"To my knowledge...

"To my knowledge, no one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great dramatists, poets, filmmakers, novelists and composers. That a game can aspire to artistic importance as a visual experience, I accept. But for most gamers, video games represent a loss of those precious hours we have available to make ourselves more cultured, civilized and empathetic." - Quentin Tarantino

Why is he so closed minded?

Other urls found in this thread:


He's not wrong.

He’s probably the most overrated director ever.

"I didn't go to film school, I went films *brap* it's a black male thing *sips too hot coffee* MMMH!" -Quentin "Uno Farto" Tarantino

>"To my knowledge, no one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great dramatists, poets, filmmakers, novelists and composers.

Admitting ignorance in a specific topic isn't the same as saying that it doesn't exist. That's definitely not the same as Ebert's dumb ass spouting nonsense after playing literally Angry Birds and Candy Crush.

Artistic acceptance is going to take time. At the current state of things, games won't be accepted as proper media for another decade or so.

Novels, Newspapers, Magazines, Movies, Plays, Music. Every type of media still has naysayers, and took time to even be popularly enjoyed.

He shouldn’t talk. His movies are all style and no substance. I’d rather play a game than watch some nigger say nigger and get cut up with a sword over and over again.


Planescape Torment and SS1/2. There done now go back to suckin feet Quentin.

Best Tarantino movie?
Hard mode: No Reservoir Dogs


Well his movies are not really great, and pretty much pander to normie scum. So his opinion is naturally very narrow-minded and inexperienced.

A shame really, now I think even less of him as an creator.

Because he's a narcissistic shit eating cuck with overrated r*ddit tier movies

>Cave Story

The only thing I don't agree with is calling video games a waste of time. They're fun. I don't see how watching movies is more important. but yeah vidya can't be art. nor should that EVER be the goal. Why care about art anyway?

That was Ebert. And he changed his mind before he died. Even though "aspiring to artistic importance" is the cancer killing video games, at least in the west.

Probably Inglourious Basterds.

I didn't even like Reservoir Dogs very much. It's my least favorite of his movies, in fact.

This man would unironically cream himself for days on end if someone showed him Red Dead Redemption.


>To my knowledge, no one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great dramatists, poets, filmmakers, novelists and composers

He's right in that much, but it's not a fair comparison given that videogames are by far the youngest of all those listed mediums.

> But for most gamers, video games represent a loss of those precious hours we have available to make ourselves more cultured, civilized and empathetic.

I don't get this part though. Videogames are a waste of time, in that you could be out there being a better person in the real world... Is that what he's saying? Well that's equally true of movies, but it doesn't stop me watching.

Also, it's a bit presumptuous to decide for me what is and isn't a waste of time.

Basterds. The larger narrative may not be the best, but the individual scenes are the best he's done.

>"Let's compare a relativity new medium to old ones"

Doubt it. There's no black revenge porn in RDR

>*sips too hot coffee* MMMH!"
why was this so funny

>in that you could be out there being a better person in the real world
>Also, it's a bit presumptuous to decide for me what is and isn't a waste of time.

are there actually user in this thread that really think tarantino said that? can't wait for his helter skelter film btw

Yes, that's what i said. Thank you very much for reminding me.

Footfags belong in a zoo with their fellow apes.

Roger Ebert said this, not Tarantino

Anyone unironically think that Tarantino would be a better game director than a film director?

Kill Bill would basically play like No More Heroes.


Videogames have bad story telling and characters because they aren't the focus (gameplay should be) and because devs will hire people who are too shit to be writers because they're cheaper.

If a story was really good, why waste it on a game where it's second banana to the gameplay?

Looks like trash visually, blatantly unfinished, and has several spots like the seath fight which are simply terrible.

Jackie Brown

Tarantino cites the fact that his mom would fuck various black men and they would often take him to blacksploitation films as the source of his style of directing.

But no film is on par with good literature. He realizes that doesn't he?

He really liked pic related though.

And no literature is on par with the human experience of life, so what’s the point then?

>Make retard important
>retard speaks out of the ass
>other retards aggree
>retards care and make posts about it
>retards respond
The endless downward spiral of retardation. Just ignore these fags with their "more cultured then (you)" circlerjerk. cant wait for bookfags to come out of their caves and compare monster hunter to dostoyewski jesus this will be HILLARIOUS

Fucking dark souls? Really? Tried playing 2 and it was pure shit

And no human experience of life is on par with anime

Say no to 3D

>But for most gamers, video games represent a loss of those precious hours we have available to make ourselves more cultured, civilized and empathetic.
And then you die and rot cultured, civilized and empathetic.
I'd rather enjoy the moment.

