How could it have been better?


If it stayed in Beta, Jeb and Microshaft not touching it.

it was never good

Could have been written in a real language like c or c++.

spending the millions to improve the game and expanding it and not buying mansions in calfornia

Getting continued stuff in the frequency it used to have before being bought of.
WHat are they even doing now? Half a year for some background mob in one random strutuer is bullshit.

Remove Adventure update.

Why would Notch spend money improving a game he no longer owned?

The only bad parts about it are the unrewarding hunger system and the nu-terrain.

should have gone in a more industrial than magical direction

Get rid of hunger

4craft when?

what's so bad about hunger anyways?
Is it because managing health with the food items that took a whole inventory slot was harder so it was more fun?

Added an element that didn't need to be there. You can't just wander about and mine at your own leisure because you're constantly watching your hunger

>remove hunger
>make beds be spawning points instead of "skip the night"
>make food work like potions that can buff your shit
>if you eat too much or run right after eating you get nauseous
>focus more on building rather than survival
>keep the old world generation
>actually implement floating islands

Enable peaceful mode

wtf thats what they do
wtf no
yes very much yes

Is it so hard to make a animal farm and stack 200 cooked steaks before mining?
>pre adventure mode
>get damaged over time by fighting mobs underground
>run out of food to heal
>have to go to the surface to get food to heal

Last time I played you could skip nights in single player, not sure if they changed that

Food would work like in Terraria, a "well fed" status buff to help with daily things, minor but convenient. Maybe rarer foods could also have secondary effects like the golden apple.

The nausea stuff is "muh realism" but gives some kind of punishment so you won't just be swallowing chicken while a Neather fucker is setting you on fire

What's with Sup Forums being autistic about hunger? I started playing in beta 1.3_01 and never had an issue when hunger was added. It's not even hard to manage.

this. also mechanics. i think there was a mod once that added simple stuff like wind and water mills.
mechanicle transfers in adition to redstone would have been nice.

>Make a farm
>Do shit
>Load up
>Go do shit
>Grab your shit and replant
>Go out into the world and do shit while it grows
You can just turn it off bruh

I enjoyed the structures and generation in the adventure update

I must say Microsoft took a smart decision by ditching Java and building a new engine in order to join every version of MC together

I'll give you a hint
Adventure update was around the time minecraft got really popular

Remove hunger
instead, add food buffs
better world generation
add content instead of reworking everything and having to duct tape it together

Remember when minecraft had lots of content?

Nah, If you wait like 5 years it may.. I did that recently and found it's all the same.

Developers like that make me learn how to make games.

Remove hunger

Refine the exp/leveling system to more than just rng enchants.

Too bad they made it in microsoft Java aka c#, which isn't much better performance wise.

Nigga please. The least of MC's worries
>Modders have outshined/worked Mojang to the point where they say not adding features regularly is meant to keep the game balanced
-They won't add certain features/mobs/etc. because reasons Adding sharks will encourage people to hunt them or riding dolphins is animal abuse.
>This entire thing
>Porting it to every other platform instead of fleshing out the Java version
>1.14 looks promising but has already been done by modders years ago
>1.13 is going to probably fuck up MC from a technical standpoint
>Still only six fucking trees. Would it be too hard to add a fucking palm tree to the beach biome?
>Adding things but not fleshing them out or doing anything significant


Focus on the comfy exploration and building instead of trying to turn it into a generic survival game.

>encourage animal abuse