Are there any games about sailing?
Are there any games about sailing?
no i have never heard of a game in a long-established and highly rated franchise where you're on a boat for 80% of it
>game has boats with sail
>speed isn't affected by the wind direction
Is this a joke about Assassin's Creed
Sunless Sea
Wind Waker
Some Pirates game or something
That other Pirates online game where you sink people
black flag
>what is Sid Meier’s Pirates!
Napoleon: Total War
Naval battles are pretty sweet.
the best pirate game I have never played
Negative, never have I been privy to the existence of a ludonarrative of a series chartered some time ago and widely well-appraised wherein one resides upon an aquatic vessel capable of sailing for four-fifths of said game.
I think it was for Wind Waker
if you know almost anything about sailing, no, not really
otherwise, sure, any of the games listed in this thread
but frankly just go read hornblower or aubrey/maturin
Can anyone explain to me how the fuck this works?
I mean I can kinda understand from 4 to 8o clock but how the fuck do you go against the wind?
you literally can't go against the wind, but you can go at 1 o clock against it.
it's because of how sails are made, imagine if you were on a ship and you only could go in the general direction of the wind, not very useful is it?
Sure but what's the physics behind that? How can you go 1 2 or even 3 o clock direction if the wind is blowing south?
>wind can move ships but can barely move a leaf
If you look at the point the sails are at, they will still catch the wind, and their angle is such that it JUST gives some push toward the front.
Best I can do:
Same physics as an airplane wing. Look up the Bernoulli principle.
Look at this beauty, doesn't even need a sail.
how does it become this?
Just fuck my shit up senpai
It can't handle being outside its comfort zone
Doesn't that lose half of its ores?
The WIND goes in the same direction, back of the boat.
The SAILS extend to the direction they are pointed at, which here is just barely toward the bow of the boat.
The sails don't catch much of the wind, but enough to create some forward momentum.
This really is the best I can do.
It's pretty basic. The wind hits the sails and bounces off the rear sail cancelling the backwards thrush.
Wind doesn't push sailboats.
It creates some stupid pressure difference that, for all technical quantities, causes the sails to "pull" the sailboat.
i just read a couple articles and watched a few shitty youtube explanations and this one was the simplest and easiest to understand that i found
Because of the way the sails are angled and the fact that the hull of the ship resists moving in any direction but forward. It should be stated that going at an angle into the wind is very slow compared to sailing with the wind.
There's also tacking
Those arrows would push it backwards.
boats have a keel, a long flat piece jutting out under the boat which resists any motion perpendicular to the boat. this is also why boats dont tip
if you divide the red force arrows on the sails into forces perpendicular and parallel to the boat, you will have a long perpendicular one and a short parallel one facing forward
the keel cancles the long perpendicular and what you are left with is a small but sufficient forward force
Wind Waker is hardly a sailing game in the strict sense--its sailing model is so trivially simple it could be just about any damn vehicle and it didn't matter.
>It should be stated that going at an angle into the wind is very slow compared to sailing with the wind.
Depends on your ship. For small boats, going full wind is definitely slower than going half wind, because your nose gets pushed forward into to the water too much, increasing your water resistance by a shitton.
>sailcuck logic
>Sup Forums has experts on 24/7 that knows about programming, optics, physics, social behaviour and more
>yet there seams to be a lack of sailors
Is there a problem?
>healer doing something in mmo and thinking about stuff or whatever
it's reactive forces - the wind pushes to 6 o clock, and the angle of the sails catches it so that the reaction it drives into the sails goes to the 9 o clock - and the direction that the boat is facing has a leftwards component, which if you consider how most sailing boats work with the shape and how they move through water means that there's only one movement you can get out of this reaction of forces: the 11 o clock you see in his pictures
Isn't internet at sea really shitty
Needs trollface
the ping is shit, but you can still post
I used to be a competitive sailor until I was 15
>trying to understand sailing
We are still 42 posts in. Maybe their posts are yet to be received.
