use that resource on energy drains instead for more deeps.

What it comes down to is that SAM adds less DPS to a party than a MNK, DRG or NIN.
Entirely due to their utility, which SAM doesn't have.
This could be fixed by either adding utility skills, or by buffing SAM's DPS to offset their lack of utility.

you act like you just get gear for logging in or something, people resub to do the new content that gives that gear and they either stick around because they enjoy doing it multiple times or they leave and wait until there's more content
gear isn't the only thing on everyones minds

Well of course. I just can't get my head around what state of mind leads somebody to liking something so trash.

Like how does somebody end up with a fetish for eating someones poop? It's the same thing.

Guys, i like dungeons so much that i think I'm actually going to eventually lvl all the combat classes to 70 wat do?

Potatoes are the only thing worse than cats

Cats may be a bunch of sluts but potatoes are just a shitty meme race, even the lore shits on them

Something something "gear set bonuses and secondary effects have no place in an ilevel focused MMO"

You pretty much already have that. You have a small subset of autists who want to speedrun bosses, get BiS, and sink hours into the game. Everybody else does the content, gets whatever item that comes their way at the difficulty level they're at, and then fucks off. ERPers, RPers, gatherers, crafters, and basically everyone who does "secondary" (although this is debatable) content would remain anyway, because the changes to end-game raiding wouldn't impact them much, outside of crafters who need specific mats from dungeons.
>It's the reward you get. You get to see your numbers go up, runs go smoother and enemies die quicker.
Wouldn't that be the same with the horizontal progression, just now with secondary effects that help you instead of straight up stat increases? Like, if you had a helmet that increases enmity gain, then the run will be smoother for you (as a tank) due to that buff. It'd also help with the power creep that the team is going to inevitably face (and probably already are facing). The only difference is that one of them keeps all gear relevant, whereas the other makes what you got in Ivalice this patch useless when the next Omega series comes out.

However, Yoshi has said that if they were to introduce secondary effects, it wouldn't be in the main game per-say. It'd instead be limited to a specific area. Honestly, I'm expecting the new relic weapons/armour to have secondary effects that are exclusively used in Eureka to help with the grind and make it a bit more interesting to play/build (kinda like the zodiac weapons where you could customize your weapon through materia, except with secondary effects instead). But it'll just be Diadem, so I doubt it'll be that good.

If a dps rips hate from you at this stage of the game, you are just playing shit. Take responsibility and fix your mistake.

>you act like you just get gear for logging in or something
Well no, not literally, but it seems to take no time at all. You play through an expansion and the game vomits all kinds of gear at you until you're read for their "endgame" where you engage in 15-20 minute fights for a chance at a piece of gear you need. Once you get it, then you're done for a month or two until the next best thing comes out. Whoopee.

You know everything sounds boring when you simplify it to that degree right?
"In Automata you run around and kill some robots, maybe find some new weapon".

WoW is outdated as fuck. You'd have to be braindead to think it's raking in new players. Character customization is possibly the worst out of all MMOs.

> little autistic cunt plays game for gear and not for challenges and and fun time with your raid bros

No matter how good you do SAM personal DPS will never be able to beat the RDPS of DRG or MCH.
And don't let me start on SMN who now offer the strongest personal DPS and still can buff the party damage, because fuck BLM and SAM.

I dunno, as much as I enjoy the job since I picked it up in 4.0, it just seem unfair to me.
And this push of mine for SAM to be better is especially because my FC took pretty badly that I went from SCH (in all of HW) to SAM and kept "jokingly" shittiing on me at any occasion for it.

>how that's fun and why you'd pay a subscription just to login after a couple of months to update gear
>Why play the game at all at that point?
It's not fun. It's addicting and it feels rewarding, and it allows you to get more invested in the game because you've already invested so much time and now you've invested even more time. If you stop playing, all that time would have been wasted, so you can't stop playing because you don't want to have wasted your time.
>if SE had any sense, they would stick to XI's model
This model, WoW's model, is far more effective in regards to player retention rates among the largest amount of players and because of that is more lucrative.
FFXI kept fewer players playing for a longer time, while WoW and FFXIV have more players who they just manage to keep around with the bare minimum of fresh content every once in a while.
If both models cost the same subscription-wise, the latter would always win. However, you do have to keep in mind that the latter has a far larger chance of causing players to feel burned out, meaning you need a steady income of new players.
Those new players need catch-up mechanics, otherwise they won't commit to the addictive reward cycle, leading to the issue that gear loses value and players become less likely to value their time invested, after all if it becomes so easy to get doesn't that mean that your time getting it becomes wasted time? To solve this, FFXIV spents a lot of effort inflating value by 'hyping up' new gear through previews ahead of time, cool effects and visuals and cutscenes and stories attached to them.
Take for instance relics, a lot of people spent a lot of time getting them in ARR and HW. They kept grinding and grinding, coming back each patch for fresh grinding to do.
Now you can get both in a week. It's obviously a waste of time to have spent months grinding, when someone else can get the same in one week's time. And yet, people can't wait for the new relic.