That script needed to be looked over by a good editor real bad. Worst pacing of any of his movies, I still liked it though

pretty cool desu

He's not wrong.
I don't want games to be art, I want them to be games. Every "art" game is complete garbage.
I blame digital distribution and Valve for the push of art and cinematic games, but people will continue giving them a pass like usual.

It's actually surprising that growing up like that didn't fuck him up badly.

I mean he has a foot fetish, but all things considered he came out of that pretty lightly.

It's about on par.

Then play 1 you nignog


Ebert strikes from beyond the grave
and Sup Forumsirgins believe whoever you attribute the quotes to, ebin

This is the whole God damn problem. How the fuck can you have your head so far up your own ass that you dictate an entire medium that hasn't been around for more than 3 decades as not art?
Is vidya art now? No.
Were some vidya back then made in the same way art is made? Yes.
Does ever vidya dev wanna make art? No.

How would you know how fucked up he is? Just because he isn't painting the side of buses with his shit doesn't mean he couldn't be messed up internally.

I think the fact that you (the player) exists in the game (through an avatar) should be art enough.

Like when I'm playing Doom, I fucking feel like Doom guy. What other artistic endeavor can boast that?

Fuck "art" games

>"To my knowledge"---Quentin Tarantino

And that's the end.

I'm sure teh hatefull eight really made me more culture, civilized, and empathetic than Halo 2 did.

I'm sure there'll always be the more traditional games even if people try to push it as an artistic medium too, like with fun movies
I'd like both experiences to be available. Recently got papers please, that's usually cited as a good example
and yet I can play rocket league afterwards and enjoy both

Don't vidya give great improvements to multi-tasking and hand-eye coordination?

Op post is fake.

Tarentino just doesn't want to direct video games cause he hate CGI. he want real actors.

He's also an half life fan.


Try a half century. I've played games since I was a child, but I find the concept of artistic importance laughable at best. It's going to take 50 years.

Games are full of people shooting each other and yelling nigger, how could Tarantino not love them

The fact that his foot fetishism is so bad it got out of Hollywood should make you shudder at what kinda deviancy he does behind closed doors without the paparazzi watching.

>and retarded user doesn't get it's a meme
Like clockwork

>Don't vidya give great improvements to multi-tasking and hand-eye coordination?

Memory too, as you often have to memorize enemy behavior, map lay outs, what's in your inventory, etc.

Vidya is great for your brain, no lie

Maybe not so great for your mental health if you do it all day, but that's true of anything, not just games.

No that isn't, Blacksploitation films were shit and black majority theaters were as shit then as having a bunch of rowdy rudies at a horror film hollering and yelling stupid shit before every jumpscare.

Also, his mom was a massive whore, it was 5x as socially unacceptable in the 1970's as it is now meaning she was immensely bottom of the barrel trash.

All his films have some sort of slight sexual focus on black men though I don't think it's as prominent as the foot thing.

Watching a Tarantino movie is the exact opposite of becoming more cultured, civilized, and empathetic.

Artsy shit like Journey is a pretty good example of games offering a unique experience, Call of Duty's existence does not negate the medium's value any more than Paul Blart: Mall Cop de-legitimizes Lawrence of Arabia.

In a hundred years people will argue that simstim brain experiences aren't art and that they lack the purity of TV shows and videogames

>All his films have some sort of slight sexual focus on black men

True dat. Hateful 8 literally had a (white) guy sucking a black dick.

>jewish power fantasy
>best Tarantino movie
yeah no

Videogames are art. All of them, from the most bland cinematic experience to the most joyful games, all of them are art. And, as far as videogames are concerned, game design is it's most important tool for analysis to determine wich ones deserve to be called "masterpieces".

>But for most gamers, video games represent a loss of those precious hours we have available to make ourselves more cultured, civilized and empathetic."
well he's definitely not wrong about that. if you spend two hundred hours 100%ing Disgaea or something, or mindlessly playing deathmatch in cawadooty with 12 year olds, or games with randoms in League or whatever, then that's basically hundreds of hours that you've whiled away without accomplishing anything, learning anything, or growing. not that this condemnation is unique to video games, I think the same thing could be said about how most human beings expend most of their free time - watching TV, looking up stupid memes on Facebook and YouTube, browsing Sup Forums, etc. but I would argue that if you're playing competitive games and taking self improvement very seriously (rts or fighting games or dota clones, whatever) then there's a slightly more constructive aspect to that which is more comparable playing sports or chess as a hobby, or what have you. I'm pretty sure that's not what Tarantino was referring to, though. of course there are plenty of people here on Sup Forums who would contend that the ultimate goal of any game is just to be fun and entertaining and anything further is pretentious, but I would disagree with them