Another funny fact I heard is they use ropes to wipe their asses after shitting.
Also the term "show you the ropes" came from sailing.
Anyone else do small craft sailing?
I've mainly done some F-J and Lightning
i took sailing 101 in college and got fairly okay with an FJ but have forgotten all of it since
Now that is food for thought my friend
The sail becomes, in principle, a wing. The wind doesn't "push" anything. Some racing yacths actually use a rigid carbon fiber wing to generate speed.
Not the same ropes, I hope
Forgot about the keel, that would make little sense without it.
I have no idea why I'm so invested in this, fuck.
Just go sailing in the summer.
Sailing is quite literally more detailed and nuanced then any existing game today.
>boat can only move forwards
Then why have a sail at all?
Optimist when I was younger and Polyvalk now with friends occasionally
And Wind-Surfing sorta counts I guess, at least my sailing experience helped in picking it up cuz a lot of the same principles apply
Because people want to sail forwards
Okay that's it I'm out.
Sid Meier's Pirates
Also no One Piece game ever even though it's perfectly suited for it.
There is a large fin-like insert on a boat called a centerboard which directs the vessel forward while the rudder (the steering appendage) acts in a similar manner to direct the boat by steering the transom. The centerboard is what directs motion forward instead of simply pushing you in the direction if the wind. When you take it out, your boat will start drifting like crazy.
If you made the boat tall enough the boat itself would be a sail.
Of course they are.
Uncharted Waters
Uncharted Waters: New Horizons
Daikoukai Jidai III: Costa del Sol
Daikoukai Jidai Gaiden
Daikoukai Jidai IV: Porto Estado
Daikoukai Jidai V: Road to Zipang
Uncharted Waters Online
>People this stupid are on Sup Forums.
What vehicles drive sideways? Do you drive your car to work backwards? Are you taking a fucking air balloon to work? Are you fucking retarded?
Also, a smaller boat can go backwards by heading directly into the Irons position, and pushing the boom so it forced to catch wind and propel the boat in reverse.
i played black flag after devouring the aubrey/maturin series and while the naval combat was infinitely better than the on land portions, it was still vastly disappointing
i think real sailing and age of sail combat is too complicated for video games
>calls other people stupid
>thinks a car is a boat
>he thinks a car isn't a boat
GTA 4 taught me they are.
>A car can only go forwards? Why have an engine at all.
lmfao.. send help..
i can't stop laughing at this, what the fuck
So I pirate and started playing black flag after seeing this thread, as I heard it was a good pirate game.
It's my first assassins creed game, and what's the deal with the modern/scifi part of the game, do I use some time machine or simulator to live as a pirate and they then sell the footage as entertainment?
They don't explain it very well at the start and I'm confused
Please indicate the post where I said it was a car you retarded fuck.
the whole ac franchise has the bizarre framing device that memories are somehow stored in your DNA and passed down so all the assassin stories are told by diving into VR through the DNA of their descendants
thanks, it kind of makes more sense now I guess
I see that you were in that Sup Forums thread as well.
But no, there are no good games about sailing. It´s a shame, but i think that devs don´t want to waste resources on making an wind-water based engine to give proper controlls on your ships.
I think that /vg/ had one general, the one about engineering vidya, that has some content about a game called From the Deeps or something like that. It´s like a ship construction game, but niggers can even make fucking mechas, that´s the close you´ll get to this.
Wasn't Naval Action decent? Or did the developers abandon it
Sup Forums - Sailors Techniques
There is if you're a vrfag
Is Naval Action good? Latest steam reviews say devs have made the game worse, more grindy, less fun. How are its sailing mechanics though they seem the most complex of all these games
>no discussion of knots
Do you even sail?
Literally learned this through playing Sid Meier's Pirate's. Only way to get anywhere when the wind doesn't agree with your destination.
Unironically asking why you need all those different knots. Isn't there one that's good enough for every scenario?
Kek. Fuck no. Most people use bowlines and two-half-hitches and anchor knots for everything.
look what they are tying the knot to and think again