But that's basically what it is. Yoshida doesn't want to overcomplicate the game with depth and customization because he knows all the casuals won't play it. Why give the player options when you can just tell them how to play the game with ilevels and tome restrictions?

I just want to correct you on one thing, Unending Coil was added for hardcore raiders to bash their heads against, not for any tangible reward. The weapon was just to show off, not so you can climb the ilvl ladder

How can they buff bard?

make army's paeon not shit

If anything the job that need the most damage buff is RDM.
They are so fucking pathetic right now.

While I agree with both of you, as user stated here: he doesn't enjoy raiding and isn't in a static.
It could be that raiding isn't a challenge for him, which I think is a fair possibility since raiding in most mmo's is really easy as long as you do your part optimally and everyone else doesn't fuck up either. This of course leads to frustration if you keep consistantly doing everything right, but someone else fucks up.
It could be that it does challenge him, but he doesn't enjoy that challenge, which could be for various reasons.
If you can't have fun time raiding with your bro's, you don't enjoy crafting/gathering and the story bores you or isn't enough to keep you coming back, then gear is all that's left.
And if, in addition to all that, you can't get invested in upgrading your gear, why keep logging in?


>FFXIV spents a lot of effort inflating value by 'hyping up' new gear through previews ahead of time, cool effects and visuals and cutscenes and stories attached to them.
That's true, and while it's cool to believe that your gear has more meaning to it than it actually does, there are a lot of people that see it for what it really is, and that being time wasted. I feel that players that feel indoctrinated to this game aren't really playing because what they're adding seems new and fun, but because if they stop playing, everything they've earned up to this point was shit on and a waste of time. It still feels that way when, after 4+ years of playing (1.0 included), I feel like I don't have much to show for that time when compared to what someone has for playing for a fraction of that time. It takes away from the value of my character and makes it easier to quit, if anything.
>It's obviously a waste of time to have spent months grinding, when someone else can get the same in one week's time. And yet, people can't wait for the new relic.
This is what doesn't make any sense to me. It's the same gimmick over and over again, so why do people get hyped over it when they know the result will be the same?

>DPS pulls the boss
>provoke+shield throw and run it out so it resets


BLM is worse off than RDM. Even though they are both in a bad place.
Same goes for SAM compared to other melees, DRK compared to other tanks, SCH compared to other healers and MCH compared to BRD.
SE is just really bad at balancing their game, most of the time it's both unbalanced and worse, unfulfilling.

Why the hate mate?

RDM doesn’t need damage because it’s designed to be the easy class for stupid people.

But why?
If the DPS can't wait 15 seconds for the rest to arrive, why save his ass?
He fucked up, not my problem.

There is nothing it can do, in both pve and pvp, that bard doesnt do better or more easily, you pretty much only play it if you like the job.

SCH and MCH are in a good spot though.

>you'll never spend a day at the beach with the admiral
Why are we still here, just to suffer?

>DRK bitching about how not viable they are for months
>new content comes out
>world first clear is with a DRK
>wooooooow this doesn’t prove anything

actually what it proved is the meta is trying too hard to min max a game that doesn’t have that level of complexity but helps overcompensate for how bad the average player is

DRK needs TBN before 70 though

people keep saying BLM and RDM are supposedly bad, but those are the classes I've had the most fun with so far. I DO play this game for fun, right?

>he fell for the brd is better than mch meme

I agree, but the JPN forums don't. Because if it's not equal, it's in a bad spot. Hence the "compared to" parts every time.
And you know who SE listens to... okay no one, but they're more likely to listen to the JPN forums than any other if they ever did decide to listen.