>To my knowledge, no one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great dramatists, poets, filmmakers, novelists and composers.
this is the more interesting claim, IMO. what video games if any, can be compared to the great works of other media? if none, which do you think come closest, Sup Forums? off the top of my head, I might say MGS2, and maybe Journey.

oh and I forgot to mention Shadow of the Colossus

>Admitting ignorance in a specific topic isn't the same as saying that it doesn't exist. That's definitely not the same as Ebert's dumb ass spouting nonsense after playing literally Angry Birds and Candy Crush.
this, lol. the relative humility from Tarantino is actually really refreshing

You should see what goes on at the mega churches/gospel gigs. It would blow your mind.

>To my knowledge, no one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great dramatists, poets, filmmakers, novelists and composers
I'm not one of those people who think that video games are THE NEXT GREAT ART FORM AFTER CINEMA, but even I can see that this statement is just utterly retarded. How in the name of jesus fuck is the fact that people who are in their 40s and 50s any indication of the quality of the medium?
What a dumb, self important statement.

>Blacksploitation films were shit
they did some pretty interesting things.

reservoir dogs is his best though. second place h8ful 8

>I never said any of this
-Quentin Tarantino

Some of the most talented developers of our time are in that age bracket.

>People thinking videogames are art
lol, no they arent, and never got why people want it to be.

Uma Therman's husband in pulp fiction is a big black guy despite the sexual tension with John Travolta. Maelinia Laurent's character in Inglorious Bastards is clearly in a sexual relationship with her assistant, who's black for no real reason in the film beyond some off-hand nazi comments and as a futher fuck-you to that guy she was seducing.

Then all of Django including references to the film Mandingo that was a film all about the supposed sexual superiority of blacks.

>what video games if any, can be compared to the great works of other media?
Deus Ex

oh. I see I've been rused. why, OP?

Nier: Automata
MGS2 + 3
9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors

And those are purely from a narrative perspective. Pure gameplay would be another deal entirely. There aren't enough games that properly utilize the medium, to be sure.

I wonder if QT ever sat in his room as a boy and masturbated to the sound of his mother fucking every black guy in the whole neighborhood.

You could look at Hollywood blockbusters and say much of the same thing. Summer entertainment is disposable garbage, meant to eat away an hour and a half of your time for a huge profit margin. There's no art in Marvel Studios. It's consumer garbage.

Likewise, I think it's hard to consider most AAA games as anything even resembling art. They simply aren't. They're calculated attempts at turning 1 dollar into 2

In both cases, you probably have to look far and wide at the indie projects to find anything resembling art. And someone who has no experience with video games probably isn't even aware that indie video games exist

Is there any gender reversed black revenge porn? Black women stealing away white men?

>There aren't enough games that properly utilize the medium, to be sure.
NIER? and I would argue that MGS2 is a story that's pretty specific to the fact that its a game, I think it would have been a worse story had it been a movie or a book. same definitely goes for Journey which is why I mentioned it. and MGS3 also had a few moments that were pretty LUDO (pushing R1 to shoot the boss at the end)

Kill Bill Vol 1. Saw it in theaters on Robo a lot for some reason.


desu film talking shit is hilarious since its the video games of its time. I know its fake quote but for filmakers/film buffs to but themselves in the same category as literature or fine art is absolutely laughable.

not that I think any games out is "art"

only correct answer
also acceptable

inglorious bastards is overrated. Sup Forums please dont reply to me.

Umm, ever heard of a little thing called Nier Automata ??

>why, OP?

The end of the Boss fight was something I specifically had in mind. Nier, can really and truly be read beside I, Robot. Anyone who says otherwise without a specific argument is just being contrarian.

Planescape: Torment
Nier Automata
Thief 1 and 2
Star Wars: KotR 1 and 2 for being 10x better than Disney's tripe and the prequels.
Metal Gear Solid 2
Deus Ex

I forgot to type "people who are in their 40s and 50s and ignorant of a medium any indication"

Sucking big toes makes me more cultured and civilized

KBv1 > Pulp fiction > Hateful 8 > Basterds > Django > Reservoir Dogs > KBv2

I like your taste my dude

>Nier, can really and truly be read beside I, Robot.
I don't understand what you mean by this

my brotha
